Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2124: Bet

"I have no special guidance. I was lucky. Just when I was saving a patient, I met Master Hongye. The master saw that I had a good foundation and gave me some pointers!"

A young man laughed, though humble, the pride in his eyes flashed.

On the way, Nie Yun also asked, this master Hongye is the most famous physician in Yunzhou City, the essence of medicine, and he is ranked in the whole world of the world of God. Guiding is proud.

This young man is not old enough for Master Hongye to say a few words himself, which shows that medical skills are not weak, otherwise, the famous master will not speak.

Nie Yun looked at the "Brother Feng" who had been instructed by this Hongye master.

When Zhuoyang said just now, he listened carefully. There was only one surnamed Feng, the second master of Feng Guogong's family, Feng Miao! Because he is not an heir, his behavior is arbitrary, and he has been interested in medicine since he was a child. He has a little medical name in the circle of boys.

"It is already very good to let Master Hongye give directions. The brother Nie in front of us is better than Baishouyisheng. We don't know. If we can compete with you, we believe that we have the ability!"

The youth just talking laughed.

Nie Yun knew from the conversation just now that this should be Cheng Qiang's master Cheng Qian.

"Since everyone says this, I'll try it. Ye Xiong won't be surprised?" Feng Miao smiled and looked at Ye Tao.

This Nie Yun is a noble guest of Ye Tao. He really wants to evaluate him. It is still necessary to talk to the host.

"Brother Nie ..."

Ye Tao came over.


Nie Yun knew that if he wanted to integrate into the other party's circle, he had to convince the other party and smiled immediately.

For the medical path, he is really not afraid of challenges!

"Come on, brother Nie is so brisk, no matter winning or losing. It's worth my Feng Miao's friendship!" Feng Miao laughed.

"Brother Feng is polite!" Nie Yun said.

"Don't be busy, since you have to test, how can you do without Caitou?" Cheng Qian laughed. Flick your wrist and take out a round bead. On the table.

"I do n’t have a lottery, and I ’m not happy when I play. I have a dangling sea pearl. When I bring it into the seawater, the water surface automatically breaks open. It is extremely precious. The entire Yunzhou city will not exceed three! Take it as a lottery! Brother Feng wins! "

This bead was on the table with a warm smell. The water on the tabletop seemed to be repelled, and immediately spread to one side, even the wine in the wine glass could not be avoided.

Dang Haizhu, the baby born in heaven and earth, although it has little effect on the emperor, it is indeed a good baby.

"What a big handwriting, since you are so generous, I can't be stingy. This gold spirit stone was obtained by accident. So far I don't know what treasure it is, it won't invade, and it can't be refined. Since you took out Dang Haizhu, I will release this thing! I bet this brother Nie won! "

"Playing gambling, how few are you? I have a Frost Moon Pistol and it's powerful ..."

The audience bet.

Listening to the bets they placed, Nie Yun couldn't help but stun.

It is worthy of being the son of the family, the people of the Twelve Duke's Mansion, and the treasures they took out, it is difficult to find outside. Valuable.

Even Nie Yun's net worth was shocking.

but. Someone bet for him. Naturally the best, but the medical challenge, someone wants to win him ... almost impossible!

"Since everyone raises, I'm not good enough to quit, there is nothing in the treasures, but there is a sea of ​​chaos that I just got. I bet on it and bet on me to win!"

Seeing everyone betting, Feng Miao laughed.

With a flick of the finger, a small ball appeared on the palm, exuding a strong sense of chaos.

A small chaotic ocean!

Although it is not as good as the one where the Six Heavens and Earths are, it is much stronger than the last one he refined.

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

For him now, this kind of free chaotic ocean is more effective than anything. If it can get enough, it can completely allow the world of things to grow to a certain level, and it can also better understand the heavenly world, smoothly. Open up boundaries.

"Everyone raises, I wonder what Brother Nie's bet?"

Seeing Miao Feng betting, everyone's eyes came over.

For these family sons, betting is just for fun, otherwise, a simple test is not interesting.

"Brother Nie is my noble guest, naturally I will take the bet!" Nie Yun had not spoken yet, Ye Tao took a step forward, flipped his wrist and took out something: "I got this moving charm by accident, throw it out , Can form a soldier who moves mountains, has great strength, and has mid-employment combat power! When it is in danger, it is good to tear the seal or use it as a life-saving means! It ’s good to put here. ! "

"Moving Mountain Charm?"

"Brother Ye is so big ..."

Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

This mountain-moving man who moved into a mountain-moving character has only the mid-term strength of the imperial realm, not too strong ~ www.readwn.com ~ What makes them attach importance to tearing the seal and exploring the road!

Many treasures have traps and seals. With this thing to explore the road and break the seal, the difficulty will be reduced a lot, and the whole person will be much safer.

Even if they are all family members, this thing is very precious.

"Okay, everyone has made a bet. Let's start. There are many kinds of tests in the medical field. I don't know how Brother Nie sets the rules?" Feng Miao looked over.

"Still Feng Xiong, I can accept!" Nie Yun said lightly.

"Since Brother Nie said this, I'm welcome ... too difficult medical knowledge, I don't think everyone understands it, let's use the simplest method ... medical bracelet test!"

Feng Miao flipped her wrist and had an extra bracelet in her hand, looking around for a week, as if explaining: "Medical bracelets are the most detailed comparison of medical skills. Among them, patients can be formed automatically. We each have one round and solve ten patients. That ’s it. Everyone has a short time and a high accuracy rate. The one who wins! ”

"Okay, I accept!" Nie Yun nodded.

Medical bracelet, he just experienced the Shennong Baicao Jing, he experienced it, the bracelet is different, the difficulty is not the same, the one left by the Emperor Shennong, the color is simple, it is difficult to know without thinking, and this color is light, powerful Weak and should be very simple.

"Please also give my testimony. After a while, my spirit will enter into it. Once the bracelet releases blue light, it means that I have cured ten people and came out smoothly. The diagnosis is all correct. When my spirit is gone, it will flash red. Light, red light flashes once, which means one is correct, yellow light means one error! This judgment is very simple and fair, everyone can see, there should be no problem! "

Feng Miao explained.

"no problem!"

Everyone nodded at the same time. (To be continued)

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