Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2025: Refined weaver shuttle

"This sword is now at the level of complete kingship, which is in line with your current strength. When you enter the realm, you can raise it with the temperature of heaven and earth, and it will progress with the increase of strength!"

The blue fairy smiled slightly.


Holding the star sword, Nie Yunyue liked it.

Put the sword into the world of things, wrap it in the heavens and earth, and look at the fairy once again, full of gratitude.

The other side said that it was light and lucky, but he knew that the sword, regardless of its length, size, and rigidity, perfectly matched him. Based on this, it was not simple.

"From here back to Yunzhou where Putian collar is located, there is still a long way to go. The divine realm is vast, and you must have a lot of inconvenience now. This weaving shuttle was made by myself in the past. Now with my increase in strength, I also use No more, I will give it to you! "

The fairy Fairy points her finger a little, and the shuttlecock appears in front of her.

"That ... how, no, this gift is too big, I can't accept it!"

Nie Yun quickly shook his head.

He has taken this shuttle weaver before. The peak of the imperial realm is very precious. It took a long time for the blue fairy to make it successfully. How could he be better than himself?

"Don't hesitate to refuse, in fact, I give you this thing, I am selfish!" It seems that he would have refused, and Fairy Fairy smiled.


"Well, you know what's happening now, the invasion of fire poison, although this breakthrough, coupled with your elixir, can increase your lifespan again, but it can only be five years at most! Five years is not short, But for our practitioners, it's a flash! So ... the weaver shuttle is precious. I don't need it anymore, and leave it to Bier. Her strength is shallow, and I'm afraid of guilt. Instead, it will cause trouble! , Also prepared her a treasure early, this thing is not suitable for her! "

"Moreover, if you leave now, if you find a solution to my fire poisoning later, but you can't come back and treat me, wouldn't it be bad? I will give you a shuttle, and you can come back faster, not the best of both worlds?"

Blue Fairy Road.


Nie Yun was speechless.

Give her treatment from the start. You know that the woman in front of her doesn't care about life and death. This shows that Xian is intentional and wants peace of mind.

Take it, I feel a little embarrassed. If you do n’t take it, everything will be said about it. If you do n’t take it, it does n’t mean that you do n’t want to give her treatment?

"Thank you so much, I will find a solution to the fire poisoning in your body in the future. Nie Yun must use all her strength!"

Nie Yun's face was solemn.

"There is one more thing, and I hope you can agree!" Seeing the firmness in his eyes, the fairy Fairy nodded secretly, and the dark eyes showed a dim color: "After I leave. I hope you can take care of Bier, she Being simple, I am afraid of death. I will be bullied by others! "

"Relax, Bier is also my friend. If anything, I will definitely not stand idly by!"

Nie Yun promised.

He was treated with fire poison at the beginning. Almost died back to death. Fairy Fairy as a master, the fire poison in her body is more powerful. He has no confidence. If he can't really save the other party ... it is proper to take care of Bier.

Regardless of the other party's request, Guang Zhi and Bi Er are friends, and General Zhi Zhi has helped himself so much that he can't ignore it.

Of course, the best solution to the fire poison in the fairy fairy is no longer a problem.

"She is now working to increase it. The fire poison must be more terrible. It seems that she can only reach the emperor's realm and then think of a way!"

Knowing that things were in a hurry, Nie Yun was relieved.

Huodu is powerful. His current strength can't hold back the counterattack. After he reaches the imperial realm, think of a way!


After saying that, Nie Yun no longer stayed, said goodbye to Fairy Fairy, and the shuttle weaver shook slightly, and flew towards Vulcan City.

When the Fairy Fairy gave him, he had cancelled the control of the weaver shuttlecock, and it was not difficult to refine.

After refining, I learned that the treasure is terrible. Even if he is driven by this strength, he can fly dozens of times faster than flying beasts!

At the peak of the imperial realm, although it is not a fighting fighter, the defense force is very amazing. Even if you encounter the late imperial powerhouse, you can quickly smash this weaver to death.

I have to say that this is not only a flying soldier, but also a big killer.

"I'm afraid Fairy Fairy has thought of this too, and that's why I gave this treasure to me!" Nie Yun was grateful.

I can think of it, the other party is certainly more able to think of it, so precious treasures are given away, I am sure that I am afraid of accidents, which is equivalent to giving a talisman.

There is a female shuttle shuttle flying at a speed much faster than the previous flying **** beast, and dozens of breathing efforts came to the Vulcan auction house.


Before he found Wei Buxin, he saw a figure fluttering and saw his face full of excitement.

"Have you recovered?"

Nie Yun smiled.

I was in front of Yuan Jiu, who was found in the employment market. He was entangled with nine black fingers before, and was better off than alive. He had no strength at all. At this time, the patient was solved, and the recovery during this time, a The powerful breath hides inside and bursts out at any time.

It seems that even if it is not completely recovered, it is almost the same.

"It's almost restored, only one last point!" Yuan Jiu nodded.

"That's good!"

I thought the other party would take a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's a big deal to wait here by yourself. Now you don't have to wait. Naturally it is best.

"Master Nie Yun, you are here!"

After just two sentences, they saw Wei Buxin running all the way.

Knowing that this grandpa is back, the happiest person may not be Yuan Jiu, but him.

He knew that as long as he followed the grandfather, there would be countless money and countless benefits.

"What did I ask you to check?"

Vulcan Auction House is the largest trading market in the entire Vulcan realm. It has many people in contact with it. They are well informed, and Lingtai Lingyue and others may find out the news in the Red River. Message.

"Not yet, but ... the person you want to check must still be in the Red River!" Wei Buxin scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Although there are business dealings with the Red River Basin, it is after all forces from other places. I only know where to enter there, and I haven't found out yet.

"I plan to go to the Red River Basin in person, and you will get me a map of the Red River Basin!"

Yantai Lingyue and others must have disguised themselves. It would not be so easy to find it. Nie Yun didn't expect him to find it. Therefore, he didn't lose anything when he said this, and he said.

"A map of the Red River? This is simple. I can help you find a military map, which is more detailed than the one sold outside!"

Wei Buxin didn't blame him for seeing the other side, and didn't say he would take the money back. He was relieved and said in a hurry.

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