Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2121: Helplessness of family children

"I @ # ¥¥ #% @"

Nie Yun was speechless for a while.

This guy really betrays his brother.

"You are Master Nie Yun, I heard it just now! Thank you for saving my brother Tao, Yunrou is polite!"

Yun Rou softly saluted, a pair of big eyes looked strangely.

Hearing the Master of Medical Taoism, most people freeze their minds on the white-bearded old man, such a young master ... if you do n’t see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, you ca n’t believe it.

"In Xie Nie Yun, I've seen Yun Rou girl. It is the duty of the healer to save people, so you don't need to be polite!"

Nie Yun bowed his fists.

At this point, he can also see why Ye Tao was afraid of this fiancee, it was too ... sticky, no, just after talking to him, his eyes fell on Ye Tao again, with affection, and it seemed like never again Can't do without.

"Brother Tao, are you all right?"

"It's okay. I'm in great health. Why is there something wrong? Don't worry about it ..."

"That's good. It happened that I looked at a dress yesterday. The blue-tailed fox fur was particularly beautiful. Would you like to stay with me ... And, I also looked at a bracelet, which is also very beautiful. With this dress, it is very Good-looking, also buy it together ... I also showed you an armor ... "


"The day before the Nuanchun Pavilion called me and told me that the customized leather boots were ready, you should also accompany me to pick them up. If they are not good, I will return them ..."


"I will have a trip to Liuxi tomorrow. I heard that the Liuxi spring water there is good for the skin. Look at me these days because of worrying about you, my skin has started to turn yellow and a little pale. You can't ignore it ... ... "


"I heard that a famous guqin came from Einfang. The sound quality is very beautiful. You will also buy it for me tomorrow. When we get married, I will let Sister Fu Yao play. I am sure I can shock four people and stay. Good news ... "


"and also……"

Nie Yun on one side covered her forehead.

He finally understood why Ye Tao wanted to run away, and he set up such a fiancee, so anyone would want to run away!

It's so amazing!

Large family disciples, although there are many plots, the most important thing is strength. Strength can crush everything, just like Ye Tao now. Compete with Ye Mingcheng and Ye Xin. But if at this time his strength directly breaks to the level of the emperor, it goes without saying that the entire family will respect him!

But ... such a daughter-in-law, cultivation, cultivation what! All the time is given to you, how to cultivate?

"Ah ... Master Nie Yun, it's not good, it seems that the poison on my body has recurred ..."

Yun Rou is holding his finger to count the things to do these days. Seeing that Ye Tao's face turned pale and ugly, he immediately fell to the ground. The whole body was convulsing, and white foam was constantly spitting in the corners of his mouth.

"Poison? Brother Tao, aren't you injured? Why are you poisoned? What poison, don't you scare me ..."

He rushed forward, Yunrou's eye circles became red, his face turned pale, and his lips kept sulking.

"Miss Yunrou, Ye Tao is indeed poisoned, and it has not been completely eliminated. You can rest assured that I have found a solution to this poison. The problem is not big, but ... Ye Xiong needs to rest now. Can't be too Noisy, you see ... "

Seeing Ye Tao's appearance, why did Nie Yun not understand what was going on?

Although he felt that this guy was a bit innocent, there was nothing he could do. Whoever asked him to spread such a fiancee had to help him lie.

"As long as you can save Brother Tao, I think he'll be fine ..."

Yunrou's eyes were red.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun stepped forward helplessly, pretending to take the pulse, and after a moment, he took a medicine out of his arms and passed it.

After taking the pill, Ye Tao's face improved a lot: "Roumei, go back, I'm much more comfortable ..."

"Well then, Brother Tao, take care of yourself ..."

Seeing that his body was comfortable, Yun Rou felt relieved, worshiped Nie Yun again, turned around and walked out, and looked at him while walking, feeling affectionate.

"Brother Nie, you should understand my pain now ..."

When seeing Yun Rou leave, she disappeared completely into the field of vision, Ye Tao immediately jumped up, and smiled wryly.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded again and again.

Not to mention him, even if he has such a fiancee on his own, I'm afraid he can only escape.

"Now I think of marrying her in the future, I'll be big for a while ... Brother Nie!" Ye Tao looked straight up, with hope and hope: "Do you have any medicine that can cure her like this sickness?"

"..." Nie Yun's face flushed, and after a while he couldn't help asking: "In your capacity, if you don't want to marry, no one can do it for you, why are you so wronged?"

As one of the twelve Duke families, the Ye family has a respected status. He is also a strong competitor to the heirs. If you really want to marry someone, just say a word.

"Ahem, you think I think, but ... Yun Rou's identity makes me really unable to refuse. I really want to do this. When she makes a fuss, our entire family will probably follow suit!"

Ye Tao looked helpless.

"Your family? What is her identity?"

Nie Yun was strange.

Could the twelve dukes finish, wouldn't it be that Yun Rou is a member of the eight kings family?

"She is the descendant of Emperor Jiu, who went to Heaven, and she is very precious in the clan. I dare not offend ..." Ye Tao explained.

"The Nine Emperors ..." Nie Yun looked at the other side with sympathy.

No wonder he didn't dare. Although the nine emperors did not participate in politics and regardless of power, the real emperor's family certainly had a far higher place in Putian's heart than the Ye family! If you really do too much, annoy the emperor who went to heaven, wave the hand to destroy the Ye family, and guarantee that no one dares to go ahead!

"What do you think of this Yunrou? ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Can I change it? It has been changed many times, it is useless ..."

Ye Tao tangled his face.

"In fact, it's not bad. Although this lady Yun Rou is a little bit stubborn, she is really sincere to you, much better than many girls ..." Nie Yun laughed.

Although this girl is difficult to tangle, she is really good to Ye Tao, and she has real concern in her eyes. Such people are rarely seen in the battles of large families.

After all, even if you don't marry this Yun Rou, Ye Tao's marriage is definitely not up to you. By that time, marrying someone who doesn't love you and doesn't like him at all will be better than this one!

"This is ..." Ye Tao nodded slightly.

Family children look beautiful, in fact, even marriage is not free!

"Brother Ye, you didn't notify me when you came back, why did you forget me?"

Ye Tao was trying to say something. A shout sounded outside, followed by the gate of the courtyard, "squeak!" A figure opened and a figure came over. (To be continued)

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