Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2133: Spectral

"No jokes!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Okay! But ... since Loa, no one can practice the flute to his realm. You can say that the flute spectrum can reach this realm in three days ... I ca n’t believe it!"

After the initial excitement, Miaoyin Fairy calmed down.

She is able to practice the piano sound to this level. Talent is a key. What's more important is that she has practiced day and night without knowing how many years. Fang's achievements today, the other party said that she can be similar to herself in three days. It ’s hard to believe anyone else!

Ling Tianxiao's spectrum is really so easy. This conscience is not so difficult to find.

"This is simple, can I borrow the fairy's score?" Nie Yun knew that the other party would surely be confused and smiled slightly.

"Qinpu?" The fairy fairy frowned.

The so-called sheet music is not a simple sheet music, but a practitioner's understanding of the avenue. Unless the teacher inherits it, like the cheat books, it is rarely seen by outsiders. The teenager speaks directly, which makes her somewhat unhappy.

"I have this strength, I believe you also look down on me! Besides, your score, I will return you a tea effort, and I am afraid I will not run? The reason why I look at it is not to sting your piano, It ’s because I ’m also involved in Xianyin Avenue. I just want to confirm how well you understand the Avenue. If you do n’t know how far you ’ve cultivated, how can you have the confidence to ensemble with you? ”Know what she was worried about, Nie Yun laughed.

The opponent's strength in the imperial realm is complete, but he is not in a complete imperial realm, differing by several levels. Even if he wants to play tricks, there is definitely nothing he can do.

"The sheet music was given by my teacher, and it also mixed my understanding of the Qin Tao, so you can take a look!" Fairy Fairy hesitated, and nodded lightly.

The strength of the other side, she can see very clearly, it is really worth mentioning, even if you want to engage in any kind of ghost, it is difficult to make waves. Furthermore, with a cup of tea, she did not believe that the other party could learn the music by stealth, at most it was just a look.

Her sheet music. With the painstaking efforts of countless people in her division, it took nearly three years to understand, and memorize the content, no less than ten years. After the integration, it took thousands of years of continuous effort ... the other party wanted to learn away with a tea effort ... it is impossible!

Understand these, it is okay to lend him a look.

Thinking of this, the palm of the hand was gently stroked, and the surrounding space was immediately sealed. The fairy of the wonderful sound lightly, a book-like thing flew from the eyebrow, and once in the air, an intoxicating sound immediately sounded.

"Qin Shuhuan?"

Seeing this book, Nie Yun's eyes were right.

This book is written with special materials. Because it involves the mystery of the avenue, over time, books have been assimilated by the avenue, and have the ability to play on their own.

Looking closely, I saw the text on the books. I thought of a string for each stroke, and it kept pulsating in the wind, making a continuous sound of beams.

Qinyinhua books are not only for the assimilation of avenues, they are also the scores written by countless masters of Qinyin. Precious exception.

It's not easy to come up with such a sheet music!

No wonder you can cultivate such a character!

"Then I'm welcome!"

Knowing that he only has one tea effort, Nie Yun doesn't talk nonsense, and Tianyan and Tianer are talented. Keep an eye on the books in the air.


When he looked at it like this, a piano sound immediately got into his mind, as if the whole person had left the room and reached another world.

The heaven and earth in this place are harps, and sounds are heard everywhere, making people's hearts indulge in it unknowingly. Inextricable.

Qin Yin Wonderland!

I did not expect that a book would have such great power that it would be difficult for him to escape from the illusion.


Entering into the illusion, Nie Yun didn't panic, but frowned, looked around, and whispered.


There was a roar in the world of things, a closed place evolved everything he saw in front of him. The heaven and earth were the harp, the sun and the moon played, the breeze blew the hills, and the water rippled. Everyone played the sound of the avenue, making people addicted. .

In front of this piano sheet, he could not devour it. After all, it was a wonderful fairy's thing. Once swallowed, the other party would not kill himself.

Not swallowing does not mean that there is no way he can copy!

With the ability to infinitely copy the world of things, it is not difficult to copy what you see in books.

However, the same content, the power is definitely not as good as the other party, after all, the other party's books also carry the spiritual ideas of countless ancestors, his books have nothing but meaning, at most they are just imitations.

Even so, it is enough.

The above text has the perception of Xianyin Avenue. Even if it does not incorporate books, mastering this knowledge completely will allow him to walk a lot on Xianyin Avenue instead of staying at the original level as it is now.

Coo coo!

Sure enough, after copying this knowledge, the sea of ​​understanding immediately merged. Xianyin Dantian was like the other Dantians from before, more than fifty before (Xianyin Dantian ranked 50th, and after the master Dantian, there was Musheng Dantian and devour Dantian ... So I can only row to more than fifty) position, move forward slowly, and stop at the seventeenth position.

The previous seventeenth was the Kendo talent, because the practice of Dayan Tianji Sword has reached the top ten.

Although it is only the 17th place, the promotion is also big enough. Nie Yun only felt that his mind was boiling for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole person's understanding of Xianyin Avenue went further, as if he had studied the piano for hundreds of years. Qin has unspeakable feelings.


Exhaling a breath, Nie Yun smiled slightly, and was more certain of his own speculation.

Just copying the comprehension of the other party can make Xianyin Avenue go further and reach the 17th place. I really want to devour Ling Tianxiao's spectrum. My own understanding of Xianyin Avenue will not exceed the understanding of medical Tao. The difference is too far.

Shocking the realm of the emperor, the avenue of understanding is very important. Xianyin avenue should be an avenue that cannot be transcended. Otherwise, with the ability of Loa at the time, he must have become the emperor.

However, even if it ca n’t be surpassed, it ’s terrible. You can really practice it to the extreme. With a drink, you can eliminate the will of others, and it will definitely bring great convenience in battle.

Just like the wonderful fairy in front of her, it is also a perfect kingdom. The old Nanhua immortal who made him almost dead may not be an opponent!

As soon as Miaoyin came out, he worshipped the world. Unless Nanhua Laoxian was walking farther than her on the poisonous avenue, otherwise, the two were fighting, and it was unknown who was born or who died.


Xianyin Avenue took a step further. Nie Yun's spirit moved out of Qinyin's illusion, his eyes returned to clear, and he turned to look at the wonderful fairy who was not far away and smiled slightly.

"Thank you Fairy, I have finished watching it!"

(Eleven went out for a lap, I haven't returned home, the update time is uncertain, everyone forgive me! My father-in-law was sick some time ago and I want to open it. The most important thing in life is not money or work, but good Be with your loved ones, otherwise, once life is gone, everything before it is fake!

After all, even if you want to cross, you can't find the way. . ) (To be continued.)

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