Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2054: Change (middle)

The jade box is well packed. The seals are on top, and no breath can be emitted. When you look at it from the outside, you can't see anything inside. + Vertex Novel,

Yuan Kuanmen's finger swiped gently, the seal was untied, he glanced at the contents of the box, and flicked it. The jade box immediately flew to Elder Liu Xia.

"Elder Liuxia" reached out and took a look at the contents of the box, his eyes couldn't help flashing.

Two red river spirit fruits lay flat in the box, emitting a throbbing halo, and the thick aura was dormant in it, and it seemed to be gushing out at any time.

"Thank you, the host ... However, the host seems to have said that as long as you win, the exquisite bone quenching fluid won will also be given, I don't know ..."

Gathering the jade box, Elder Liuxia smiled slightly.

The doorkeeper said before that as long as someone wins, not only will they give two Honghe Lingguo, the winning exquisite bone quenching fluid will also be given. It is easy to win, and the benefits will naturally be obtained.

Hearing this, Master Yuan Kuan's brows frowned, and then he looked at Nanhua Lao Xian who was vomiting blood on one side, and there was a gloomy smell in his eyes.

Look at the current appearance of Nanhua Lao Xian. If you don't rush to cure it, it won't take long before you vomit blood and die!

For him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't die, but it will not be worthwhile to completely offend Prince Dobo.

After all, Putian led such a behemoth that Honghemen still needs to rely on. Once it is completely broken, it will bring the entire Zongmen disaster.

"This is what I promised just now, naturally count!"

These thoughts flickered in my mind, and the master of Yuan Kuan gave his beard a small smile, and his fingers bounced again. The jade bottle just obtained from Prince Dobo flew straight.


In the blink of an eye, I came to Elder Liuxia. He reached out and grabbed.

"Can you give Nanhua Lao Xian an antidote now?"

Seeing the conditions settled, Prince Dobo held back his anger. Asked.

The South China Laoxian was delayed by one point, and the hope of being saved was one point less. In addition, if the poisoning was deep, and the strength of the rescue was greatly damaged, it was really worth the loss.

It must be dealt with as soon as possible without delay.

"Prince Dobo, don't worry, just now I just asked the door to belong to me. I just made a bet with Nanhua Lao Xian ... I haven't calculated it with you yet!"

Elder Liuxia smiled slightly. Don't worry at all.

"You ..." Clenched his fists, Prince Bobo almost exploded. Dignified Prince, who dare not listen to him in Putianling, never dreamed that he would eat such a big loss directly here.

"My bet with Nanhua was that he lost as my attendant, and now he has lost ..." "Elder Liuxia" deliberately stretched his voice so that everyone could hear it clearly.

In fact, he did not need to say that everyone in the scene just now saw that there was indeed such a bet.

"But. There are a lot of adults, plus the prince is unwilling to sever love. As long as the prince is willing to pay a certain price, this bet will be cancelled. I will also detoxify him immediately!"

"Elder Liuxia" laughed.

"Say, what the price!" Knowing that the other party would certainly not let himself go, Prince Dobo was also very bachelor. Open your mouth, but your eyes are full of resentment. Anxious to tear the guy in front of him.

"Prince Dobo is regarded as one of the ten thousand people by Putian, respected status. Presumably ... there should be a lot of **** stones ... ten thousand **** stones, I will treat him now, and guarantee that he will not lose any strength. ! "

Elder Liu Xia said lightly.

"Ten thousand? Great appetite, don't say I'm just a prince, you can ask, can your master get it?"

Hearing the conditions under which he spoke, Prince Dobo almost sprayed no blood.

Ten thousand **** stones, even if he is a prince, cannot be obtained.

In fact, there is no need to ask the doorkeeper, "Elder Liuxia" also knows that he can't take it out. The reason to open such a mouth is to pay the price on the spot!

"There aren't 10,000, there are always 5,000, 5,000 plus a bottle of exquisite bone quenching fluid!"

Elder Liu Xia said.

"Not five thousand! To tell you the truth, there are only five hundred on my body!" Prince Dobo gritted his teeth.

"Five hundred? It's okay, but you need two bottles of exquisite bone quenching fluid, plus one peak royal soldier!"

Elder Liu Xia refused to let it go.

He knows that the **** stone is a rare thing. It is impossible for anyone to take out thousands of them at once, deliberately report the price, and there is still room for negotiation in the back.

"Very good, you are good! Fuyang, give money!"

Prince Dobo squeaked in his teeth, tangled for a moment, and hummed.

Although the price required by the other party is great, a strong man like Nanhua Lao Xian who has completed the imperial realm is worth the price! In the future, let him be completely loyal, how much loss will make him back again!


Although the young people behind him were also unwilling, the prince agreed, and he had to flip his wrists and take out what the other party wanted.


Reaching out to take over what the other party sent, Elder Liu Xia glanced and nodded with satisfaction.

Five hundred **** stones are enough to make this pair of maggots to be used for a long time. As for such a good thing as Linglong Quenching Fluid, the more the better.

"Yuan Jiu refined this weapon!"

After taking down the Shenshi and Bone Quenching Fluid, "Elder Liuxia" hurled the peak imperial realm soldier sent by the opponent to Yuan Jiu.

Yuan Jiu's strength is very strong, but he does not have the weapons at his disposal and cannot exert his full strength. Now that he has the peak soldier of the imperial realm, let him refine it first, which can enhance a lot of combat power.

"OK now!"

Hate flowed in Prince Dobo's eyes.

This time when I came to Honghemen, I thought I could win a lot, and I got what I wanted. I never dreamed that I would lose my wife and lose my army.

"Yes!" "Elder Liuxia" smiled gently and looked at Nie Yun in the field: "Detoxify him!"

When you see something good, you can take it, and if you want it, then you will get irritated and get more than you can get.

"Yes, Master!" Nie Yun made a full appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded and walked in front of Nanhua Lao Xian, grabbed the five fingers in the air, and the master Dan Tian, ​​who had just entered the opponent's body, was immediately drawn .


Dan Tian Qi entered his body.


The master Dan Tianqi left the body, Nanhua old fairy breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Nie Yun's eyes full of resentment. He squeezed his fists and wanted to do it, but hesitated a moment, but finally did not give up his strength.

It's not that he doesn't want it, but that the other party is a fearless one. He's afraid that he really wants to do it, and what other poison will the other party come up with!

The boy's strength is nothing in front of him, but ... he is terrified with poison level!

"You cannot be the disciple of Elder Liu Xia, who are you!"

Nanhua Laoxian asked fiercely. (To be continued ...)

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