Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 198: Rob marriage

"Flight? Extreme again!"

"Extreme monsters? And three heads?"

Everyone was shocked to see the scene in front of them!

"He said Luo Qingcheng was unwilling ... what does he have to do with this girl?"

"They don't look much different in age, so come here and don't plan to **** marriage!"

"Stealing marriage in front of so many Supremes of the Empire?"

"What about so many Supremes? Do you see people who are also Supreme, and there are still three Supreme-level monsters?"

After a dull moment under the stage, the audience immediately became a sensation.

Hearing the words of a young man in the air, everyone knew that they must be bad, and all excited eyes were red.

The fact that these people are able to come over shows that they like watching liveliness, and those who like to watch liveliness have a problem. That is, they are not afraid of big things, but they feel that the bigger the liveliness, the more beautiful!

Therefore, they don't care about juveniles coming to "grab their relatives", but they feel very excited!

The four families were deeply entrenched in the Kamikaze Empire, and no one dared to offend, and now suddenly a person came out and provoked in front of them ... It was exciting to think about it!

"Who are you? Dare to make trouble at my grandson's wedding?"

Zhao Xun did not expect that a Supreme Power would suddenly emerge, and he said this, his brows frowned, and the volley flew up.

"Oh, allure, follow me!"

"Huh!" Luo Qingcheng nodded.

Nie Yun's visit this time is to make the matter bigger, and ignore Zhao Xun's questioning, and use a palm of his hand. A whirlwind formed by infuriating air completely wrapped Luo Qingcheng and flew over.

"Let my wife down ..."

Zhao Xingpu's face turned red. Scream and punch out!


Nie Yun pressed down with a slap.


A huge palmprint instantly shattered Zhao Xingpu's attack, and by the way pressed it **** the ground, he kept struggling but couldn't move.

The gap is too big!

Regardless of your genius, as long as you do not reach the Supreme, you will be ten thousand miles away from the Supreme.

"It's so strong ... you can just blow one of Zhao Xingpu's full strength with one punch and lay him down!"

"Is this the power of the Supreme Strong?"

See the young man in the air. Seeing the lively crowd, they all grew up and couldn't speak.

Although I know that the Supreme is the pinnacle of Qihai practitioners, but very few people have ever seen the Supreme shot. At this time, seeing Zhao Xingpu like a ant in the hands of a teenager, they are all dumbfounded.

Put Luo Qingcheng on the back of the Wind Wolf King, Nie Yun looked at Zhao Xun, the ancestor of the Zhao family.

At this time, Zhao Xun saw that he seemed to be judging the exact strength and origin of the teenager. Frown "Who the **** are you?"

"Who am I? Oh, Luoshuicheng Nie's, Nie Yun!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Nie Yun? That genius, a seventeen-year-old boy in Luoshuicheng? You ... aren't you the master of strength? How is it supreme?"

Seems to have heard of Nie Yun's name, Zhao Xun shrank his pupils, and shouted in surprise.

"What? A seventeen-year-old?"

"Seventeen-year-old Supreme?"

"Super genius who is more genius than Lord Mo Yanqing?"

Zhao Xun made a noise. The voice was loud and everyone heard it, and all looked at the boy at this time.

The seventeen-year-old Supreme has broken their understanding of cultivation.

"Ha ha, does it seem that Lord Zhao Xun knows me well! In that case, can the Lord inform me where my parents and Lord Luo Zhanhao, the father of Luo Qingcheng, were arrested by you?"

Nie Yun smiled.

Although he did not confirm that his father's arrest had anything to do with this Zhao Xun. However, if you want to make a big noise, you need to be famous. It does n’t matter if the other party does n’t recognize it. You can fight until he admits it!

Who told his grandson to sacrifice Luo Qing, and said that he could find the Lord of Luo Zhanhao!

"Where is your father and others? How can I know? Nie Yun, I don't care how you reached the Supreme level. Now it seems, but in the early days of the Supreme, you immediately let go of my granddaughter and leave, and you can ignore the things today, or I don't mind falling to a Supreme today! "

Zhao Xun's face sank and he drank coldly.

"The fall of the Supreme Strong? You know very well, knowing that you are not good, and you will definitely die if you fight with me. Now that you know it, please tell the news obediently, don't force me to do it!" Nie Yun grinned.


"Dare you dare to talk to ancestor Zhao Xun?"

"He wouldn't think that with three monsters, he could beat Zhao Xun's ancestor!"

Anyway, Zhao Xun is an old-fashioned Supreme. He has been promoted for more than 20 years. The young man said that he would not give the slightest face, and everyone thought he was going crazy.

"you wanna die!"

Zhao Xun apparently did not expect that the teenager would say this. The angry three dead bodies jumped, and the five fingers opened and they were about to shoot.

"Oh, Brother Nie Yun, I haven't seen you for a few days, don't come here for nothing? We are all supreme strongmen, and we can usually consult each other. There is no need to start because of small things!"

Just as Zhao Xun was about to shoot, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, blocking the two.

"It's Mo Yanqing!"

"The first genius of the Mo Yanqing Empire, now his name has been taken off by this Nie Yun ..."

"I'm really right today. I can see two geniuses at the same time!"

"You said that Master Mo Yanqing is terrific or Master Nie Yun is terrific?"

"That is to say, of course, Lord Mo Yanqing, although Lord Nie Yun is also very genius, but after all, he is too young ..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, the audience recognized it, all excited eyes turned red.

Mo Yanqing, the first genius of the empire, the 31-year-old supreme strongman, an idol worshipped by countless people! Now a character more genius than him suddenly appeared, and the two geniuses were suspended in the air, causing everyone's fiery.

"It's you?"

See clearly how Mo Yanqing looks, Nie Yun froze.

This Mo Yanqing was the Mai man who had come to kill himself in Jibei City!

No wonder I've been wondering. When the Kamikaze Empire came to a few Supremes, when did one suddenly emerge, and the strength was so overbearing!

I haven't seen Mo Yanqing himself in the previous life, and the legend of this man is that he used a knife instead of a sword, so he couldn't think of it.

"Oh, it's me, can Brother Nie Yun sell me face ..."

Seeing Nie Yun recognize himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mo Yanqing laughed.

Others don't know Nie Yun's strength. Mo Yanqing knows very well. Knowing that Zhao Xun and his rivalry had only a dead end, and that they had owed the Zhao family the favor, so they naturally became peacemakers.

"Buy your face? Do you want to fight with me again?"

The previous time I came here to kill myself, and after I was defeated, I turned and fled. Now I dare to come and be a peacemaker, Nie Yun sneers.

In the eyes of others, he is a peerless genius, a super genius, in his eyes, nothing counts!

"I ... I'm not Brother Nie's opponent! I can't resist Brother Nie's sword! It's nothing better!"

Lips opened, Mo Yanqing knew his strength, and finally sighed.

"What? Lord Mo Yanqing admits that he is not Lord Nie Yun's opponent? This ..."

There was an uproar under the stage. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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