Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2130: Small building 1

A successful imperial realm, even in a big city like Yunzhou City, is definitely high in strength. Each of these characters has the ability to call the wind and rain, and dominate the party!

But now it appears in the brothels willingly to be watched by someone who spends money.

"My ability to hold things in world space can observe things that others cannot see, I can see her strength, others may not know!"

Nie Yunqiang suppressed the shock in his heart.

The reason why he can see the strength of the other party is not his good vision, but the power of the space that holds the things around the world, so that he can see everything clearly, otherwise he can complete his strength and distance from the other side. It is impossible for the other party to see such a large size and hide it intentionally.

My heart was shocked, but I didn't show it on my face.

Why is the other party's perfect imperial realm here? To be honest, it has nothing to do with him. He comes to Yunzhou City for his own purpose. As long as the other party does not delay, it doesn't matter!


When thinking in my heart, the fairy Miaoyin came over in the air and landed quietly in the private room. Yushou waved gently, a table appeared in front of him, and Yaoqin placed on it, slowly seated.

Through the veil, her appearance is unclear, but the distance is so close that everyone can already see her skin and body shape, her skin is blown, smooth and soft, her figure is beautiful, her golden ratio is not fat or thin, no matter where she is, They are perfect, as if they were fairy tales coming out of the painting.

"Miaoyin is ugly!"

Miaoyin Fairy bowed her head, her fingers fell on the piano again, and she gently moved, and the sound of flowing piano sounded again.

A string was broken just now, and it has been reconnected at this time, without affecting the sound quality.

"There are indeed depressions in the piano ..."

With the first experience, Xianyin Dantian turned the magical sound of Qinyin with a slight turn, and Nie Yun listened to Qinyin quietly, this time closer. As before, I quickly noticed the gloom passed in the fluent notes.

He once performed the look-ahead method, and he has no energy to perform the second time, but. With such a short distance, there are no screens to obstruct it. Ordinary medical practitioners can still use it if they hear about it.

Looking at the wonderful sound fairy from top to bottom, what others saw was beauty. What he saw was illness and ill health.

"So it is ..."

I just used the Wangqi method, only to see that the other side had this phenomenon because of physical problems, and the distance was close, so that I really understood the reason.

Ding Dong!

Seeing the other party's problem, Qin Yin just ended again, and the last sound was crisp, and Miao Yin Fairy's finger was removed from the piano.


Qin Yin was over, and everyone was awake from the illusion of Xianyin, full of worship.

I just listened to half a tune just now. Now that I have heard the whole thing, it's almost like eating ice cubes with San Futian.

"After playing a song, Miaoyin will have a chat with Zhiyin for a while, I hope you guys can be considerate!"

Miaoyin Yingying worshiped, no matter the sound or grace, everyone's face turned red and could not be rejected.

"The fairy doesn't need to be so polite, she can listen to a song, and she's satisfied. But ... I don't know who the fairy's companion is?"

"Yes, I understand the rhythm slightly below, although it is far worse than the fairy, but it is not weak. It is my honor to talk to me!"

"In Xia Ouyang Qi, he is also proficient in music, and he hopes that the fairy will become popular!"


Hearing the wonderful sound Fairy will soon reveal the answer, everyone can no longer sit still, one by one with expectations. I hope that the other person said that he is him!

"Thank you very much for your kindness!"

Miaoyin smiled slightly, stood up, and looked in one direction: "I don't know what this boy is called!"

"This boy?"

Everyone was stunned, only to find out where she was looking, only one person was sitting there.

"Brother Nie?"

"Will it be him who is the fairy?"

"How is this possible? He doesn't look anything special. I still believe in medicine, how can the rhythm be stronger than mine?"

"How could it not be me ..."


The place where Miaoyin Fairy's eyes are located is exactly the Nie Yun who just showed off.

Everyone asked him to be a judge, and judged who the confidant was. It was already thought that it was impossible for him to subconsciously. I didn't expect that ... the final answer was revealed, is this ... really fake?

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't believe it.

"Under Nie Yun, I don't know what the fairy told me!"

Nie Yun froze and asked.

He obviously didn't expect Fairy Fairy to pay attention to himself.

"It turns out to be the son of Nie Yun. Are you a companion down there, would you like to go to Xiaolou with the wonderful sound?"

Said the wonderful fairy.

"It really is him ..."

"my heart……"


Before seeing Miaoyin Fairy asked Xiang Nie Yun, although everyone had guessed it, they couldn't believe it. At this time, she saw her clearly confirmed identity, and all looked annoyed.

Why is this guy, it looks nothing special ...

"Brother Nie ..."

Ye Tao and Zhuo Yang originally thought that their expectations were great. When they were determined to be Nie Yun with them, they also laughed bitterly.

This guy didn't want to come at first ... Why did he suddenly become a consonant of the wonderful fairy?

"it is good!"

Nie Yun thought for a moment and nodded.

Although I don't know what she wants to do ~ www.readwn.com ~, since the other party invited, it's okay to look in the past.

"Goodbyes, goodbye!"

The fairy fairy bowed again, picked up Yao Qin in front of her, turned her body and walked back.

Nie Yun, Ye Tao and others greeted and followed closely.

His current strength is not yet able to fly, but the colorful bridge at the foot of Fairy Fairy is real, walking on it without sinking in the slightest.

The two did not stop in the room they just played, but walked for a while to another room.

This room has a faint scent and is decorated in pink. At first glance, you know that it is a boudoir of a wonderful fairy.

"Son please sit down!"

At this moment there were only two people in the room, and the wonderful fairy said hello and sat down not far.

"The fairy's understanding of Xianyin Avenue is far below me, and it's hard to understand. I don't know why I said I'm a confidant!"

Sitting down, Nie Yun was not dazzled by special treatment, but was full of doubts.

Although he has Xianyin Dantian and has some knowledge of Xianyin Avenue, Yunzhou City is as strong as a cloud, but he does not believe that the strength of his three-legged cat can attract the other party's attention!

"The son-in-law is self-confident, saying that the son-in-law is my confidant, not a nonsense, for me to explain, I will understand!"

Fairy Fairy seemed to see his doubts, smiled slightly, and said.

The sound was beautiful, ringing in my ears, like a piano sound. (To be continued.

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