Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2218: Quirky scraps of paper

Appearing in the hands of Nie Yun is not a precious and exciting baby, but ... a piece of yellowed paper!

The paper is small, folded together, the size of a palm, lying flat on the palm of the hand.

Let me bet, what kind of treasure could I have come up with ... it was a piece of paper ... really fake?

Ye Tao felt dizzy and was going crazy.

With his eyesight, he can clearly see that this is an ordinary piece of paper. There is nothing special about it, let alone a treasure. It is not even valuable. A **** of stone can buy many tons.

Use this as a gift ... Brother Nie, are you sure you are not kidding?

"Well! That's it, I'm not kidding!" Seeing his thoughts in his eyes, Nie Yun nodded.

"This thing ... I'll send it over, are you sure they won't hit me?"

Ye Tao cried.

Other people's treasures, pearly and jealous, the atmosphere is magnificent, but Nie Yun gave him a piece of ordinary yellow paper ... This thing is sent in case the other party feels that they are insulting Yuanyang Emperor, and give him a meal, what to do ...

"Relax, I won't hit you!"

Seeing his expression, Nie Yun shook his head with a smile.


Two corners of his mouth were drawn, and Ye Tao gritted his teeth and took the paper from Nie Yun.

The dialogue between the two was a sound transmission and the movements were very light. The people around them didn't see it, only Ye Tao was crying, and felt that this time it was dead.

However, there is no other way at this moment, I can only choose to believe in this boy!

"Take out your gift!"

Came to the registration office, the person responsible for registration was expressionless, said.

"This is it!"

With a ruthless heart, Ye Tao passed the paper and prayed secretly.

"What did he send?"

"Paper? Haha, wouldn't Ye Tao be kidding?"

"The emperor Yuanyang's birthday, he actually loosened a piece of paper as a gift ... Is this guy tired, crooked, or crooked?"



Everyone's eyes focused on Ye Tao. When they saw that what he took out was just an ordinary piece of paper, they couldn't help crying or laughing.

Emperor Junshou sent paper ... Are you here for fun or to die?

"It looks like this guy is dead. There is really no way ..."

Ye Xin on the side thought Ye Tao would take the picture out, but unexpectedly he took out a piece of paper and couldn't help laughing.

The Great Emperor has a longevity, and sends a piece of paper ...

"Congratulations, Master Ye Xin. After this incident, I am afraid that this Ye Tao has no capital to compete with you!" Graphite smiled slightly, stepped forward, and fisted.

"This guy is usually very clever. I didn't expect to play such a stinky move at a critical moment. Forget it, whether he can leave Emperor's Mansion this time, it is not necessarily! It is no longer a concern!

With a cold smile, Ye Xin's eyes were full of contempt.

I used to make a bet from the other party because he felt that although Ye Tao had been speechless these days, he still had the possibility of fighting back. It took some measures to kill him completely!

And now,

The guy gave himself up and gave a piece of paper as a gift. No more shots from him!

Take the paper as a gift to fool the emperor, without the emperor's shot, these subordinates will kill him!

"you wanna die!"

Sure enough, as everyone guessed, the person in charge of registration saw that he actually took out a piece of paper, his face flushed: "Come here, take down this daring guy!"


A group of guards came out from the surroundings, exuding a strong breath on their bodies, they were all the strongest peaks of the imperial realm!

The guard formed by the peak of the imperial realm reveals a strong spirit of killing every move. Even before the shot was taken, it caused a chill in the back and shivered involuntarily.

"Haha, this Ye Tao is playing a lot ..."

"Do yourself a favor. Do it yourself!"

"Yeah, you can't blame others, even if you do n’t have anything, just give it away, get a piece of paper ... I don't know if this guy is brave, or he has a problem in his head!"


Seeing the person responsible for registration angry. Called to guard, everyone shook their heads.

At this time, the mansion of the emperor was also the birthday feast of the emperor ...

"Brother Nie, you were really killed this time ..."

Seeing that there were all the strongest men in the imperial realm, Ye Tao knew that he couldn't escape and smiled bitterly.

Although until now, it was brought by the boy in front of him, but there was no resentment in his heart.

If it wasn't for this young man, he would have died in the ancient city of the wasteland, even if he didn't get it right this time, he was really drunk and recognized him.

"what happened?"

As soon as the guards immediately seized Ye Tao, a low, majestic voice sounded.

"Master Devil!"

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped and the person in charge of the registration was respectful.

It was the old man who robbed the devil, the housekeeper of the Emperor's Mansion who beat the old man with his palms.

"All the guests who come here are noisy.

The eyebrows of the old man with a wrinkled wrinkle revealed invisible coercion.

"Master Hui Ye, this master Ye Tao, openly challenged the majesty of the Emperor's Mansion, and the congratulations to the Emperor were actually a piece of waste paper ..." The person in charge of the registration quickly explained.

"Waste paper?"

The old man robbed him for a moment.

"Isn't it waste paper? I've seen it before, seniors may wish to take a look first."

Nie Yun came over with a smile.

"It was Lord Nie Yun!" The old man with a smile smiled when he saw him, and turned to look at the registered person: "Bring the paper over!"

"Yes!" The person in charge of the registration glanced at Nie Yun with a lot of doubts in his eyes.

The old man of the Devil Devil can be regarded as a top super character in the perfect imperial realm. He was in the realm of the gods and was calling for wind and rain. After being recaptured by the emperor, he was a housekeeper for many years. It looks harmless to humans and animals. People, it is impossible to call the name "adult".

The guy in front of him is young and has only the strength to fulfill the royal kingdom. What qualifications do he have to call him like this?

My heart was strange, but I didn't dare to stop at my feet, and quickly passed the piece of paper given by Ye Tao. r />

The robber old man glanced puzzledly, opened the folded paper, and only glanced, his pupils could not help shrinking.

"This gift is so precious that it will be delivered immediately to the apse ... no, I will deliver it myself!"

Do n’t say much about the old man of jealousy ~ www.readwn.com ~ stride to the apse.

"Sent to the apse?"

"A paper gift to the apse? And you have to send it yourself? Am I right?"

"What's the matter?"

"What secret is written on the paper?"


All the people who had been gloating and seeing this scene were all stupid.

Even Ye Tao stayed in place!

What type of situation is this? Could there be any mystery on this paper?

What makes the calm old Devil Devil disappointed?

In doubt, Ye Tao turned to look at the teenager around him. (~ ^ ~)


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