Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 207: Assassins union

Luoshui City, the main city.

The city owner suddenly disappeared, and Luoshui City's affairs were temporarily managed by the two patriarchs Yang Yan and Feng Xiao. Although they were young, they were both decisive, and the money left by Nie Yun was quickly in full control. Most of the power of Luoshui City.

Taking control of most of Luoshui City's strengths, coupled with the advantages of the Yang family and Feng family, have already won the ticket in accordance with the truth, but now Yang Yan and Feng Xiao are sitting in the main hall of the city's government, frowning.

"The two captains of the Chengnan Guard and the Chengxi Guard have taken refuge in Luonan City at the same time. Now Luonan City, Jibei City, Xiashan City ... the city leaders of the eight second-tier cities are putting pressure at the same time. Once they are not handled well, let's not lose our lives. It is difficult to say whether the Yangs and Fengs can keep it! "

Feng Xiao rubbed his frowning frown and pointed at a map in front of him.

The most central location on the map is Luoshui City, and the eight arrows around it point to each, each corresponding to a city that is not much different from Luoshui City.

The sudden disappearance of Lord Luo Zhanhao caused confusion in Luoshui City. The eight second-tier cities close to Luoshui City marched at the same time and planned to share some benefits. Because of this, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao wanted to unify Luoshui City. It was very difficult.

Although confined to the imperial order, they did not dare to send troops openly, but threatened to cause trouble, and there was no problem at all.

"Well, Luo Nancheng made a big opening for three million two silver, three royal weapons, one thousand wind wolf hides ... It's a lion's opening!" Yang Yan picked up a list on the table and squeezed his fist. " Giggle.

There are eight lists on the table. It was from the eight major cities that exerted their oppression to send, and each one wrote a huge silver gift.

"Luonan City is still good. Look at the list sent by Xiashan City. Two hundred of them have become the nuisance demon core, and three thousand have become the sacred demon monster ... This is simply deceiving too much! If we have three thousand siege, Monsters, I am afraid that even their Xiashan City will be destroyed! "

Feng Xiao also picked up a list and filled it with indignation.

"Forget it, just do what I said, I have sent someone to contact, I believe it will be a result soon!" Yang Yan grabbed the eight lists on the table into powder. With palms on the table, a vicious light appeared in his eyes.

"You mean ... the Assassins' Union?"

Feng Xiao frowned.

"Yes, I have contacted the people of the Assassin's Union. The Lord of Luonan City is not constrained by the imperial regulations. We can only kill all of their messengers by assassination, and we will unite Luoshuicheng into an iron plate in a short time . Expect them to play tricks! "

Yang Yan said.

The host of each of the eight major cities sent messengers to come over, these people have the strength of the Bingjia Realm, this strength can be regarded as the pinnacle in second-tier cities, and coming at the same time, it really brings great pressure to Yang Yan and others!

The Assassins' Union is a dark organization, much like a mercenary group. They specialize in assassinations, assassinations, etc. As long as you can afford them, they will obey your orders.

Yang Yan's plan is simple, aren't these messengers coming to threaten him? Just ask people to kill at the same time. In a short time, the unified iron plate of Luoshui City will be helpless, even if they want to get involved again.

And killing these people at the same time can show their strength. Let them be frightened.

"Assassin's Union ... I heard that word of mouth is not good, let's be careful!" Although Feng Xiao did not agree with Yang Yan's proposal, he did not object.

"Word of mouth is not good? Boy, we Assassin's Association is a child-innocent, how can we say that word of mouth is not good?"

Before the words fell, a smirking voice came from a distance, while three figures slowly appeared in the temple.

The old man in his 50s and 60s was speaking with a steady and dignified breath. At a glance, he knew that he had reached the level of airmanship. The remaining two youths were also the strongest soldiers in the Bingjia Realm.

"Presumably, this is the Asan Assassin's Li Nanxun, and Yang Yan is here!" Yang Yan's eyes brightened when he saw the three men coming.

Assassins are good at hiding and assassinating. The peak of two airframes in one air clan is the peak. This kind of strength is no problem even if it assassinates 20 people in armor.

"That's right, it's me!" Li Nanxu saw Yang Yan recognize him, and he laughed and scratched his beard.

"Predecessor Nanan, we asked you to come here today, just to let you kill a few people, this is the commission!" Yang Yan saw him admit it, took a stack of silver tickets from his arms and handed them over.

These silver tickets are twelve thousand, fifty or sixty.

Like the mercenary regiment, the assassin's union looks at money and assassinates a certain level, and there are clear quotations. The assassinations of the soldiers are also between 12,000 and 100,000.

"Isn't it just to kill a few people in Bingjia Realm, this is simple, but ... the money is a little bit less!" Li Nanzhao grabbed a chair and made it, looking at the silver ticket handed over by Yang Yan. Said.

"Less? I also know the price that your assassin ’s union is offering. In the early days of Bingjia, it was 12,000, in the middle of 32,000, in the latter half of 60,000, and the peak was 100,000! In the later period, a peak, the price is only 400,000, here is 600,000, how can there be less? "

Yang Yan frowned.

"Oh, you are talking about our previous price, and now the price has gone up ..." Li Nan raised the corner of his mouth, and his face was strange.

"The price has gone up? How much?" Yang Yan asked, not hearing that the assassination had gone up.

"A soldier's realm is worth one million two in the early stage, three million two in the middle, six million two in the later period, and peaking at ten million!" Li Nanzhang's voice was like ape crying.

"What? One million in the early days of Bingjia Realm? I don't think you plan to cooperate!" Hearing this price, Yang Yan stood up sharply.

Even if the killing price increases, it is not possible to directly increase it by a hundred times. When Li Nanxun said this, he obviously did not want to cooperate!

"Yes, we didn't plan to cooperate at all, hehe, do it!"

Hearing Yang Yan's question, Li Nanxun suddenly burst into a grin and waved his right hand forward.


As soon as his voice fell, the young soldiers on both sides of the soldiers shot at the same time. This shot was like two poisonous snakes out of the hole, and the two cold chills hit the throats of Yang Yan and Feng Xiao.

"you guys……"

Assassin hands-on to the host ~ www.readwn.com ~, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao didn't expect them to do this. They yelled at the same time to avoid the key, and just wanted to step back, they saw a huge palm in front of them. Come over!

Li Nanxun started!


The two spurted blood at the same time, and even the Supreme Fuyu did not come out, they flew out and lay on the ground and could no longer move.

"Huh, two things that don't know how to die, someone has already bought your life, and you want to cooperate with us, it's too late!"

After glancing at the two men who were lying on the ground and couldn't move, Li Nanxi snorted coldly. Stand up.

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