Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2182: Full Moon Palace


"You heard me right, I chose to break the barrier!" Nie Yundao. Pinshu.com (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

It would be of little use to him to read the Xiaopu spectrum. Only incorporating the Xiaopu into Xianyin Dantian can give him a deeper understanding of this avenue.

"Okay, okay!" Said Miaoyin Fairy, her lungs were exploding.

He is not a scourge, or a dinosaur monster. On the contrary, he is also a very beautiful woman, let him pretend to be a boyfriend ... He would rather choose to break through ...

If I had told her this before, it would definitely be a joke and I saw it with my own eyes. Then I know that there are such funny guys in the world ...

"To break or not break ... Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

He snorted angrily, and the fairy Fairy ignored it, and when the spirit moved, Guqin immediately flew down.

"Sister, you are back!"

"You practice outside, how is it outside? Is it as interesting as the legend?"

"Sister, how long can you stay here this time?"

"I heard that you went to someone who can ensemble with your piano and flute, but you can't find it ..."


As soon as Guqin fell, a group of women gathered around and waited for Nie Yun to step out of Guqin's space. The voices were dumb and they all looked strangely.

"So handsome guy ..."

"It's just a bit low and a bit young!"

"Sister, how are you spitting it out? Find such a small one back?"

"This won't be your **** outside ..."


There was a moment of silence, again uproar.

Hearing these words, Nie Yun's head was black and speechless.

No wonder that three women played a show, and more than a dozen women came out at once.

And ... illegitimate children ... where is this all!

"Rarely here to rap! With this effort, go back and practice the piano well! Otherwise, I will tell Master to let her take care of this year's assessment. If the piano sounds are not met, all the punishment will be heavy!"

I heard that Nie Yun is her illegitimate child, and the wonderful fairy is full of black lines. This group of sisters is too much ... She is still a big girl, okay, where is the child?

"Punish if you can't reach the piano and harmony? Sister, you are too hard!"

"Our entire Xianyin sect can reach the piano and harmony, plus seven or eight of you. The others are old guys who don't know how many years have lived, sister. You are trying to kill us ..."

"Sister, we were wrong ..."


Hearing the sound of the harp and humming, the expression that was still stunned just now broke down, one by one with grievances in his eyes.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Each of these women in front of her is a beautiful woman who chooses one hundred miles. So many people stand together and eclipse the surrounding scenery.

but. Beauty is also sometimes a headache, just like before, alas, it was him, there was no other way out except to escape, the wonderful sound fairy was really powerful, and one word made everyone dumb.

"Well. Where is Master? I will come back to her this time for something!" The fairy said, seeing everyone no longer talking nonsense.

"Master and her old man are at the Moon Palace ..." a woman replied.

"Wangyue Palace? Master and her elderly are retreating?" Miaoyin Fairy froze.

"We don't know either, Master and her old people have been staying at the Moon Palace since they came back some time ago, and never came out. The last assessment was held by Sister Sakura!" The talking woman continued.

"Hmm? Last time I came back, I sent her a message in advance. I saw her again ... how can I stay in Mochizuki Palace all the time?" Miaoyin Fairy raised her eyebrows.

Wangyue Palace is the retreat of the Sovereign Sect Sovereign, and her Master is this Sovereign.

According to Master ’s practice, unless you find that kind of opportunity, you usually rarely retreat for a long time, and even if you retreat, the disciples under the door cannot fail to know. How could she only know that she was in Mochizuki, not what she was doing?

Besides, she just came back half a month ago and met the master. It seems no problem!

"We don't know, Master said nothing, and we dare not disturb ..." The talking woman shook her head, her expression blank.

"Okay, don't stop here, practice the piano one by one, wait for me to finish, check your progress personally, if the progress does not meet the requirements in my heart, see how I learned!"

Miaoyin fairy snorted, Jiao twisted, and walked forward.

After hearing her words, the women who were happy were crying one by one, and without the excitement before, they turned and left.

"I didn't expect your sister, quite majestic!"

When these people left, Nie Yun was relieved and followed behind the fairy Miao Yin, smiling.

I didn't see that this guy was quite majestic. In a word, these women were afraid to talk nonsense.

"I am the Master Sister Yinxong. When I was in Zongmen, I taught them the Xianyin Avenue on behalf of the Master and taught them ... naturally they want to listen to me!" Said the wonderful fairy.

Nie Yun nodded and no longer asked.

The two cascaded one after the other, and soon came to a palace standing on a mountain stream.

I have to say that the people who designed this palace and chose the address of Xianyinzong have a good vision. The palace is elegant and magnificent, giving a sense of wonderland. From a distance, the red brick and blue tiles are hidden in the green mountains. In the green water, it is quiet and beautiful, and cultivates the heart.

On the cliff in front of the palace, there is a wide platform soaring into the clouds and standing on it, you can look down on the entire beauty of the gate.

"This is the moon watching platform. At night, the moonlight shone down and shrouded the stone platform, giving people a real and fantasy scene, especially beautiful!" Miaoyin Fairy seemed to see his eyes and said with a smile.

"Good place!"

Nie Yun nodded.

After only glancing at it, he also knew that the position of this moon platform was extremely clever. Standing on it and ascending to the moon would give people a sense of fluttering.

"Miaoyin, you are back!"

The two were talking, a faint voice sounded.

"Master ..."

Hearing this sound ~ www.readwn.com ~ Miaoyin Fairy body suddenly rushed up.

Along the direction of her walk, a woman in a palace costume walked out of the moon-viewing palace. She was about forty years old and looked beautiful. The years did not seem to leave any traces on her face, and her skin was still smooth, white, and elastic. .

"Master, this is the confidante I told you last time. I brought him over ..."

Seeing Master's complexion intact, there was no problem, Miaoyin Fairy breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she was a little bit worried just now and couldn't help laughing, introducing Nie Yun.

"Huh!" The woman in the palace costume nodded and looked over.

When she looked at Nie Yun, the latter also looked at her.


With only one glance, Nie Yun couldn't help wrinkling his eyebrows, as if he saw something, he was silent. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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