Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2188: Refined Ling Tianxiao spectrum


She was in the blood, and she thought that she would die this time. She never dreamed of it, and could still treat it. And ... so fast!

In order to reach this state of her, coupled with Zhongxie Sha palm for a long time, Xiu has a deep understanding of this kind of evil spirit, she can clearly feel that the evil spirit on her body has been completely eliminated, leaving no trace!

"What a magical method! What a brilliant medicine!"

While excited, I could not help but be shocked. Copy URL to visit http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d

The blood poisoning palm is terrible and makes people smell. Even if she doesn't know much about medicine, she knows it is difficult to treat.

But the boy in front of him was easily lifted, and it didn't seem to be too difficult!

This medicine is really terrible.

"This is the Ling Tianxiao spectrum. Although it is a treasure handed down from the Zongmen, a good score needs an acquaintance. There is no one who can understand the musical scores. Staying here is also a secret cast of the pearl. It is useless!" The woman in the palace dress was not arrogant either. She flipped her wrist and a book appeared in the air.

The book is quietly suspended, although there is no sound, but at first glance, it gives a feeling of music sounding, like a beautiful flute, passed over, it can not help but feel refreshing.

No need to open it, Nie Yun knows that this must be Ling Tianxiao's spectrum!

Represents the extreme of Xianyin Avenue!

"Thank you senior!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

This flute spectrum is a holy scripture dreamed by those who have no mathematics flute in the realm of God. I thought that I would have to go to the third house and spend a lot of effort. I didn't expect it to be so simple.

Reaching for the flute spectrum, the palm of the hand sank. Nie Yun knew that this was the weight of Xianyin Avenue, and he didn't say much at once, and the spirit moved it into the world of things.

"Xiao spectrum has arrived in your hands, practice quickly, I want to ensemble with you as soon as possible!" Miaoyin Fairy came over.

Master is okay, and her mood relaxes, but ... although the illness is cured, her revenge will be reported, and only she will make a breakthrough. To reach.

"Uh ... well, wait for me for a while, I will try to learn as soon as possible!"

Seeing her attitude, Nie Yun knew what she was thinking, nodded and did not leave, sitting cross-legged in place. When the spirit moves, consciousness enters the world of things.

"Learn as soon as possible?"

See him not looking for a quiet place. Sitting directly here, the woman in the palace dress frowned.

Qin Xiao is connected, she can say she does n’t know about Dao Tao, but she knows a lot about Xiao Xiao. As a supreme cheat in the Xiao Xiao Xiao spectrum, even a genius needs to find a quiet place, study it carefully and sit directly On the ground ... what to do?

Doing so could not help but look at Ling Tianxiao's spectrum. Some are too arrogant!

If you do n’t respect it, the key is to look at him ... It ’s not going to take long to learn ... What a joke?

If it were so easy, it wouldn't be so many years for Xianyinzong to find a confidant!

"She ... can you really learn the contents of the flute?"

Although I felt impossible in my heart, I still couldn't help asking the magic of the other party's treatment of himself.

"This ... I don't know!"

The wonderful sound fairy scratched her head.

To be honest with this boy. She didn't know much, the only thing was to learn her sheet music.

The other party learned all her scores, and it didn't seem to take a long time ... except that her score was compared with Ling Tianxiao's score. The difference is still too much. Can the other party learn it quickly, even her? unconfirmed.

"Ling Tianxiao spectrum. I once read it, which brought Master Luo ’s understanding of Xianyin, like a complete avenue ... even if I have this strength and want to learn, it will be difficult to complete without thousands of years, he ... learn it soon, I still don't like it! "

Seeing disciples couldn't tell why. The woman in the palace costume expressed her judgment.

The difficulty of Ling Tianxiao's spectrum is even deeper than the piano channels they are practicing now!

They do n’t know how many geniuses they ca n’t stand. They never believe that this boy can do it in one go and directly integrate the entire score.

"Actually ... I think so too. After all, if I calculate carefully, my physique is not weak, and I am inherently sensitive to sound. Even so, it costs me countless costs to learn the piano ... , I really don't know how to answer ... "

Miaoyin Fairy shook her head slightly.

She is of the same physique and is naturally sensitive to music. This talent still took some time to reach her current level. The other party completed it in a short time, and she felt a little skeptical of her efforts.

The two women did not believe that Nie Yun could learn the content of the Xiaopu in a short time and stood quietly watching it. At this time, Nie Yun was completely immersed in the books in front of her and knew nothing about the outside world.

"It's a great flute score, and it's really much better than the wonderful musical score of Fairy Fairy!"

He has read the music score of Fairy Fairy, and only looked at it once. With the help of the world of fairy tales and Danyin Tiantian, he can instantly communicate with each other. This flute is somewhat different. Book of the day.

"No matter, let's talk with Xianyin Dantian!"

Knowing that Xiao Xiao's grade is too high, his strength is a bit low, so if I continue to look at it, I can't see why it happened. When Nie Yun's spirit moved, the score immediately flew out and flew straight to Xianyin Dantian.

It does n’t matter if you do n’t understand, it can be integrated into Xianyin Dantian just like refining Shennong Baicao Jing.


As soon as Ling Tianxiao made contact with Xianyin Dantian, the latter immediately vibrated, dripping and spinning, and swam straight forward from the previous position.

After studying the tunes of the fairy tale, the Dantian has moved forward. At this time, the speed of movement is faster, and she soon entered the ranks of the top ten.


I do n’t know how long, Xianyin Dantian stopped, behind the many Dantians such as Master Dantian, Musheng Dantian, Devouring Dantian, second only to Tiandao Dantian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Tianxiao spectrum is powerful, but The master who created it, Luo Ya, did not reach the emperor level and did not surpass Tiandao, so even if the entire flute spectrum is perfectly integrated, Xianyin Dantian cannot surpass Tiandao Dantian.

Even so, it's pretty amazing.

When the spirit moves, a breath of immortal sound fills the whole body, giving Nie Yun a feeling and saying what he wants. If he wants to, he can instantly wipe out a person who is lower than his own strength in one sentence ... And it doesn't need to consume power!

In the past, killing people by hand, even if they were less powerful than themselves, would cost a lot of money and consume a lot of power. Now, they can be wiped out in a single sentence, and the other party does not even have the ability to resist!

This is the horror of Xianyin Avenue!

Jin Yuliang speaks, and the way he speaks!


Feeling the changes in his body, Nie Yun's face was a joy, his closed eyes opened sharply. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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