Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 204: King of clouds

The three masters represent the highest peak of the Kamikaze Empire. If you defeat one person alone, it will be nothing. In the blink of an eye, you will defeat all three of them at the same time. This achievement, even if Nie Yun was a man, couldn't help but feel blood.

At the same time of excitement, I can't help but admire it. It is indeed a powerful Dantian, which is the highest attacking Dantian. It is not a little bit powerful!

"Master Nie Yun won?"

"So fast?"

"What happened just now? Couldn't Master Nie Yun split the crack on this ground?"

Nie Yun and the three masters fought too fast, everyone didn't respond, the battle was over, one by one looking at the collapsed palace walls, standing still, stupid.


It would take days for this crack to be dug even by the strongest of the sects, but Master Nie Yun broke it with a sword?

Fengyu Supreme has always been called the Royal Immortal Weng, and is extremely powerful. He was split by a sword during the attack ...

Mo Yanqing claims that the first genius of the empire did not even block half a move ...

Is this still human?

Everyone staring at the flying teenagers felt as if they were dreaming and couldn't believe everything they saw.

The attack between the young children's hands has completely overturned their recognition of the empire's most powerful men!

"Nie Yun!"

"Nie Yun!"

"Nie Yun!"

I don't know how long after that, someone suddenly shouted from the audience, and then hundreds of thousands of people in the square seemed to be infected by the plague, and the shouting voice became louder and louder. The more and more people joined, the voice broke through the sky. It seemed that the whole city of Shenfeng was trembling in shouts.

"What is strength? This is called strength. In the past, we thought that our captain was a big man. Compared with Master Nie Yun, nothing is considered!"

"Single sword to the top three, when can I be so powerful ..."

"I must also cultivate like Master Nie Yun and become the true hegemon of the empire as soon as possible!"

One sword singled out the three Supremes, and one sword split the crack. Nie Yun's height exceeded everyone's imagination and replaced Mo Yanqing as an idol in everyone's heart.

The ears of the people are spreading more and more profoundly, so that for hundreds of years and thousands of years later, the story of "in the square, above the palace, a single child. A sword breaking the sky!" Boiling!

So exciting!

Fighting the five masters alone, so that they can't say a word, will not be so exciting, after all, there are too many peerless powers in fact, no one can say where one will come up!

But if you add another under seventeen to this peerless powerhouse. That's scary!

If you have less than seventeen, you have such strength.

"Nie Yun, starting today is the word-shouldered king of our Kamikaze Empire, Lord Yun, a hereditary successor. He sits on the same foot as the emperor!"

Seeing the youth's cries rising, the emperor's emperor suddenly stood up. Said loudly.

Regardless of the strength of the emperor, after all, it was the orthodoxy of the empire. The words sounded, and there was silence around them, and then a warm roar rang.

"King of clouds!"

"King of clouds!"

The crowd yelled again.

"The Zhao family tried to misbehave and dared to hurt the king's family. Starting today, they became the public enemy of the empire. Once found, they will never be pardoned! All the Zhao family's properties and mansion belong to the king of Yun!

The emperor continued.


Nie Yun smiled slightly when he heard the words announced by the emperor.

No wonder that the Kamikaze Empire can be unified and everyone can regard the royal family as orthodox. This emperor really has some skills!

Knowing that they were strong enough that even their ancestors could not be defeated, they directly named themselves the King of Clouds, tied with him, and then gave themselves all the properties of the wealthy Zhao family ...

clever! smart!

He stood in front of Dayi in such an instant, let others know that he handled it very well, and if he continued to do so at this time, it would be against the law and against the royal family!

However, for Nie Yun, the king of the cloud is the king of the cloud. He has pursued the peak of his strength throughout his life, his family is happy, and he has no interest in running a country!

"Since it is His Majesty's kindness, I'm not polite!" Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Can the King of Clouds make a trip to the palace, or do the coronation ceremony!" Seeing Nie Yun's consent, His Majesty the Emperor was relieved and said in a hurry.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun knew that even if he wanted to announce Tianjian Sword in his own hands, he couldn't take it out as so many people, and his goal of showing strength was achieved, so he nodded.

As for whether there is a conspiracy in the other party's invitation to the palace, you are not afraid at all. The power of Dantian has been tested just now. If the other party really dares to act, you don't mind letting the entire royal family fall from the Kamikaze Empire!

"I won't go to the coronation!"

Seeing the imperial emperor hurried back to the palace to prepare, the Patriarch of the Hundred Flowers gave Nie Yun a fist, without saying a word, turned and flew towards the direction of the Baihua Sect outside the city, and soon lost his trace.

Nie Yun knew that the Patriarch of Baihua didn't like to make fun, and he didn't mind at the moment. Under the leadership of the royal ancestors Feng Yu and Huo Gang, he flew into the palace.

At this time, Feng Yu, Huo Gang, and Mo Yanqing really knew the strength of the teenager, and they no longer resisted.

As Nie Yun and others left Shenfeng Square, the magnificent Zhao family's wedding ended with the Zhao family's ancestors to servants, almost all died, and the youth became famous after the war!

"You know who this Tuxin Supreme is?"

On the way to the palace, Nie Yun asked Xiang Fengyu and others intentionally or unintentionally.

"We didn't know this picture before. It was introduced by Zhao Xun just now. It seems to be ... it seems to be a person from the floating continent!" Feng Yu said.

"Floating sky continent?" Nie Yun's face calmed.

The world he lives in is very wide. The Kamikaze Empire is just the most remote corner. The real core is the floating heavens!

The floating continent on the other side of the sea is very different from the Kamikaze Empire. Regardless of the concentration of aura and the richness of the land, the latter cannot be matched!

In the past Tielaner sent him out of Shenfeng City, and by chance ~ www.readwn.com ~ went to the floating heaven continent, and it was here that he broke through the supreme concubine and reached a new level, that is, I met his master of alchemy and became a master figure of alchemy ...

"If you are really from the floating continent, it will not be easy!"

There are countless masters of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in the floating heavens. If they are really involved, the trouble will be big!

"However, how can trouble be? I, Nie Yun II, have never been afraid of anything, as long as I do what I have to do!"

With his fists clenched, Nie Yun's eyes let out light.

Who was afraid of the **** demon in the past life?

In the past, even the old nest of the demon dared to break in alone, let alone now!

People do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend, if anyone offends me, I will kill!

ps: The third volume is over, and the fourth volume of Nie Yun's anger is about to start. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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