Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2179: Something wrong

Because of their status, the imperial-level powerhouses generally promise less. Once committed, they must do what they say. (No pop-up ads). Visit the latest chapter: ЩЩ ..

The young man in front of him has solved the problems that have plagued them for hundreds of millions of years. The kindness is so great that there is no way to add it. Furthermore, with such medical skills and perseverance, there will be absolutely limitless achievements in the future. I promise now and also plan for the future.

"My predecessors love him so much ... I don't dare to be ashamed!"

Unexpectedly, the two emperors spoke this solemnly, and Nie Yun was startled.

From his point of view, he cured Yao Shuang, and the other party gave away some treasures at most, but how could the precious treasures be better than the god-level strong ones?

"Don't call your seniors anymore, my name is Yun Yan, I'll grow you up, and call me Yun Yan brother in the future!"

The middle-aged laughed.

"Eh!" Nie Yun was startled.

He nevertheless succeeded in the kingdom of the king and called the emperor-level strong as his brother ... This title was somewhat ashamed.

However, I am afraid that the other party will recognize his own potential and will definitely be able to impact the emperor in the future. This is why he deliberately called his brother to avoid later trouble.

"Emperors of the imperial rank are all called brothers. There isn't so much attention to it, otherwise, according to seniority, I can't call them by the name. My name is Yao Xuan, you can also call me Yao Xuan brother!" Yao Xuan on the side also nodded. .

"..." Nie Yun was dizzy.

The relationship between Yao Xuan and this Yunyan is Weng Yue. Both of them let themselves be called "brothers". The relationship ... is not clear.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that the emperor level is difficult to reach. Every time the world of God in the world becomes an emperor level power, it takes a long time to spend it. For thousands of years, millions of years, millions of years Less.

Because of this, every emperor-level strongman, from his real age, ca n’t call his grandfather too much. If he comes from the same bloodline, he ca n’t always call his ancestor!

Therefore, in order to prevent this embarrassing situation, the Emperor Realm is called a brother. (Fiction

Besides, each of the Emperor Realms realized his own unique avenue. There is no hierarchy between the avenue and the avenue.

Figure this out and understand what the other party meant, but Nie Yun still felt somehow.

It is no wonder that people who can become the emperor. Each of them has lived for at least billions of years, experienced too many lives and deaths, and the generations have no concept in their hearts. Nie Yun is different, and it takes tens of thousands of years to play. Generation is still important.

"How? Not adapted? Oh, when you become an emperor, you will understand that only strength is the most important thing in the world, and everything else is nothing!"

Seeing his tangled face, the middle-aged man Yun Yan laughed.

"Well then, the two great emperors won't give up. I continue to struggle, and I'm really sad. Brother Yun Yan and Brother Yao Xuan!"

Knowing that the other party's "cross" is good, Nie Yun is not tangled.

If the other party is in such an identity, he will lower his status and ‘friend’. What ’s his trouble?

Besides, I know from the stone turtle's mouth that after the birth of the disciples of Shennong, they will all become honorable guests of the emperor class, called brothers and disciples, and will be called by the other party sooner or later.

"That's it!"

Yao Xuan nodded. Laughed.

I haven't seen him laugh since then. He smiled at this moment, his face full of angles. Anti-'shooting 'the newborn sunlight, revealing masculinity, adding a little charm.

No wonder Miss Yao Shuang can die for him willingly. Regardless of his strength, this appearance alone can make countless young women fascinated.

"Brother Yao Xuan. Now Miss Yao Shuang's illness is almost cured. I will help you to see your illness together!" Nie Yundao.

As soon as he came here, he saw that Yao Xuan was ill, but the latter was worried about Yao Shuang, hoping to help her cure before she said.

Now that Yao Shuang's incident has come to an end, he can cultivate slowly, and it is time to help him.

"Just trouble my brother!" Yao Xuan didn't quit.

"Brother Yao Xuan's illness is caused by his sadness. He is accumulated over time and cannot be cured in a day or two. I have a 'medicine' formula that can make a kind of psychedelia. It will be very good for you. Now, I will give it to Brother Yao Xuan. After finding the 'medicine' materials, I will find someone to make it. Take one daily and it will heal in about half a year! "

Nie Yun flicked his fingers, and a piece of 'medicine' Fang flew over.

The other side's illness is forcibly impacting the emperor and forming a sad heart over time. It is impossible to cure sexually at one time and requires slow treatment. This mind is exactly the best medicine for treatment. If you continue to take it, you can definitely recover for half a year.

"Thank you!"

Yao Xuan nodded.

His illness has been seen by many medical masters, and he has taken a lot of medicines, and they are all helpless. Since the other party said he can heal, he will certainly not speak up. Therefore, the seemingly random 'medicine' formula in front of him is actually Very precious.

"Let's go, it's time to go back!"

After the matter was completed, the middle-aged man allowed to go back anxiously to find the 'medicine' for restoring the soul, took away the ice coffin, and said.

Yao Xuan knew that Yao Shuang hadn't been resurrected. Even if he met, he didn't have to be so anxious, nodded his head, and said goodbye to the two.


Feeling a twist in the space, when Nie Yun opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the medical hall.

"Can we go this time?"

Farewell to the Great Emperor Yunyan, Nie Yungang just wanted to return to his residence for a rest, and heard a slightly resentful sound, looked up, and couldn't help laughing, the fairy Miaoyin didn't know when he had arrived, sitting in the yard with a good face Bulging.

It doesn't matter if you push it once, this guy asked himself to come over during the day, but as a result ... he couldn't find anyone!

What an abomination!

"Well ... I'll arrange the hospital, and we'll set off ..."

Knowing why the other party was angry, Nie Yun smiled awkwardly, and was about to call Liu Zhu to arrange something. What to do after going out of the medical hall, saw Liu Zhu come over anxiously.

"Master, Master Ye Tao comes to you ..."

Upon entering the yard, Liu Zhu spoke directly.

"Let him come over!" Nie Yun nodded, knowing that the other party was so anxious to find himself.

"Brother Nie!"

Soon, Ye Tao came in, and as soon as he entered the courtyard, he hurriedly held his fist and wanted to talk, his eyes fell on the wonderful sound fairy on one side ~ www.readwn.com ~ couldn't help but hesitated: "This is ..."

Although he took Nie Yun to see the fairy of the wonderful sound, the fairy always veiled and came to Ye Tao instead of knowing it.

"This is the wonderful fairy of Cui's Jade Pavilion!" Nie Yundao.

"Fantastic fairy?"

Ye Tao was startled.

I heard that after finding the acquaintance on that day, the fairy disappeared. I never dreamed that I had been hidden by this Nie brother Jinwu ... No wonder I moved out in such a hurry! This is the reason!

If Nie Yun knows what he thinks, he must be dizzy. This guy has too much imagination ...

However, even if he could not think of it, he could guess a few points by looking at his expression, and immediately asked: "Brother Ye came to me in the morning, why?"


Ye Tao then reacted, his face 'skin' sinking: "Master ... something went wrong!"

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