Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2116: The current status of the Ye family


During the banquet, Master Mingxin asked many questions about his medical path. Nie Yun didn't hesitate. They gave answers. Question and answer, the former admired him more and more.

Then I know that the boy in front of him is not very old, but his understanding of medical skills is at least a hundred times stronger than him.

Because Master Ye Tao was injured, Master Mingxin reluctantly bid farewell to everyone and returned to his medical hall.

Nie Yun and others lived directly in Tianshuijian's apartment.

Entering the room, the Chaos King and others were taken into the world of things.

Most people are more eye-catching. Wait until he stabilizes before releasing it.

Unlike Nie Yun's action, in another room, Ye Tao sat on the ground, Liu Hao stood in front of them, and the two discussed something.

"Liu Hao, you are now messaging to the family. Master Nie Yun, you must make good friends, you must not neglect!" Ye Tao solemnly explained.

"Yes ... Master, I have a doubt, I don't know if I should say it or not!" Liu Hao nodded and paused.


"Poisonous poison is so terrible, many people have never heard of it. This master Nie Yun can solve it at will, will he ..."

Before Liu Hao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Tao: "I know what you mean. Do you doubt if the poisoned person has anything to do with this master Nie Yun, he came to show him, in fact, for the sake of Mix in us ... Ye Family? "

"Yes!" Liu Hao did not deny.

To be honest, I'm afraid anyone would doubt it. The young master had just been poisoned and the first doctor in the wasteland ancient city couldn't save it. He encountered a person who knew the poison and could solve it at will. It was too coincidental.

"It's impossible! Let's not talk about the other, just talk about medical skills. This master Nie Yun can beat the Baishou Medical Saint. Which family do you want to go to, please don't clap your hands?" Ye Tao slowly shook his head.

"This is ..."

Liu Hao nodded.

The reputation of Baishou Yisheng is not just in ten places. It is also very famous in Yunzhou, and the medical challenge will win it. With this gimmick, any family will clap your hands and welcome!

Although their Ye family has a certain influence in Yunzhou, it is still worse than some real top families.

In order to go to their family and spend so much effort, the layout started six months ago, in his opinion. You will never do this unless you are full.

"Then ... who would be the one to start with?"

Liu Hao had a dignified face.

Who would this person be if it were not this Master Nie Yun or someone else? If not for luck today, Master Nie Yun would have been dead.

"To get that woman close to me, first of all, I need to know everything about my schedule, and then I also know my personality ... I can do this, I am afraid that I am still a member of my family!"

Ye Tao said slowly.

"Person in the clan? Is it Master Mingcheng?" Liu Hao clenched his fists.

Ye Mingcheng also appeared here today. He was wounded only to cause the poisonous bite of the vampire, no matter where he was, he was the biggest suspect.

"The biggest suspect is not! If I die today. Ye Mingcheng is bound to be subject to censorship. It is not only good for him, it also has great disadvantages!" Ye Tao is not blind, but slowly analyzes.


Liu Hao was speechless.

He knew it.

Large families such as the Ye family have strict requirements on their children. Usually, they can make small inroads, and once they involve human life, they must be severely punished!

If the young master really dies here today, Ye Mingcheng must be the biggest suspect. Even if you get rid of the suspicion, the heir's position will be in the future. Will miss him.

"Is it ... Master Ye Xin?"

Thinking about this, Liu Hao couldn't help it.

"Everyone knows that the old man is very ill. He may die at any time. Before he leaves, he must be sure who the heir is. Now the family can compete for this position. There are three people, me, Ye Mingcheng and Ye Xin! Not Mingcheng Ye Xin ’s suspicion is the biggest! However, this may not be the case, and it may have been done by the former enemies of Ye ’s family. Although Ye Xin ’s work is fierce, he does n’t want to kill me!

Ye Tao rubbed his brows.

Although family members like them have enjoyed the envy of other people's resources and conditions since childhood, they also have to face more conspiracies and tricks than casual repairs. With a little carelessness, they may burn out and die, and they do n’t know how to die.

"This ... not necessarily, I heard ..."

Seeing the master deny, Liu Hao hesitated for a moment, but stopped talking.

"What did you hear?"

"I heard that Ye Xin found the backer ... it seems ... Prince Dobo!"

After a pause, Liu Hao gritted his teeth.

"Relied on the Prince of Waves?" Ye Tao apparently just heard the news, and his pupils shrank. "Isn't it clear that the old man told us not to involve us in the battle between the princes?"

"Old ancestors have said that, but in recent years, the illness has become more and more serious, and things within the clan have almost been ignored. Master Ye Xin, turning to Dobo Prince to obtain certain benefits and fight for the position of heir, is also very normal!"

Liu Hao said.

"This ... it is also true. If this is the case, you must be careful when going back. With the backing of Prince Dobo, Ye Xin is likely to strike against me. One time is unsuccessful, I am afraid there will be a second time!"

Ye Tao's face was full of solemn meaning.

"Yeah, like the poison of the psyche before, no one would think it would be on a woman, and it would not happen without being hurt ... It seems that the family is not safe in the future!" Liu Hao nodded.

The poison of the soul is terrible. Although he is in charge of the young master's diet every day, he never expected that the poison would come from here!

Fortunately this time, I had to escape, and if there was another time, it would be difficult to escape.

"So, I want to associate with this brother Nie, who is really capable ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as he can deal with him well, it will be worth the cost!" Ye Tao nodded.


I do not know that Master Ye Tao's evaluation of him was so high. At this time, Nie Yun was sitting in the world of things, and a circle in his hands kept spinning.

This is a chaotic world originally auctioned in Vulcan City to save his brother Nie Tong.

Knowing that the promotion of the imperial realm opened up boundaries, he must observe more of the chaotic world, and he took this out.

It is a sealed chaotic ocean with a vast area that emits eye-catching throbbing.

"If you look at it this way, you can't see anything. I can't seem to directly integrate this chaotic ocean into the world of things!"

After looking for a while, nothing was found. Nie Yun's spirit moved and thought of a method.

The ocean of chaos is extremely vast. This one in my hand seems to have just been born shortly. There is not much life. Even if you want to observe it carefully, you can't see anything. In this case, it is better to try to integrate into the world of things! (To be continued)

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