Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2078: Yan Yaxin

With Pity Moon Sword to rely on, Yan Yaxin pulled back the disadvantage from passive.

With a sword breaking, she seems to have only used this trick, and she uses this trick to resolve the crisis at every critical moment.

Masters' trials, thousands of moves to fight, can not be the same, because once the same, the opponent will be prejudged in advance, using other means to disintegrate.

Although a sword breaking the dust is a trick created by Nie Yun in the six heavens and earth, in fact, it has a great power, and the two have not been able to crack this vision. Although Yan Yaxin has used it several times in a row, the drifter is still Unstoppable.

"Damn, can you do this?"

When I bought a new weapon, I couldn't win, and even there was almost no contact with the weapon. The drifter became more and more angry and angry.

I was thinking of holding a new weapon, and I could express my enmity and let the other's face sweep away. I never imagined that I would still be unable to defeat or even be forced to step back.

"Okay! What are you doing?"

Just when the two were fighting hard, there was a sound of scolding, and a figure strode forward.

He is an old man, looking like he is about sixty years old, but his body is well maintained, glowing and full of energy, without any decline or leakage.


Seeing this person, Drifter and Yan Yaxin were all startled and did not defeat their opponents. Despite their unwillingness in their eyes, they still hurried back and jumped out of the circle.

"This guy is the old man? The helm of Hong Yunshan?"

Nie Yun watched quietly.

The old man looked young, but every move carried masculinity, and the power in his body flowed, forming a small vortex.

Obviously it has reached the level of imperial realm.

However, it should be only in the early days of the imperial realm, and it is still a long way from the top.

This kind of strength, in the eyes of ordinary people, indeed dominates the king, but at Honghemen, it is nothing. The reason why it is not annihilated, I am afraid there is some kind of interest.

"Father ... we're idle, let's discuss!"

"Yeah, we just want to learn. Learn ..."

It seems that with great fear to this old man, the drifting son hastened to change his mouth.

"Well, tomorrow is my birthday party. I don't want anything to happen. If you find out that some small things are fighting hard, I'm welcome!"

The old man seemed to know their thoughts for a long time.



Seeing the old man completely angry, the two were shocked at the same time and were afraid to say more.

"Let's go back and rest. There will be guests coming tomorrow. There will be some entertainment. I don't want Hong Yunshan to make a bad impression!" Seeing his subordinates admit their mistakes, the old man is not good at refuting their faces in front of everyone. He waved his hand and turned to leave.

Drifter did not succeed, seeing the old man talk about this, he did not dare to disobey, and had to turn away with hate.


Yan Yaxin also twisted her body, walked back to the courtyard, "squeak!" And closed the door.

Everyone walked clean, in a dark corner, and a figure came out.

It was Nie Yun who followed.

His means of hiding are extremely strong. Except for the perfect imperial realm, even the peak imperial realm is very difficult to find. Although Hong Yunshan has many formations, he doesn't know that someone has mixed in.

"Ask clearly who this woman learned swordsmanship from. Maybe they can find Yantai Lingyue!"

Although Yantai Lingyue didn't remember the previous events, she remembered her martial arts tricks. Of all the pity Yuejian, only she would, if she guessed well. The woman named Yan Yaxin must have seen or knew each other.

If you want to find it, just press this person directly.


The body fluttered and entered the yard, with a light finger, a mysterious force enveloped the whole yard.

In order to prevent accidents, seal the yard first.


His energy was not concealed at all, and immediately aroused the vigilance of the people in the hospital, and with a whisper, several figures jumped out.

It was Yan Yaxin and others just now.

"There is something to ask next, don't be nervous!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, and the talent of Xianyin Master cooperated with the talent of Deception Master.


The person in the courtyard was the strongest Yan Yaxin, but also the peak of Wang Jing, not his opponent. When he was not long, his eyes were confused and bewildered.

"My lord, please!"

Confused, Yan Yaxin did not resist in the slightest, respectful.

"Who did you learn the sword technique from earlier?"

Nie Yun said lightly.

Although his tone was very light, he couldn't express the tension in his heart, for he was afraid that he might not know.

"Master Huizhao, Jianzhao learned with my grandfather!" Yan Yaxin said.

"Learned from the old man?" Nie Yun frowned.

How can it be impossible to lie and learn from an old man when deceived?

When did Lingtai Lingyue have a relationship with a bandit leader?

"If I look well, should you be a ascendant? Why did you come to Hong Yunshan, did the old man tell you who he learned this trick from?"

Confused, Nie Yun asked.

Whether or not the ascended person needs special inspection, which cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Of course, the ascended people have lived longer than the indigenous people, and they have a thorough understanding of martial arts. They have rich experience in combat. From this point, we can also see some.

The woman in front of her is not particularly good in combat experience, but it is not bad. Coupled with the verbal guidance of drifters and other people, Nie Yun also feels that this person is an ascendant.

"Master Hui Hui, I am indeed an ascendant, and I haven't been to Hongyun Mountain for a long time ... As for the sword trick that Master and who learned, it is not clear!"

Yan Yaxin said.

"You are ascended, why does the old man teach you such a powerful sword trick?"

Not even hearing her, Nie Yun showed a little disappointment and turned a little strange.

Hongyunshan's nest of robbers should be very suspicious to outsiders. The old man will have such a powerful sword technique ~ www.readwn.com ~ Instead of imparting it to drifting children, he will quietly tell her that even the former does not know. It's interesting.

"We all have the prohibition under the Master ... I can't resist, and I heard that this trick was created by a Ascension, and it will be very fast to practice for the Ascension!"

Yan Yaxin didn't hide anything.

"So it is!"

Then Nie Yun came to understand.

It seems that the Yan Yaxin, somehow caught by the old man, was banned.

This kind of restraint, when it goes down into the body, will make the other party completely obedient. The old man also relied on this point to relax his heart and willingly impart her strongest tactics.

As far as the Ascendant is concerned, it is not impossible to practice Liyue Sword faster.

Lian Yue Jian Sword is a mystery that requires a deep understanding of heaven and humanity before it can be fully exhibited. Even the original Shura king had only its shape and was not satisfactory. Some of the short-lived gods indigenous people are difficult to learn. . (To be continued.)

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