Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2062: Toxic Spirit Fish

"The poison has not been solved before? Impossible! That poison is so powerful. Without it, it is impossible to escape so far to attack ..."

Nanhua Laoxian smiled coldly: "No need to pretend, these methods are the rest of Laozi's play! I want to use this to confuse me, die this heart!"

He did not believe that the poison in the young man was unsolved, and suspected that the current action was intentional.

"Previously it was only temporarily suppressed. Like you, I have a special constitution. No matter how powerful the poison can be, it can be accommodated in a short time, but after a long time, I can't hold it! I don't ask you to detoxify me ... I just ask you Take me immediately to the back of the mountain, and I will find a way to detoxify myself! "

Nie Yun's face was pale, and he seemed to insist on it.

"Edit? Continue editing! Hey, I'm going to see what tricks you can play today!" Nanhua Laoxian sneered again.

He didn't believe a word about the boy.

"You are in the imperial realm, I am nothing but the imperial realm, what tricks can I play ... Let me tell you the truth, in fact ... the reason why I have the ability to suppress the poison for a short time is because of a secret ... Secret! As long as you take me there as soon as possible ... I'll tell you, otherwise, as soon as I die, you will never know this secret ... "

Nie Yun was crumbling. The skeleton of the body seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the body. He would lie on the ground at any time and could not sleep forever.

"Secret?" Nanhua Lao Xian didn't move, still sneered.

"You can't believe it ... but you can think about it, I can't make it to the kingland, how can it solve the poison that you can't solve?"

Nie Yun continued, every time he said a word, he kept breathing.

"Huh!" Nanhua Laoxian did not refute this time.

Needless to say, he has always wondered that this guy has a much worse understanding of poison than he does. Why can he dissolve the poison that he cannot resolve?

Can you even find strength beyond heaven?

It ’s weird everywhere

Because of this, they grabbed each other without killing them directly! The purpose is to extract the secrets of these things from his mouth. It is conceivable that if he learns with his current strength, if he can't get it right, he will be able to break through the sky in one fell swoop. Reach that dream.

"I was a hunter in the mountains. When I was ten years old, I went to the mountains to play. I accidentally got bitten by a multi-tailed green viper. At the time, I was itchy and fell into a green when I couldn't bear it. The gray deep pond thought that I was dead. Who knew that it was not long, and there were countless small fishes swimming over ... These small fishes came to the place where I was poisoned and kept swallowing. I did n’t know how long it was, and I felt comfortable. , The poison of my body is gone! "

Seeing that the other party was silent, Nie Yun continued.

"Fish? Can you detoxify a multi-tailed viper?"

The multi-tailed green viper is a fascinating animal in the mountains. Poisonous in the body Even if the Emperor of the Realm is bitten, it is difficult to survive. The boy in front said that when he was ten years old, he would not even reach the realm of the Realm. In this case, if he was poisoned, he would definitely die. If he It's true, what are these little fishes? How is it possible to detoxify?

Is it ...

"What do you think the little fish looks like?" The light in the eyes of the old fairy of Nanhua flickered, wondering what to think.

"Each one has a little finger about the same size and a golden scale. Oh ... there was a black line on my head! I was scared at the time, and escaped when I felt that I was not poisoned! Later, a person in the village was also poisoned He couldn't be treated. Seeing that he was going to die, he remembered the encounter and took the man there, and soon his poison was relieved ... "

Seeing the other questioning, Nie Yun continued.

"I tested it a few times later, and I knew that these little fishes had detoxifying ability. I snatched a few and went home to stew and eat. After a long time, my body would have anti-toxicity ... I do n’t believe you can continue on me As long as the test is not too powerful, it will be immune to the past ... "

Nie Yun gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision.

"Do you think I don't try?"

Although the other person said that the experience was detailed and that the fish's color and shape were exactly the same as he knew, Nanhua Lao Xian was not assured. He smiled again, his fingers bounced, and another kind of poison powder appeared on his fingertips.


All the poison powder rushed to Nie Yun's face door. After a while, he sprayed no less than seven or eight kinds of poison.

All of these poisons are configured by his own hands. When the ordinary imperial powerhouses are in contact, they will ulcerate their entire body and cannot bear one or two breaths.

But ... the poison powder was sprayed close to the tea time, the boy in front of him still looks the same, the skin is not ulcerated, and the body is not abnormal.

"Is that true?" Seeing this, Nanhua Old Fairy's eyebrows frowned.

He didn't believe what he said to this guy before, but now he's shaken.

The poison powder spilled just now, even if he was imprisoned, he couldn't resist it. The other party not only blocked it, but did not fart. Is there really a strong antibody in this guy's body?

"I don't believe it! Do you still want to lie to me?"

When Nanhua Laoxian moved his palm, a shot of vitality shot out from her fingertips and struck Nie Yun's arm.

No it!

A little blood fell from him.

Gently grab, hold the blood in the palm of your hand, and sprinkle a series of poisonous powder on your hand.

If the guy in front of him is really the same as what he said, he has resistance, the blood is definitely different from ordinary people, and the venom cannot hurt.


The poisonous powder fell into the blood, and an air current surged in the latter, and the toxicity in the poisonous powder was completely resolved, as if nothing had appeared.

"It's true?"

Nanhua Laoxian has dealt with poison all his life, and at a glance, it can be seen that the poison powder just spilled has been dissolved by the drop of blood in his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ A shake again, there are several kinds of poison powder sprinkled into it, and As before, these poisonous powders were quickly resolved.

"His blood is really not afraid of poisonous, is it ... [The poisonous spirit fish] recorded in the book is true ... If you can catch these fish and devour them, you will definitely be upgraded to congenital poisonous body, and it will not be the impact on the road at that time. impossible……"

Seeing that this drop of blood in his hand could resolve the poison, Nanhua Lao Xian was no longer indifferent like before, and looked excited.

The legend of the **** world, when the world was created, some innate life was born. Once this life is born, it is the avenue that everyone wants!

The poisonous spirit fish is one of them!

It is said that this kind of **** beast possesses highly poisonous congenitality and lives by devouring highly poisonous poison. No matter how powerful the poison is, they are almost the same as food in their eyes and cannot hurt the slightest.

In the past, he searched for this thing many times, and spent a lot of time, but he never found it. He felt that this thing was nothing, not true. At this time, he heard the other person say so much, and saw the magic of his blood, the idea in his heart. It's hard to stop! (To be continued.)

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