Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2147: Older strength

"You want to stop me?"

The older he frowned.

"Of course I don't dare to stop getting older, but ... you know the sickness of the old man, in case he collided with his old man, I'm afraid no one can afford it!" Ye Xindao said.

Although he spoke softly, in fact his tone was already threatening.

Although the older you are in the family, the status is very powerful, but all these are given by the old man, and he ran into the old man, even you can't afford it!


The older he was trying to continue talking, the more he felt his clothes were pulled, and then he saw Nie Yun step forward.

"Master Ye Xin laughed and was a doctor in the next, knowing that the doctor does not have the so-called absolute quietness. Since Nantian Medical Saint is treating the disease in it, he just wants to go in and see, and one more person can have more strength. Find out the root cause of the old man as soon as possible and help him to treat it thoroughly! "

Healers do not have the so-called absolute silence at all. The other party intentionally blocks himself and others, obviously he does not want to let them pass.

"Presumptuous, what are you, the older you talk to Master Ye Xin, is there a part for you to interrupt?"

"Go away, I don't know what is noble and cheap! Dare to talk nonsense, be careful I pull your tongue out!"

Master Ye Xin has not answered yet, the two guards behind him yelled at the same time, and at the same time the manic breath on his body pressed Nie Yun over, without showing any mercy.

"What are you doing?"

These two breaths can only be circulated in the imperial realm.Nie Yunzhen will be crushed, and he will definitely be hit. The older the eyebrows are raised, the palms are swept forward, and the pressure of the sky disappears as if it never happened. .

"The older you get, don't get angry. It's me who is not strict! I will learn from them when I look back!" Ye Xindao said.

"Master, the facts said next. You talk to the older one, this kid doesn't know where to come out, nonsense, you should learn a good lesson, otherwise, let others know and think we have no rules in Yefu!"

A guard stepped forward with a fist of indignation.

"Yeah, Master, what is the dignity of Yefu if we don't deal with this boy?" Said another guard.

"Presumptuous! This older brother Nie is a person brought by older people. Naturally, the older one is, there is no need for you to talk!" Ye Xin snorted and looked at the older one again: "The older the older, I am really sorry, these two people It's been a long time with me, say what you think, keep your mouth open ... "

"No cover, right? This is simple!"

For the deliberate contrition of the three of them. The older he smiled, his eyebrows suddenly raised, and the old figure suddenly moved.


The entire portrait disappeared in one place in an instant, and two more palms were blinked in the air.

The palms are not large, but with a sense of oppression that is hard to escape.

Slap! Slap!

The palms fell on the faces of the two guards at the same time, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, the older he returned to his place. From leaving to coming back. Less than half a breath in total, if not noticed. Probably never noticed him moving.

"Woohoo ..."

The two great imperial guards watched the palms of the two palms come over, but they were helpless and wanted to speak, only to find that their mouths were imprisoned by a special force, and they could no longer be opened.

The hot pain ripped on his face, causing the two to collapse.

But thinking of the speed and strength of the old and horrible, even if he was full of unwillingness, he did not dare to do it.

The same is a perfect imperial realm, but the power gap is too great to be the same! It is foreseeable that once the two can't keep rushing forward to get started, the older they can easily beheaded and killed without any harm.

"Older ..."

Ye Xin apparently didn't expect that the older he would go, he said nothing, his fists clenched and his face turned red.

Knowing Nie Yun's identity, he thought that it would be difficult for this young man. After all, the older his identity was there, and he would definitely not be in the lead. He never thought of it, not only to help him, but also to be so thorough. The qi joints were white, with red marks on the palms.

"What? Don't you want to be shut up?"

Ignoring his anger, the older he hummed.

The older he is not a fool, how can he not see the small ninety-nine in his heart, offend others, and can bear it, the Nie Yun in front of him has just suppressed his headache, and found out the cause, the kindness, and the broken bones. It's hard to repay ... this guy dare to ask for trouble, isn't this looking for death?


Ye Xin's face began to turn black.

"I don't want to get away!"

The older he scolded and grabbed his palm, Ye Xin immediately took a nap and cleared the corridor.


The fist was pinched louder, Ye Xin was going crazy.

Anyway, he is one of the candidates for the family heir, and it is very likely that he will be the next homeowner. The older he is, he is just a foreigner. It would be so lawless to dare to do this to him!

However, although I was angry, I also knew that I didn't dare to say anything. The older the person in front of me, the more not only he was like a brother to the grandfather, but more importantly ... his own strength was also terrible!

Don't say anything else, just say that a moment ago ... don't say that there are only two ordinary perfect imperial realms around you, even if there are two more, you can't stop it!

The successful imperial realm that was fought on the battlefield and the family training are basically two different things, with completely different concepts ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Ye Xin, I'm really sorry, I will pass first! "

After Yue Lao, came to Ye Xin, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

The hostility of the other party to him, needless to say, he can sense it. In this case, there is no need to pretend to be a good person.


Seeing the young man's skin smiling in front of him, Ye Xin was almost alive and well.

"Hum, please you, I will make you cry later!"

Knowing that the older he was, he couldn't stop it anymore, and Ye Xin had to suppress his anger in his heart.


After speaking, they followed Nie Yun and walked towards the courtyard.

Ignoring Ye Xin's anger, Nie Yun followed behind the older one, and after a short time, he came to a large hall.

The hall was very quiet. A white-haired old man was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed, and not far away, an old man was sitting on one side, resting on his pulse, as if listening carefully.

Nie Yun did not enter the hall directly, but looked at the two men.

The old man looks almost the same as the older, with a strong military taste, his eyes closed, and no specific cultivation can be seen, but he reveals the feeling of supremacy from his body.

The Nantian Medical Saint on his side is somewhat similar to the Baishou Medical Saint I have seen before. It seems that there is the style of a medical master, which makes people impeccable.

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