Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2216: Asking Heart Stone

"Seven days back to the soul ... this elixir feels a bit wrong!"

Unlike everyone's surprise, Nie Yun was a little confused.

He accepted the complete inheritance of the Emperor Shennong. The Seventh Day Huihun Dan was extremely mysterious in the eyes of others, and it was nothing in his eyes.

Because Shennong Baicao Jing has the complete prescription of this elixir.

However, although there is a prescription, refining this elixir requires extremely strong power, which is beyond his current strength.

Although I have n’t refined it, because I ’m familiar with medicinal properties, I just glanced over at a glance—pig—pig—island—ww. {Zhu} {zhu} {}, I still feel that this seven-day Huihundan is a bit wrong, but what is wrong , I don't know!

After all, he only glanced at it from a distance and did not investigate it carefully. Even if he knew so much about Seven Days Huihundan, he was not quite sure.

"Ye Tao, Father won't let you come, I have to come, I didn't want to talk about you, but I left Father here to stay ... Hey, so I don't know how to do it, dare to make a bet with me?"

While Nie Yun was meditating, a somber voice sounded.

Looking around, it was Ye Xin who was talking.

The gift from Yefu belonged to the Duke's Mansion at the moment. At this moment, he also prepared a personal gift to be given out.

The old man and others have entered the inner hall, and now all that remains is a bunch of young people.

"Bet? How do you do that?" Ye Tao frowned.

Although he was disgusted with this Ye Xin in his heart, he couldn't refuse to come to him.

"It's very simple. Just bet on the gift we sent, who can enter the apse!" Ye Xin grinned.

"What about winning? What about losing?"

Ye Tao said.

"I know you don't have any good things. In order to be afraid of your refusal, the stakes will be smaller ... Let ’s do this! Lose in front of everyone and win three knees!" Ye Xin rolled his eyes and said: "Dare or not dare!"


Ye Tao's face sank.

The other side is blatantly provocative.

Once you lose. Kneeling down and scratching your head, face loss is trivial. So many people are embarrassing in front of the facade, and definitely don't want to touch the heirs of the family in the future!

What a hot and spicy way!

"Why. Don't you dare? Don't dare to leave now, don't be ashamed here!"

Ye Xin sneered.

Ye Tao's face tightened, and I didn't know how to answer.

"Well, Ye Tao bet! But ... I hope you don't rely on your account when you lose!" Nie Yun came over.

"I'm on account? Dream, I'm afraid he won't dare admit it!" Seeing Nie Yun promised, Ye Xin was not surprised.

Ye Tao was with the teenager. When he agreed, it was equivalent to Ye Tao.

"Then wait and see!"

Ignore his words. Nie Yun waved slightly.


With a shake of his hand, Ye Xin walked forward, behind the crowd, and walked towards the registry.

"Brother Nie ..."

As soon as he left Ye Tao, his face was hard to look at, and he looked at Nie Yun and wondered how to answer.

It seems that he is not confident that he can win.

"There is nothing you can't promise. Ye Xin is prepared. Even if you don't, it will definitely embarrass you. Rather than take the initiative, hit him by surprise!"

Knowing what he was thinking, Nie Yun explained.

"Unprepared ... I think!" Ye Tao shook his head. A little frustrated: "But ... Ye Xin has been preparing for a long time for this birthday feast, and he has Yefu support behind him. What do I ... compare with him?"

Ye Xin is now the heir of Yefu, personally recognized by his father. Behind is supported by the entire Yefu, regardless of human and financial resources. He is dozens of times better than him, looking for treasures, and can be selected in the treasure house of Yefu, and he is ... marginalized by the family, relying only on a little Lu, even if he can buy, the value is limited.

"What gift are you preparing?"

Hearing this, Nie Yun thought of this, and frowned, unable to help asking.

"I ... I prepared a picture, which I got in a training. Although the value is not too high, it is very novel!"

Ye Tao scratched his head.

Before, he was very confident in his gifts. When he saw that the treasures sent by many large families had not been received in the apse, he was totally lost.

His picture is not as small as a star, and it is not in a grade at all.

Those precious treasures were not delivered to the apse, let alone his.

"Picture ..." Nie Yun shook his head: "Now it seems that the emperor Yuanyang values ​​the treasure that gathers the soul. An ordinary picture is not enough! Don't you have a treasure that gathers the soul?

Through the congratulations from the three princes just now, he saw that the emperor of Yuanyang had a special fondness for the soul and treasures, and even the most precious treasures could not be ignored.

"Gathering the soul ... I don't!"

Ye Tao doesn't look good.

He knew that Nie Yun was right, but at this time, it was impossible to find the so-called treasures for gathering souls!

Even if he had one or two of them, they were all magic weapons that didn't work well.

"No ... is there no other way?"

Nie Yun frowned.

"Since the emperor Yuanyang likes to gather the treasures of the soul, as his identity, he wants to find, what treasures can't be found? Unless it is as rare as the 7th Huishun Dan and has never been seen before, he will definitely not take a closer look. ! "

Ye Tao smiled bitterly.

What is the identity of the emperor? Even if he knows that he likes the treasures of the soul, but not novel, it is useless!


Nie Yun understands this truth.

"Look, Ye Xin has taken the treasure out!"

Just then, Feng Miao's voice sounded.

Nie Yun and Ye Tao hurriedly looked forward.

Ye Xin has come to the registration office, a fist-sized thing suspended in the air, exuding warmth.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. It looks like ... unrefined stone!"


"Ordinary stones cannot be used as gifts! Is there anything to say?"


Seeing what he came up with ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone froze in place, blinking one by one, some were confused.

They don't even know this stone.

Although these young people are left here, as a family child, they have learned a lot and have seen a lot of treasures, but they have never seen this stone, nor can they call it a name.

"Sorry what is this?"

The person responsible for registration asked.

It seemed that even he didn't know what it was called.

"This is a [question heart stone]! It was a huge cost that I got from a chaotic little world. No matter how many injuries I suffered, as long as my mind is firm enough, using this question heart stone, I can keep a little true spirit immortal , Enough to last thousands of years! "

Seeing that everyone couldn't recognize it, Ye Xin smiled slightly and said proudly. (To be continued ...)

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