Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2231: Not blind


Chapter 2231 is not ordinary blind

The old man just felt that his heart was convulsing and he was going crazy.

When Nie Yun first came to Yefu, he went to see a doctor. He felt that the other party had no teacher or reputation, so he rushed away and didn't let him see it!

For a long time, I felt that this kid was just a man of fame and reputation. In fact, he had no real ability. Now I know that he is blind!

Isn't it blind to call the Shennong descendants a country doctor?

"Shooting the people from Shennong, letting a lame doctor cure the illness, driving away the juniors who really care about themselves, and setting up a junior who is devoted to killing himself as the heir ... Father Ye's vision is really admirable ... Five bodies are cast into the ground!"

Feng Guogong on the side knew the original situation from Feng Miao's mouth and sighed.

Not to mention, once said that the old man almost fainted again.

Yeah, he's not ordinary blind!

Even if Nantian Yisheng is not as good as Yunlang Yixian, he is also a well-known medical practitioner. It is impossible not to know his condition and understand how to give back the kind of tiger and wolf medicine. Obviously, he did not intend to let him live for too long, only to keep him awake. Time is enough!

Understand this, combined with Ye Xin's actions ... Where do I not understand what he thinks!

Damn it! Damn it!

"Master Nie Yun, I used to be offended, please ..."

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, and the old man quickly looked at Nie Yun with pleading.

Since the other party is a descendant of Shennong, only the other party can save him now.

"Master, you're welcome. There is no way to be a country doctor next!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

He has no patience for this person.

I wanted to kill him just now, knowing that he is a descendant of Shennong, and he had to seduce ... how could there be such a good thing?

Do it yourself ... dream it!

"Reconciliation! Devil, drive me out of Ye Xuan and his people! The Duke's Mansion of the Ye Family doesn't seem to exist anymore!"

Looking at all this, Emperor Yuanyang knew that Nie Yun didn't like this grandfather Ye Xuan, and he waved at will.


With a white complexion, Ye Xuan "knocked down!" And fell to the ground.

When this remark came out, it was tantamount to directly deciding the death penalty of Yefu, Yeguo Mansion in Jinyunzhou City for so many years. I'm afraid it's almost over.

Hearing this, Nie Yun was also stunned, and immediately understood that the other party was in order to give him gas, and shook his head with a smile. Road: "Brother Yun Yan, but this old man doesn't know how to promote, Ye Tao is still good ..."

After all, Ye Guo's Mansion is a duke's house that has been passed down for many years. If this little thing disappears, Nie Yun can't bear it.

"Since my brother begged. Ye Tao starts now ... for Ye Guogong!" Emperor Yuanyang said lightly.


Ye Tao on one side was stiff and did not seem to recover from shock.

Today's shock is too much. Firstly, He Li won the second place, and then Emperor Yuanyang called his brother Nie Yun. Now he directly encloses him as Ye Guogong ... Before coming, I felt that Yefu would never return and heirs. There is no longer any relationship, and I never dreamed that in less than half a day, Ye Guogong has become a new generation!

"Master Monarch ..."

Ye Xuan did not expect this to happen, his eyes were dim. Want to say something.

But before speaking, he saw the frown of Emperor Yuanyang frown.



A thunderous sound blew up in the ears of everyone, and then Ye Ye didn't even respond, and was shaken by the sound of a drink. The blink of an eye disappeared from everyone's eyes, not knowing whether it was life or death.

"Well, Brother Nie Yun, I'll take you to meet some of my friends!"

Zhenfei the old man seemed to have done a trivial thing, Emperor Yuanyang smiled slightly. Hello.

"Respect is worse than death!" Nie Yun laughed.

Those who can be called friends by Emperor Yuanyang must be the great emperor. Knowing this kind of person is also of great benefit to him. Nie Yun naturally will not refuse.

"Devil. Take care of you, I'll go back!"

Seeing his consent, Emperor Yuanyang explained to him and grabbed Nie Yun's shoulders, and the two disappeared from their place.


They teleported away, and everyone in the temple. You look at me, I look at you, I see the shock in the eyes of each other.

Nie Yun is a descendant of Shennong, or a friend of the emperor ... I never imagined this!

"Brother Nie is hiding deep enough ..."

"I knew that by virtue of him, one day he would come out sooner or later, and now it looks like it!"

"It was a blockbuster. I knew he was a descendant of Shennong, and it should be a good relationship ..."

"Yeah, it's too late now ..."


Feng Miao, Zhuo Yang and others couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Among them, Nie Yun knew each other as soon as he came to Yunzhou City. At that time, he only felt that he was not a weak doctor, and he did not deepen the relationship. Now he really regrets it.

However, at this moment, the identity of the other party shows that it is definitely impossible to imagine as before.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ye Tao, full of envy.

"Congratulations Ye Guogong ..."

The dukes of the Twelve Duke's Mansion are all human beings. Seeing this scene, knowing the importance of Ye Tao, came over one by one with a smile.

"Ye Guogong, he actually became Ye Guogong ..."

Ye Xin's face was red and white for a while.

Several cities are without me, for whom I have worked so hard!


"Brother Yun Yan, how is Yao Shuang now?"

When the figure flashed, Nie Yun and Emperor Yuanyang appeared in a long corridor and asked.

At this moment, Nie Yun also knows why the emperor Yuanyang has a special liking for the treasures of the soul. Yao Shuang has always been his heart. The news has been known to Prince Dobo and others, and it took his mind to find out what he could do. Good treasure for soul.

If it was changed before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ these babies do have some usefulness, which can stabilize Yao Shuang's dying soul, but now, she cured Nie Yun, and with the magic light, other treasures are useless.

"According to your instructions, I found some medicines to increase the soul, and now I can communicate with me normally. I believe that it won't take long to fully recover!"

Emperor Yuanyang laughed.

It would be unthinkable to see him like this, because he hasn't seen the Emperor smile so many years since he came to this mansion.

"I have an idea now, it looks inappropriate for you!"

After the laugh, Emperor Yuanyang turned to look at Nie Yun.


"Although Yao Shuang's body has remained intact over the years, but ... after all, time has passed, and the atmosphere of decay has appeared. I think ... after her soul has completely recovered, she will re-fine her body, you see how about it?"

Yuanyang emperor hesitated.

"Re-refining a body?" Nie Yun froze, then smiled slightly: "Of course!"

Before the death of Yao Shuang, he could not complete the imperial realm. Although he was protected by the ice coffin and the blessing of the Emperor Yuanyang in these years, his physical body was almost worn out. If he could rebuild a body, it would be better!

ps: The new volume begins, with monthly tickets for monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets for recommendation tickets. Thank you, Laoya. Thank you! (To be continued.)

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