Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2226: Bet again


Chapter 2226 Revisiting Gambling Agreement


Nie Yun didn't know how to answer.

He was cyanotic this round.

He would be able to say one or two in exchange for doing anything else, but he gave away a gourd wine ... he didn't know how to answer.

If it is precious, this gourd wine is really precious. After all, he made it from his own hands and brought it from the heaven and the earth. If it is not precious ... it is indeed worthless!

Why he came first, he couldn't figure it out. I want to ask you, Emperor Yuanyang, I don't know!

"This ranking was set by the Emperor himself. He said that everyone may have questions, but he will explain in detail when he arrives!"

Seems to see Nie Yun's embarrassment, robbing the old man.

"Experienced Lord Monarch himself?"

"Well, I really want to know, what is the reason ..."


After hearing this, everyone stopped looking at Nie Yun.

It is natural that it is most appropriate for him to explain the rankings made by the Emperor.

"By the way, I didn't hear about it before. Is there a gamble? Now the ranking is out, shouldn't it be honored?"

Just as the crowd was quiet, a voice sounded.

It was Feng Miao's father, Feng Guogong and Feng Lu who spoke!

Mr. Ye gave a few words to him just now, and he kept remembering that now that he was ranked, how could he let it go.

"Yeah, before I heard that someone wanted to kneel, there was a good show!"

"You can't live by yourself. When I was outside, I saw Ye Xin forcing Ye Tao to make a bet. This is all right. His gift didn't even enter the top seven, and Ye Tao's gift was second! "

"Deserve it!"

"It seems that one cannot be too arrogant and confident ..."


Feng Guogong's words provoked thousands of waves, everyone remembered the previous bet, and looked at them with smiles.

"Father Ye, before you said that my vision was not high, I could not veto it, I always felt that your vision was okay. Now I know ... you are not blind, but blind!"

Seeing Ye Xin didn't answer, Feng Lu smiled eagerly to Father Ye.

"You ..." Mr. Ye looked very blue, and was about to take a breath.

"Why? Don't admit it? Hehe. The village doctor in your mouth just took out a prescription, so Feng Miao got the sixth place, and another one, and Ye Tao got the second place. The wine gourd you took out It is even more number one ... and Ye Xin, the one you value, didn't even get a seventh place ... I can't see that I'm blind, and I'm blind! "

Feng Guogong's words showed no mercy.

Did n’t you just think about it? Let me show you again!


Hearing such ruthless irony, Father Ye could not help but spit out blood.

"Master ..."

Ye Xin quickly went to help.

"Go away!" Father Ye broke his eyebrows, breaking away from the support of the other side: "Useless things, haven't you fulfilled the gambling agreement? Are you going to make Yefu as shameless as you?

So many people looked at Ye Xin before being so arrogant again. The mess at this moment is a mess, even if you want to deny it.

I do n’t think so, but Yefu will have no face!


I thought I could get over it and hear this. Ye Xin's face was like white paper.

Just like everyone else said, it's a real evil!

Outside, he thought he had a winning ticket, Ye Tao would definitely lose, so he bet with him, never dreaming that the gift from this guy would become second place, and he worked hard to ask the heart stone, even before Seven did not go in!

"Why? Don't want to admit it? Don't admit it, anyway, it's you Yefu!"

"Hey. Dare to bet, but I don't know, I've learned too!"

"Knelt down and bet on losing. I knew it was so why ..."


Some Zhuo Yang and Feng Miao who have a good relationship with Ye Tao also shouted at the opportunity.

Before he forced Ye Tao to make a bet, everyone looked displeased. At this moment, he was responsible for this situation.


He was scolded by the old man and insisted on by everyone. Ye Xin's face was full of humiliation. He hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth, came out from behind the crowd, came to Ye Tao, and held his fists: "This time I look down on you, I admit it!"

After speaking, turn around and go back.

"Slow!" Nie Yun frowned when he saw his move. "I remember your bet was kneeling and apologizing. You are neither kneeling nor apologizing now. Do you want to fool in this way?"

The bet is to kneel and apologize. This guy just came over and said something. It doesn't hurt and doesn't feel itchy. I want to get things done. It's too easy!

"Be forgiving and forgiving, don't go too far!"

Ye Xin turned his head violently, with deep anger in his eyes.

"Too much? Is it that you are too far ahead, Ye Xin, immediately knelt down and gave me an apology for the gambling contract, is it possible that heirs of Yefu ca n’t even afford the gambling contract?"

Ye Tao stepped forward.

Anyway, at this moment and Yefu have fallen apart, there is no need to show mercy!

Besides, Ye Xin poisoned him and kept suppressing him within the clan. At this moment, he had the opportunity to avenge his revenge and could no longer contain it.


Ye Xin did not expect Ye Tao in front of so many people, so to speak of him, his face was flushed with red muscles, and the whole person kept shaking.

I got the approval of my father and became the heir of the family. I thought that the leaping dragon gate and the wide sky could squeeze the Ye Tao in front of me. I never dreamed that I would be forced to kneel and scratch my head in such a large crowd!

This kind of humiliation is something he can't bear anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Well, it's the same root, so it's too urgent! Ye Tao, all brothers, don't have to do this! "

Just then, a faint voice sounded.

It is Prince Dobo who is the leader of the three biggest princes!

Ye Xin is his man. Once forced to kneel, Ye Fu's face is lost, his face is not good-looking, and he can't help but speak out.

"Born with the same root? Back to the Prince, when he made a bet with me, why didn't he think of it? Ask me, if I lose this time, the winner is him. Does His Royal Highness think he will let me go?"

Ye Tao is not humble.


"What the **** do you dare to talk to the prince like this?"

"The prince is kind to talk and persuade, don't toast without eating and drinking!"


As soon as Ye Tao's words fell, several people standing behind Prince Dobo couldn't help but scold at the same time.

Ye Tao is just a loser in Ye Guogong ’s government, but this one is the prince with the most voice. The identity of the two is different. These people seem to say that the prince is scolding. This guy has only one way to go, that is to obey. Dare to refute it is simply death!

"I think it's you who are wanton? Since you bet, you have a bet, and you have a notary public, you have to fulfill it. If it doesn't agree, what's the point of making a bet in the future?"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows and said. (To be continued)

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