Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 200: Hercules

Under the sweep of sword qi, no matter what the peak of qi sect, the strong qi sect, all the Zhao family on the high platform, all torn by a sword, turned into a puddle of meat!

Zhao Xingpu, who wanted to marry Luo Qingcheng, and Zhao Zhenyu, the current patriarch of the Zhao family, all died!

His parents are Nie Yun's inverse scale. Since Zhao Xun knew their news and did not say it, he had already committed the crime of death.

Not to mention others, take this Zhao Xingpu as an example. The royal lineage is of high quality. Once the opportunity is obtained, the strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds, and the grass will be rooted. Nie Yun will never leave himself a hidden danger!

"Ah ... Xingpu, Zhenyu ..."

Seeing his son, grandson, and all of Zhao's family on the high platform were chopped to death by this young boy, Zhao Xun was stunned and a blood spurted out.

I've seen it so hard, but never before!

How can a 17-year-old teenager have a real heart?

"I'll ask you again, say or don't say!" Ignoring his uncle, Nie Yun continued to ask.

"I do not……"

Zhao Xun just said "no", and saw the young man's brilliant sword spirit rushing towards the Zhao family who came to the wedding again, with a bang, hundreds of people died directly!

"Ah ... hurry up!"

"The Zhao family is finished ..."

Seeing the young man being rude, he immediately started to work. Everyone in the Zhao family knew that the former brilliant Zhao family was about to end and fled the seats.

"You ... you are a demon! You are a devil ..."

See this young boy in front of you, and shoot at will. Human life is not taken seriously at all, Rao is determined by Zhao Xun. I couldn't stand it anymore. I was sweating coldly and my eyes were full of fear.

"Boy, you can have such strength at this age, and you are fierce and unrelenting. Even I admire you a bit! How about, are you interested in being my subordinate?"

suddenly. On the high platform, Zhao Xun's "birth of life and death", the supreme man named Tu Xin spoke, and flew into the air while talking, step by step, as if climbing the empty staircase.

"Be your subordinate?" Nie Yun didn't know where this guy came from, looked at it in wonder, as if looking at an idiot.

"Hehe. Yes, Zhao Xun is my subordinate. He is useless. You can replace it. As long as you promise, I can release your parents without any damage!"

Tu Xin Supreme said with a smile. Like another big benefit.

"My parents, have you been arrested?"

Nie Yun's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Oh, yes! But it wasn't that I was arrested, it was the one above me, as long as you obediently and smoothly take things out. With my face, your parents are not harmless. Nothing difficult!"

Tu Xin Supreme seemed to think that the teenager would not refuse at all, and said proudly.

"The one above you? Who the **** are you?" Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

"Who am I? You listen to me obediently, and I will tell you naturally!" Tu Xin Supreme looked at Nie Yun, as if he saw a good and talented subordinate, a touch of excitement overflowed on his face.

"Listen to you? Okay!"

As soon as Nie Yun's palm was tightened, he clicked, Zhao Xun was severed and his body fell from the air.

Since this figure admits to arresting his parents and others, this Zhao Xun has no use value, and he will be killed if he kills.

"Oh, you know current affairs ..."

After hearing the boy's direct consent, Tuxinhaha laughed, but before the laughter was over, he suddenly saw a dark epee and smashed into his own door.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing this, Tu Xin naturally knew that the obedience of the young man was false, the hands were true, a sigh of anger, a double fist, and greeted him!


Two fists and one sword fought, powerful energy waves exploded instantly, and a cloud of mushroom-like clouds formed in the air.

Click! Click!

Under the impact of the aftermath of strength, the high platform below the two men battled, and cracks appeared, and the solid stone turned into powder!

A single residual wave can collapse the platform built by solid white stone, and the strength of the two is far beyond everyone's imagination!

"What power is this?"

"This is called strength. It was arrogant to see an airbladder before. Compared with them, it is not as good as scum ..."

Seeing the lively crowd at this time, they were all stunned. It stands to reason that the two supreme powerfuls are fighting, the destructive power is too great, it would be very dangerous to stand below, but no one is willing to leave!

Fighting the Supreme Strong, and fighting the Supreme Peak Strong, you may not see it once in your life. Seeing it with your own eyes, even if you die, it is worth it!

"Dad, this picture of the new Supreme looks great, Nie Yun will be fine!"

"Nie Yun is a man who can make a miracle. Let's watch it ..."

Far away from the crowd, Tielan and Tieyan looked at the warring parties with eyes full of worry.

"Hum, not so much strength!"

The confrontation between the two people opened immediately, and Tuxin Supreme sneered at Nie Yun.


Nie Yun had lost his previous contempt, and his eyes were dignified.

Although he has not played for a long time, Nie Yun has clearly found out that the opponent ’s pure physical strength is even stronger than himself!

The third layer of my own spiritual rhinoceros body recipe, the physical body is stronger than yourself? how can that be!

I just fought, although I did not use the potential of the earth and the mountains and rivers, but the weight of Xuanyu ’s sword matched with my full blow. Even the current Baihua Sovereign may not be able to block it. The other party not only blocked it, the power on his fist He even cracked his tiger's mouth, numb his palm, terrible!

Stronger than yourself? In my own impression, it is simply impossible!

Does he also practice the spiritual rhinoceros body skill, and the level is higher than himself?

"Although your strength is far worse than mine, it is worth my weapon!"

As soon as Tu Xinxuan turned his wrist, a huge hammer appeared in the palm of his hand.


When he saw that he had become a hammer out of thin air, Nie Yun knew that this man, like himself, also had a darling field!

Although the object of Tandan Dan is a special talent, some people are not in the minority, but small places like the Kamikaze Empire are relatively rare!

"This hammer weighs more than 3,700 pounds ~ www.readwn.com ~ The weapon is the heaviest. You can die on top of it, and it's a good death!"

The palm of his hand shook, and the hammer of more than 3,700 pounds lightly shook. In Tu Xinshi ’s hand, it was as light as a toy.

Lifting a hammer of more than 3,700 pounds so lightly, isn't it ...

A special talent suddenly appeared in Nie Yun's heart!


Hercules Division has Hercules Dantian, which can nourish Hercules' temperature and raise her body, greatly increasing her physical strength!

The main skill of your own body training is defense, and the real control of power is not the opponent of this special talent!

But ... if you have a strong Dantian, how much strength should you increase?

Thinking of this, fiery color appeared in Nie Yun's eyes instantly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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