Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2168: Bitter

Nie Yun was silent.

It is sad that the father does not know what the daughter really wants and what he wants.

Although Yao Shuang and the man are true love, if the middle-aged person seriously advises, she should listen to her father and not choose this path.

Unfortunately, the middle-aged person used his daughter's trust as a bargaining chip, and the daughter chose such an extreme path.

A successful emperor, even if there are many ways to save his life, how can he survive under the attack of two top emperors?

I am very lucky to be able to keep my breath alive.

"After Yao Shuang was seriously injured, I had no interest in the ascension of the ascendant. At that time, one of the ascendants broke through and became the most powerful emperor. The battle reversed. After that, the emperor led the ascendant and the counterattack became more and more powerful , Forcing us, indigenous protoss, to sign a contract that will never be violated! "

"The Ascendants formed their own alliance and formed a force, which is now the boundless sea! Our alliance, however, has fallen apart. After years of battle, finally the other eight major forces have been identified, Putianling, Qiankun Pavilion, Langyadong, Haotian Building, Xuanji Hall, Shenbing City, Goddess Peak, Chixiao Mountain! "

"The battle is over, but I lost Yao Shuang forever! In order to save her, I traveled all over the world to find famous doctors from all over the world, but ... the methods they gave me could only resurrect her for a period of time, or reincarnate, re-start Come again ... these methods are not what I want! Once reincarnation, she will no longer be my daughter ... I want to compensate my daughter. I don't want her to leave me! "

The middle-aged man muttered to himself with sorrow.

I only cherished everything when I lost it. I didn't give my father my daughter's love. Even using this as a conspiracy, this kind of harm not only broke his daughter's heart, but even he could not forgive himself for so many years!

"The strength of the two emperors destroyed the vitality in her body ..."

After listening to the middle-aged person, Nie Yun also knew about Yao Shuang's condition.

No wonder I can't see what's wrong with her. The confrontation between the two great emperors. The power is so strong that it is beyond what he can see.

of course. If the injury is still serious now, he can quickly see that and find a cure, the key is so many years. The middle-aged man in front of him found countless doctors. Although these people could not catch up with the Emperor Shennong, they were not weak. He had cured all the possible dark illnesses on Yao Shuang's body!

Because of this, she has only five elements in her body, yin and yang are coordinated, and she can see no signs of illness.

It's just ... the body is cured. Why can't I wake up?

"Is it ... the soul?"

With a flash of light in his head, Nie Yun seemed to have caught something.

According to middle-aged people, Yao Shuang was seriously injured. It is because her heart is dead and she has no attachment, and when the soul is annihilated, her lover, burning her soul, protects her indestructible true spirit.

Could this be the reason?

"Look again!"

With an idea in mind, Nie Yun didn't stop. The Shennong Baicao Jing flashed in the eyes again, and the eyes fell on the ice coffin in front of them again.

At this time he was not looking at Yin Yang and Five Elements. Yin and Yang two energy ... but the weak soul of the other party!

"Sure enough!"

After looking at it for a while, Nie Yun relieved, involuntarily showing sadness in his eyes.

"How? Find out the cause?"

Seeing his expression, the middle-aged man looked over in doubt.

"I think ... it should be found!" Nie Yun nodded, looking at the middle-aged man in front of her: "What about Miss Yao Shuang's lover now? Can you tell me?"

"He ... is called Yao Xuan! He is not dead, he is still alive, and has already broken through to become an emperor-level powerhouse, but ... he hates me so much that he has never seen each other!" Hearing that he found the cause, his eyes brightened, hesitated, said.

"He ... hasn't he been married again? No wife?"

Nie Yun asked.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded.

Although he hated the kid very much, it was because of him that his daughter became like this, but he still knew some news about him.

Since Yao Shuang became like this, he has never looked for a woman, even if he becomes a great emperor, he is still alone.

"That's right!"

Hearing the other party's exact answer, Nie Yun sighed.

"What's right? Is it related to treating Yao Shuang?"

Middle-aged man wonders.


Nie Yun responded, without hesitation, telling the cause: "Miss Yao Shuang's body, although extremely weak, was intact, and the injuries that year were almost completely cured, without any major problems! So I ca n’t be resurrected and wake up because ... the soul! "


"Well, Miss Yao Shuang's soul was broken and annihilated at any time. It was that person who burned her soul and saved her immortal true spirit! Under his protection, Miss Yao Shuang's consciousness could only be immersed in knowing the sea. Can't come out! "

"Protection? Can't come out?" The middle-aged man frowned, wondering what Nie Yun meant.

"That is to say ... Since the burning of the soul that day, the soul of Miss Yao Shuang has been under the protection of that person, and it is still so now! Although the person has never seen you, actually part of the soul has been divided. Protect Miss Yao Shuang! "

"He has always protected Yao Shuang? Will not let her soul leave the sea?" The middle-aged man finally understood: "Why?"

No matter from the behavior at that time, or if she has never looked for a woman for so many years, that person should love Yao Shuang very much. In this case, why protect Yao Shuang with her soul and keep her away from knowing the sea? Like a corpse?

"Because ... Ms. Yao Shuang's soul is too weak. When she comes out, she must be so frightened that no one can save him! He also knows this, so he is not allowed to hurt anyone, even because of this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Live for billions of years without regrets! "

Nie Yun sighed.

When Shi Zhanqi Fa saw the entangled soul just now, his heart shook.

Although the middle-aged man forcibly broke up the two because of what he did, the man's love for Yao Shuang really came from his heart!

It can be seen by so many years of persistence!

Yao Shuang's true spirit is very weak, and her opponent's soul is very strong. As long as she doesn't want to protect her, she will die directly!

But for this love, he has been guarding for hundreds of millions of years. Even this true spirit, without a little self-consciousness, cannot communicate with him!

More importantly, to maintain this part of the soul, the soul of his deity is incomplete. In this case, he can also break through the imperial rank, showing perseverance and determination!

"What a miserable pair!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun sighed. (To be continued)

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