Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2241: treasure


Chapter 2241: Treasures

The carriage was silent, and Nie Yun was meditating on the road ahead.

The perfect realm is his goal, even if it costs so much.

"The world of Nawu integrates more than 2,000 other avenues. If you increase the world of Nawu, the power of other avenues will naturally increase!"

There are many roads. If you practice one by one, the end of life cannot be completed, but the stability of the world of increasing things is different. The space is solid and the world power is strengthened. You can directly break through. It is simpler than the practice of one road and one road. many.

"Brother Nie, here!"

Thinking, the carriage stopped, looked up, and Ye Fu had appeared in front of him.

He stepped out of the carriage, followed Ye Tao toward the mansion, and walked not far. Several figures blocked the way.

"Ye Guogong's government place is heavy, no one can enter it!"

The first middle-aged man looked at them indifferently, his voice stiff and cold.

This middle-aged man Nie Yun has seen before and appeared next to Ye Xin. It should belong to his accompany like Liu Hao. This time Ye Xin went to Yuanyang Emperor's Mansion. There is no danger, plus there is no place. Follow up.

"Presumptuous, Ye Long, don't you even know me?" Ye Tao's face sank.

"Who was I at the time, it was Master Ye Tao! Could it be that this was the time when the heirs were not separated? Now we Master Ye Xin is in control of the overall situation, you are worthless! Less pretend here, take Master's shelf! No Saying other things, just saying that bringing messy people into Yefu is a crime. You can't bear it! "

The middle-aged man named Ye Long sneered, and his eyes were full of playful smiles.

What happened at the Emperor's Mansion has not yet returned to Yefu. He didn't know yet that the downcast master he looked down upon had become the person who really controlled power in Yefu.

Not to mention, the so-called messy man in his mouth already has the strength of a network that the Duke dare not despise.

"act recklessly!"

For such a self-righteous villain, Nie Yun did not care, but shook his head.

Don't need to do it yourself, I am afraid this guy will not live long!

Ye Tao was oppressed by the other party before. It looks downright to the extreme, but in fact it is a very idea person. Now that there is power, every action is bound to be thunderous and does not give the opponent any chance.

"Really? Here, Ye Long ignores the Duke. He has no respect and humiliation and will take him down!"

Looking at the other person's sneer, Ye Tao frowned and shouted.

Along with his drinking, a ripple of hurricane spread, rippled throughout the state government.

Then there was a voice like Huang Zhongda Lu.

This voice can be heard by everyone in Yefu, as if it sounded naturally in the ear.

"This is ..." Ye Long didn't care, he heard the voice. His face changed, and his whole body shivered: "Golden Word of the Grand Duke ... You ... You are the Duke now?"

After becoming a state official, he can mobilize the government's prohibition. Form a golden statement of the state!

As long as the people of the state government can't resist the power of this golden saying.

Isn't the other an abandoned master? Why ... went to Emperor's Mansion and became the Duke?

If he is a duke, what about the old man? What about Master Ye Xin?

Suddenly cold sweating, Ye Long fell to the ground with a soft knee.

Laughing at a duke ... I'm afraid no one can save him!


Jin Yan rang, and several figures came over from a distance. Gently grab him and control him.

"From today. I Ye Tao is a new generation of Ye Guogong. Who dares to disobey the order and end like Ye Long!" Ye Tao raised his eyebrows and waved his palm gently.


A light flashed, Ye Long was split in half instantly, and died directly.

In order for others to recognize his Duke's position, first of all, he must kill the chicken and tamarin, and let everyone know that his majesty is not something that can be violated.

Knowing Ye Tao's prestige, Nie Yun ignored it and stood quietly in place. For a short time, Ye Tao stabilized the turmoil in Yefu and took control of the entire residence.

"Master Nie Yun, the last time I searched for the chaotic world, I participated and knew where they put this thing!"

Complete control of Ye Fu established his status as Ye Guogong. Ye Tao stopped paying attention to the others and came to Nie Yun to lead the way.

Knowing that Ye Tao was the new Ye Guogong, no one dared to stop him, and soon the two came to a hall full of restraints.

Pushing the door into it, it was like entering another world in an instant.

Inside the hall is a space array method, in which various treasures are suspended in the air, stirring a breath of breath.

"This is the treasure house of Yefu!"

Ye Tao laughed.

"Treasure Treasure?" I did not expect Ye Tao to bring him here directly, Nie Yun took a moment to look at, and then looked at many things in front of him.

It is indeed the Duke's Mansion that has been passed down for many years. The treasures and so many treasures, even him, cannot help but be dazzled.

However, although many of these treasures are good, Nie Yun already has an exquisite pearl tower and has not paid much attention to most treasures.

Now the only thing that can make him tempted is to increase the stability of the treasure world.

Moving slowly along the hallway, Nie Yun's eyes swept past the dazzling treasures.

Since Ye Tao brought him here, it shows that he has sufficient authority, and the other party's meaning is obvious. He wants to repay his knowledge and relationship, and at the same time, he is too lazy to quit.


Nie Yun stopped ~ www.readwn.com ~ What appeared in front of me was a small ball, which was full of strong space power.

It is a chaotic world.

It's just that the world is small, similar to the remuneration he received before practicing medicine, even if the effect of swallowing is not great.

I glanced at it and continued to move forward. In front of my eyes, a series of more than ten chaotic worlds similar to this one floated forward for a while. The world became larger and larger, and the power of space became more intense.

"I want this chaotic world!"

Nie Yun's eyes fell on a small ball.

In terms of the volume of the shape, this ball is no different from the previous one, but the spirit spreads in, and you can easily feel the power contained in it.

This is a chaotic world that is no worse than a chaotic ocean, with solid space and abundant power, and I don't know where Ye Fu got it.

If this chaotic ocean can be integrated into Dantian, it can be expected that the world of things can still make progress.

"What you want to take away is!" Ye Tao breathed a sigh of relief when he liked what he liked.

Bringing him over is just trying to send some treasures out, and if you don't see anything, it won't make sense.

"I'm welcome!" With a small smile, Nie Yun grabbed the chaotic world in front of her, but her palms hadn't reached the ball, and she suddenly froze, and her pupils couldn't help shrinking: "Huh?" (To be continued) )

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