Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2154: Visiting patient

"Worship me as a teacher? Brother Feng laughed and laughed. You and I have little difference in medical skills, at most we discuss each other, worship teachers ... some are too much!" Nie Yun didn't expect the other party to make this request, and some couldn't laugh or cry.

Not to mention that he has no intention of accepting a disciple, even if there is, this person is the son of Feng Guogong, respected status ... can not accept him as an apprentice!

Besides, if I really want to accept a disciple, I must follow him, but he must look ahead ... even if this guy can do it, his family will not allow it.

"Brother Nie ..."

After hearing his veto, Feng Miao was anxious.

"Brother Feng needn't say anything, our friends are proportionate and let me accept you as an apprentice ... it is impossible to do. If you really want to learn more about some medical practices, you can stay in my hospital for a while. If you have any symptoms, you can Explore each other! "Nie Yundao.

"Well, then I'll disturb Brother Nie, but I won't stay here in vain. This pantheon is my tuition. If Brother Nie doesn't charge it, I will have no face to stay here ..."

Seeing his determination was firm and there was no room for manoeuvre, Feng Miao knew that it would be useless to ask again. He nodded immediately, took out a holding ring, and handed it over.


Nie Yun wanted to refuse. Seeing that he was like himself, he would not change his decision easily, so he just stopped and shook his head with a bitter smile.

It seems that in the last test, the young man in front of him was hit too hard, and this gave him the idea of ​​having to learn.

Feng Miao is a child of the family and medical background, and quickly started to work in the medical museum. According to Nie Yun, let him watch, but he disagrees. If you have to do this, then you are a errand.

However, I have to say that with his help, many things in the medical museum are simple and bad.

Previously, because Nie Yun was new and the asking price was so high, the owners of many street shops on Putian Avenue came to make trouble. In order to force them to close, the first three days depended on Yuan Jiu's shock. At this time, there was Feng Miao, the master of Feng Guogong's government, personally attending the clinic, and these little children never dared to come.

In addition, all the procedures required by medical centers have become very simple, and they have been completed very quickly. Be organized.

On the third day of Feng Miaolai, she finally had her first guest.

It was a young man who helped an old man come in.

"Grandpa, I think it's a name that is worthy of reputation. It will be 10,000 **** stones before it is healed. It is simply a robbery. This kind of medical museum should be blocked directly ... why do you believe it and pay for it!"

The young man hummed as he walked in.

There was a deep grudge in his tone. Obviously, I don't know anything, and I don't know if I can be optimistic. So much money was thrown out that he felt a bit worthless.

"Excessive, dare to ask for so much money directly, I must have the ability to open such a large medical museum, I believe no one will smash his own signboard!" The old man was a little unhappy.

"I don't think so ... if you really have the ability. Why have you never heard of it? What's the name of the owner of the hospital, Nie Yun, did Grandpa ever hear the name?" The young man hummed.

"Haven't heard the name. It doesn't mean that you have no ability ..." The old man shook his head.

"Grandpa, you believe me, I have already asked you for the Yueyue Medical Saint, and she has promised to see you in half a month. You have to listen, you have to come here and throw money ... I really don't know you What do you think! "

Some young people disagree.

When it comes to Yueyue Medical Saint, his eyes are full of respect.

"I didn't show it to Yueyue Yisheng. I saw it three years ago. It's useless to take such a long time? I'm afraid I won't see much effect again!" The old man hummed.

"Who said that the effect was not great? In recent years, Yueyue Medical Saint has studied with Master Hongye. The medical skill has been unattainable, unlike in previous years. Those who want to ask her to see a doctor can't wait in line ..." The youth was anxious Road.

"It goes without saying that it has come, whether it can be done or not, it doesn't matter if you look at it, it's just a million stones, I can afford it!" The old man waved his hand.


Seeing that the old man could not dissuade him, the young man had to stop talking.

The two had come to talk between them, and Liu Zhu welcomed him: "Please pay the appointment fee for the ten thousand **** stone, and then the medical master of our hospital will see the patient!"

"Not coming out yet?"

The old man knew the rules long ago, and turned to glance at the young man behind him.


With reluctance, the young man handed over the cloaking ring.

"Okay, two of you, wait!"

After receiving the ring, Liu Zhu searched it and was sure, and pointed backwards: "Please, two people inside, our medical master is in that room!"

The old man nodded and walked over.

He was also very curious about this medical museum that directly asked for money before seeing the doctor, and he wanted to know where the doctor was confident.

Yunzhou City is the home of the Putian dynasty. There are countless dignitaries and nobles in the city. Masters are like clouds. You need money if you don't see a doctor. Once cured, there will be many people making trouble. This doctor What does the museum rely on? Dare to do this?

Is it true that there is a medical technique that no one can do?

Because of this, I insisted on coming over.

Quickly came to the room and pushed in the door.

"Sit down!"

There were two youths in the room, one sitting and one standing, and it was the sitting youth who was talking.

"Old Qin, are you?"

As soon as I sat down, I hadn't had time to speak, and the sound of surprise sounded. At this time, the old man could see clearly that the speaker was the one who was standing.

"Feng Miao? Why are you here?"

The old man in front of him knew that Feng Guogong's little fellow who studied medicine, Feng Miao!

"I'm an apprentice here ..." Feng Miao hurried.

Speaking of apprentices ~ www.readwn.com ~ others will be ashamed, especially family disciples, but Feng Miao said, not only was she not ashamed, but also in a hurry, for fear of others refuting.

In the past few days, Feng Miao throws herself into the five-body body that the young man admires!

If it was said that the medical track bracelets had competed before, he lost and felt that the opponent was just a coincidence to win, not necessarily better than him. Only a few days later I realized how ridiculous this idea is.

The other side's medical skills have reached where he can't. In just a few days, he has been completely convinced by the erudition of the other side!

Although he didn't come to the patient these days, just explaining medical knowledge just let him open up, and many problems that were trapped in his heart were easily resolved.

Until now, he didn't know what a wise decision to leave behind. It was foreseeable that if he really wanted to be an apprentice here for a few years, his medical skills would surely advance by leaps and bounds, which he had never imagined before.


I don't know what Feng Miao thinks. The old man blinked, looked at him, and looked at the sitting youth. His head was full of question marks. (To be continued)

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