Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2214: 7th Soul Return


Appearing in front of everyone was a box. The box came, a thick scent of medicine spread out, letting people involuntarily indulge in it, especially the soul, just smelled it, as if it had grown in a circle, and got a big Make up. Alas,

"It really is a treasure of the soul!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened, confirming his speculation.

This elixir, although he didn't know what it was, but a scent of it can make people feel shocked enough to explain the efficacy.

It seems to be a medicine that gathers the soul and nourishes the soul.

The three princes saw the hostile relationship just now, and what gifts they gave, they certainly did not notify in advance, but at this moment they took out the baby with the same effect. As guessed, the emperor Yuanyang likes this kind of thing most.

"This elixir is called" Seven Days Back to the Spirit Dan! "Say the name, presumably the others don't need to say more!" Covering the box, Prince Dobo smiled slightly, with strong confidence in his words.

"Seven Days Back to the Spirit Dan? What is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it, is it precious?"

"You are so ignorant! In ancient legend there was an emperor who was good at medicine, called Shen Nong. Have you heard of it?"

"You are talking about Emperor Shennong! I heard that it seems that he is also called Emperor Yanhuang. He is a very powerful man in ancient times! Didn't he fall long ago? Is it related to this seven-day Huihundan? ? "

"Of course it matters! Seven Days Back to the Spirit Dan, known as Seven Days Back to the Soul, even if it is dead, as long as it is not swallowed for more than seven days, you can return to the soul and live again!"

"What? Seven days back to the soul? How could this ... this ...?"

"What's impossible! This seven-day return to the soul pill. It is said that it was created by the Emperor Shennong at the beginning, known as the first medicine in the world. As long as there is such a pill, it will become very difficult to die!"

"The medicine created by Emperor Shennong? No wonder it is so precious ..."


Heard the name of Huihun Dan on the 7th. At first a lot of people didn't know, I just heard how to explain this terrible elixir!

The Emperor Shennong, known as the first medical practitioner in the history of the Divine Realm, how could the elixir he left behind not be so powerful?

"Isn't it that everything from the Emperor Shennong disappeared with his fall? How could this elixir be made?"

"I don't know about this either, since Prince Dobo can take it out, he won't be out of nowhere!"

"This is, anyway, even if this elixir is not the seventh day to return to the soul, it is almost the same. I just took a sip, and I felt so comfortable that my soul couldn't say it!"


On the seventh day, Huidan Dan and Emperor Shennong were so famous that they suddenly heard that everyone was still a little unbelievable.

"Oh, I know everyone must have some doubts. The heritage of the Emperor Shennong has long disappeared into the long history of history, and the authenticity of this elixir has yet to be discussed!" Look at the expressions of everyone. Prince Dobo was not angry, but smiled slightly, confident: "I can tell you clearly that there is no problem with this elixir. It was passed down from the Emperor Shennong!"

"You said that the Emperor Shennong passed down from him? Is there any evidence?"

Ruxia Prince hummed.

"That's right, anyone who knows the truth can say that the successor of the Emperor Shennong is known as the disciple of Shennong. He has long disappeared into the history of the river. I don't know how long this elixir is the seventh-day return to the soul. Could it be that you know the disciples of Shennong?

Prince Liumu apparently didn't believe it either.

"I don't know Disciples of Shennong! This kind of sage. I'm not qualified to see them, but ... I don't know Disciples of Shennong. Without the inheritance of the Emperor Shennong, it doesn't mean that I can't make a seven-day Huihundan!"

Prince Dobo laughed.

"Oh?" Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

That ’s right, the medicine developed by Shennong Emperor on the 7th is not fake, but it does not mean that it cannot be refined without inheritance!

"Before explaining, let me introduce you to a well-known medical master!"

Prince Dobo smiled and turned, and a figure emerged from behind him.

Before this person stood in the crowd, no one noticed, and immediately saw his appearance when he came out.

He is an old man with blue beard. He is about 50 years old, his eyes are shining brightly, showing that he is not weak.

"This is ... Yunlang Medical Doctor!"

"Yunlang Medical Immortal?"

"Yes, it is him. My mother was very ill at the time, and I visited it. The famous medical doctors on the medical chart list are said to be higher than Master Mogao and Hongye."

"You say that, I seem to remember that there is indeed such a person on the medical rankings, but ... Isn't he a medical master in Langyadong? Why did he come here?"

"I don't know then ... it should be Prince Dobo invited!"

"You can invite such a master, Prince Dobo is so amazing!"


The old man has not spoken yet, and some people in the crowd have recognized it, one by one, it is hard to believe.

Yunlang Medical Immortal, Langyadong's most powerful medical Taoist master, the top fifteen strongest in the medical Taoist rankings, it is difficult for him to see a doctor and see him.

Compared with the so-called Nantian Medical Saint, Mingxin Master, and Baishou Medical Saint, nothing counts.

"Yes, some people have already recognized this. This is the Langlang medical fairy of Langyadong!" Looking at the expressions of the crowd, the Prince Dobo smiled slightly. "

"He made it?"

"That's what he said, then there's nothing wrong with it!"

"It's him. Yunlang Yixian is a well-known medical Taoist master in the entire world of God. It's impossible to joke about his reputation!"

"I'm still a bit strange. Although he has a good medical skill, I heard that countless medical masters of the 7th Huihundan did not succeed. How could he succeed?"

"I don't know ..."


Hearing the Seven Days of Returning Soul Pill is made by Yunlang Medical Immortal ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone is still doubtful.

Yunlang Yixian's fame is great, but the seventh day Huihundan is even more famous!

This medicine is known as an immortal medicine. For so many years in the world of God, no one has successfully refined it. At this moment, it is said that he has made it, and no one can believe it.

"Yunlang doctor immortal medicine is very clever, and the ability to refining elixir is also outstanding. This is beyond doubt, I will not doubt it!"

When the crowd was strange, a voice sounded, and everyone hurriedly looked at him. The talking was actually Prince Dobo's old counterpart, Prince Ruxia.

How could Prince Ruxia speak for Multiwave 4D?

The crowd was puzzled, and they heard Prince Ruxia continue: "I am just ... weird. Seven days later, Dan Fang returned to the soul, and it is said that it disappeared with the fall of Emperor Shennong. , I don't know ... How did Yunlang Yixian find Danfang? And the successful refining of Danyao! "(To be continued ...)

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