Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2156: Forget-me-not

"Do you mean ... wait for the illness to pay?" Nie Yun looked over.

"Good! After all, this is the first time we have come to see a doctor ... Everyone doesn't understand ..."

Qin Lao's words did not finish, but the meaning Nie Yun still understood.

Quite simply, the first time you met, you asked for such a high price, wasn't it a bit too much?

If you know the bottom line and know that you can indeed help me to cure the disease, I will give it, and now the disease has not been treated, I have not seen the prescription, so it will be so much ... not good!

"Yes, but ... the price doubles!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Double it?" Qin Lao didn't understand.

"Well, now you take the prescription, go back to the treatment, and after confirming that it is intact, and then pay the bill, the price will double, that is ... six chaotic worlds!" Nie Yundao.

"Six? Well, as long as I can cure this bloating problem of bloating, let alone six, ten is nothing to me!"

Hearing can be cured and then pay money, Qin Lao relieved.

It wasn't that he didn't believe the other person, it was ... the teenager was not well known.

"Since Qin Lao and Feng Miao know each other, I do n’t need the mortgage. If I go back for treatment today, there will be no accidents. I can confirm that the cure is not cured tomorrow. Before tomorrow afternoon, I hope to send the remuneration over. Our medical museum will continue. Operation ... "Nie Yundao.

"Tomorrow?" I didn't expect that this young man had money in his eyes, and his mouth was full of money. Qin Lao's heart was full of unhappiness: "Okay, if you can really cure it. Money will not be small, but it can't be cured ... ... I will also come and listen to the master! "

After speaking, pick up the prescription. Turn around and walk out.

Although Qin Lao is not one of the nine emperors and eight kings and twelve concubines, as a business crocodile, everyone is respected everywhere he goes. I didn't expect to be here, but to talk about money, as if he would rely on his account. Make him extremely upset.

More importantly, whether his medicine can cure the disease. No one knows, in case it can't be cured?

Seems like it was wrong!

"Grandpa, I would say this is a quack doctor, you don't want to listen to it. Just throw these gods away in a big deal, but ... I won't let him take the peace ..." The young man hummed out of the medical hall.

He didn't approve of healing here. Grandpa had to insist. No, even Grandpa was so angry.

How can such a small medical museum that only knows money cure diseases that even large doctors cannot cure?

"Well, if I come, it's my decision, but I didn't expect this guy to be so greedy. So, this is a prescription, you go and buy the medicine back. I take it at noon. If it doesn't work, I will come in tomorrow and ask ... Although I have been ill all these years, I am not allowed to be teased like this! "

Mr. Qin waved his hand.


After listening to Grandpa's words, the youth showed joy and opened the prescription. "I'll see what prescription. He dare to ask the price ..."

The murmur was not over, and a scream came out.


"What's wrong?" Seeing this grandson so morbid. Qin Lao frowned.

Although his grandson is sometimes not big or small, he is calm and mindless.

"Grandpa, his prescription ..."

Some of the youngsters were unclear, and handed over the prescription, his face was ugly.

"What's wrong with the prescription? What a fuss!" Qin Lao snorted, took the prescription, took a look, and stared: "This ... what kind of prescription is this guy? Does this guy want to die?"


An evil spirit emerged from Lao Qin, the old man's eyes narrowed, and the whole man was like an angry lion.

There aren't many words on the prescription, only one line ... [forgot root] One, at noon, take it raw!

The reason why I'm so angry is because ... forgot root is so famous!

Even people who do n’t know medicine know what it is.

Forget-me-not, the poisonous grass, is the supreme baby who kills and sells more goods. Even the strongest in the realm of the emperor can not live for half an hour with one strain.

This guy's prescription is ... such a poisonous ragweed ... really fake?

Although Qin Lao has a certain strength, he also knows that with this level, half of the forgetful roots can't eat one, and one is raw ...

The anger hovered over his head like a flame, and the whole person was exploding.

It's okay to die for money. The key is to mess up the medicine. You really have to take this medicine. Don't think about it, you will be poisoned alive if you don't die.

Is this guy a healer or an executioner?

"You go and ask, what is this guy trying to do?" Qin Laoqi's face was ugly: "If I don't give an account, I have to smash his medical hall today!"

"Yes!" The young man's eyes brightened, and he quickly walked towards Nie Yun Medical Museum. After a short time, he came back, his face was ugly.

"What's wrong? What did he say?" Seeing him, Qin Lao had an ominous premonition in his heart and hurriedly asked.

"He ... I haven't seen it!" The youth looked ashamed.

"Did you see?"

"Yes, I didn't see the quack doctor who saw you just now ... I just came with an attendant and told me, if you do n’t dare to take the medicine, you still have to pay it. But if you do n’t pay, he I will ask for it in our mansion in person, a grand old man from Qin Dynasty, a crocodile in the business world, seeing the disease, dare not take the medicine, and still depend on the account ... "

The younger the more ugly his face, the more he almost broke out.

"He really said that?" Qin Lao's face was like the bottom of a pot, feeling his lungs exploding.

After spending so much money to see a doctor, the other party only gave him a prescription for forgetful roots, and ... he asked for money! It's abominable!

"Yes, say ..."

"What else to say?"

"It is also said that there are only a few people in the world who can be called heroes. When they see the roots, they think they are poisons. They will die if they eat them. It ’s cured, you can be assured that no one will cure it except this prescription ~ www.readwn.com! ”

The young man spoke the words of the other servant just now.

"Good medicine to save lives?"

Although he did not believe that the illness that had troubled him for so many years could be cured by eating a single root of forgetfulness, his heart was shaken.

"Dare to open a medical museum here, and get so famous, and know who I am, and dare to do it ... Isn't this guy a quack doctor, but ... really sure?"

Such an idea came to my mind.

He is a businessman and weighs pros and cons no matter what he does.

Although this doctor has never heard of fame and knows how to treat medicine, he can open such a large store on Putian Avenue and make such a fame, and he will definitely not smash his own signboard.

What's more, Feng Miao, a doctor of such strength, is willing to be an apprentice ... These two points alone show that the other party will definitely not be targeted, is it impossible ... Forgetting the root is really the key to curing his disease? (To be continued)

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