Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2170: Refined Spirit Lamp (2)

Of course, this success rate is not 100%.

After all, the level range of the true spirit lamp exceeds the limit that the Nagoya world bears. If he is now a powerful emperor, he will be much simpler to refine, and even succeed in one idea. Unfortunately, his strength is too low. With the help of the world of things, it is not so easy to succeed.

Standing in the world of holding things, Nie Yun flicked his fingers, and a medicine appeared in front of him.

The stone turtle gave him a total of three medicinal materials. He didn't dare to refine them at the same time. In case of destruction, he would have no time to cry.

"The true spirit lamp, nourish the true spirit, strengthen the soul ..."

Standing quietly in place, the records of Shennong Baicao Jing about the true spirit lamp slowly flowed in my mind.

The true spirit lamp is the original creation of the Emperor Shennong. It uses the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials to condense the treasures, nourish the true spirit, strengthen the soul, and make the soul constantly strengthen.

If a person's soul is seriously injured, it is perfectly possible to place such a true spirit lamp on the sea. In this way, the soul's recovery speed will be dozens of times, even a hundred times faster than usual!


After carefully studying the sequence of making the true spirit lamp several times, after Nie Yun confirmed that it was correct, he started. A strain of medicinal materials in front of him floated slowly, driven by his thoughts.


A flame emerged out of thin air, and the medicinal material changed shape under the hot flame to form a drop of strong medicine drop.


Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief while controlling the temperature of the flame and constantly refining the herbs.

It's really easier in the world of things than in the outside world. Extracting herbs here is easier to control.

It was not long before he finished refining the 981 medicinal plants. Balls of light hung in front of them, like shining jade, shining.

"The rarest thing is fusion ... try it!"

Refining pharmaceutical materials is very easy in the world of receiving things. After all, he is the master here. Everything can change as he wants, but integration is different!

A single medicinal material. It has little impact on the world of things and can be accompanied by gradual integration. The power is getting higher and higher, and it is not something that the world can accept.

It's like piles of wood. It's easy to put one on the ground, and the more you accompany it, the more you put. The higher the barrier, the less easy it is to control.

The same is true of the world of things.

These medicinal materials are rare items in the divine realm, and the level of the world of things can't be copied if you want to copy them, which shows the power.

Focusing on the spirit, Nie Yun's mind is flowing with the production sequence of the true spirit lamp, and the two medicinal materials are slowly fused together.


It is not difficult to merge the two medicinal materials, but the power of the combined medicine has greatly improved. Shake the entire world of things, a crack appeared.

"Both drugs are so powerful?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

I thought it would take at least ten drugs to make space change. It seems that the efficacy of these drugs is underestimated.

"Continue to merge!"

Moved mentally. The fissure disappeared under his control and continued to slowly fuse the drugs together.


When the fifth kind was merged, cold sweat appeared on Nie Yun's head.

When he merged into the seventh species, his face froze and blood spurted out.


The medicine suspended in the air burned instantly. The blink of an eye turned into piles of ashes.

"Ah ... too bad!"

Looking at the ashes that turned into ashes, Nie Yun felt a little distressed.

The world of things is under his control, though. It can be accompanied by the fusion of drugs. After the fusion, the power of the East and West is too strong, and it is beyond the scope of the world, and he is powerless!

Only after the seven kinds of medicinal materials were fused, he could not bear it ... let alone nine hundred and eighty one!

No wonder when talking about the true spirit lamp, the stone turtle's face is so dignified that it is really not something he can accomplish.

"I still have the chaotic world I recently earned. Try it out ..."

Sitting cross-legged and resting for a long time, Nie Yun stood up again.

During this time, he treated others with incurable diseases. His rewards were all chaotic worlds. He had already collected a lot of them, and then he merged these worlds into the world of things.

When the spirit moved, dozens of bubbles appeared at the same time, and with the explosion, a lot of strong world power filled the entire Dantian.

I don't know how long it took, Nie Yun opened his eyes again.

"With the increasing development of Narutani Tanita, the chaotic world of this scale is not very useful, unless a larger chaotic world can be found ..."

Nie Yun rubbed his brows.

Before the fusion of the chaotic oceans, it was of great help to the world of things, but with the development of Dantian, this effect gradually weakened.

It's like pouring a bowl of water into a cup, which has a great effect, but it is almost invisible when poured into a tank or a pond.

The chaotic world sold outside is, at best, slightly larger than the Oblique Moon Supreme. At the beginning, it greatly helped the world of things, but with the increase of the world of things, the effect is getting smaller.

Unless a larger ocean of chaos can be found!

However, this chaotic ocean is not so easy to find.

The large chaotic oceans are in the hands of the big forces because of the issue of the law, and they are not allowed to sell. Even if Nie Yun treats many patients, there is no way.

"Although the current world of clues has increased a bit, but it has not changed substantially, I am still unable to make a true spirit lamp!"

Although uncomfortable, he knew the truth.

The Nanda Dantian, which blends dozens of chaotic worlds, has not been able to refine the true spirit lamp, although it has increased a lot in its power volume.

"Forget it, it really doesn't work. Pass the refining steps to Yao Shuang's father. It should not be difficult for him to succeed in refining!"

Hesitating for a moment, Nie Yunqiang resisted the urge to refine again.

A total of three medicinal materials have been destroyed, and he does not want to destroy one more.

If the refining is unsuccessful, only middle-aged people can get rid of it.

Even if it is not the Emperor of Daoism, as an emperor-level powerhouse, his power is overbearing and it is not too difficult to make a true spirit lamp.

The reason why he didn't want to let him do it at first was because the true spirit lamp was the secret of Emperor Shennong.


Refining is not possible ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun is not tangled, he left the world of Nawu and answered the medical museum.

"Master, there is a woman outside, indicating that I am looking for you!" As soon as she stepped out of the room, she was greeted by herself.

It is the medical staff, Liu Zhu.

"Women? Did she say her name?"

Nie Yun froze and asked.

When I came to Yunzhou City, I didn't seem to have dealt with any woman.

"She's called Fairy Fairy, and I made an appointment with you before ..."

Liu Zhudao.

"Miaoyin Fairy? So fast?"

Nie Yun's eyes couldn't help turning on.

Before that, the wonderful fairy said to find something about Ling Tianxiao's spectrum, and when she found it, she would come over. I didn't expect it to be so fast! (To be continued)

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