Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2253: Prince Dobo's plan (on)

"Abominable, abominable!"

Prince Dobo's face was distorted, and the whole man was about to be burned by anger.

If there were any doubts before, seeing everything recorded in the jade card, you have thoroughly understood.

"No wonder I can get the attention of Yuanyang Emperor ... I should have guessed it!"

Yuanyang Emperor has always been known as Gao Leng, and no one is close. Even if he claims to be the first heir to such a long time, he has never seen him!

Because of this, he wanted to make a big splash at the birthday party, so that the other party valued himself, and said a few good words in front of Putian, and his position was more stable ...

But he spent countless hard work, Yuanyang emperor did not appreciate it, but he was so enthusiastic about a kid who did not know where he came from ... I always thought that it was Yuanyang emperor who saw the kid's medical skills, and now I know ... … The emperor must have known for a long time that he was the lost prince of Putian!

Otherwise, how can the emperor's attitude be explained?

It was still strange before, why did the Emperor Yuanyang spend all his effort to let a child without blood relationship enter the Wanjiedongtian, now he just realized it.

Teeth clattered, and Dobo's eyes were full of venom.

"If this guy is really the prince separated from His Majesty, he should enter the palace as soon as he arrives. Why would he open a medical hall outside?"

Behind a doubtful Road under the Royal Emperor.

This guy is really a prince, and if the emperor Yuanyang knows it, it must have been delivered to Emperor Putian, why now he opened a medical hall outside, not going to the palace?

"There is only one possibility for this to happen, that is ... Your Majesty does not know his existence yet!" Prince Dobo said darkly.

"I don't know?" All of his subordinates were stunned.

How much did Putian spend on this son. As the people of the Putian Dynasty, they know very well!

So hard to find the prince. Now that the prince has appeared, how could he not know?

"The Emperor Putian is [Mingyou Mountain] ... this is a top secret news. The entire dynasty knows no more than twenty people, and I am one of them!" Prince Dobo hummed.

"Mingyou Mountain?"

Mingyou Mountain is a place of interest in the Putian Dynasty. Many of them have been there. There is nothing special. Even if Her Majesty goes there, it is not a secret. Why do so few people know?

"Yes, I don't know the specific reason. Only knowing that after entering Mingyou Mountain, His Majesty does not like to be disturbed by others, and will close all contact methods! Therefore, as long as he goes to Mingyou Mountain, no one can contact him! So ... My guess is that Your Majesty has no idea about this illegitimate child! And this Nie Yun also wants to prove himself, so he didn't enter the palace, and intends to go out alone. Make some achievements, so that His Majesty will come back and look at him! "

Prince Dobo said the news and judgment he knew: "This incident can be seen from His Majesty's failure to attend the Yuanyang Emperor's Birthday Banquet!"

According to His Majesty's trust in Emperor Yuanyang, he will definitely appear at the banquet. At least I have to meet the 12th Duke and the Eighth King, but from the beginning to the end of the birthday feast, they did not appear. There is only one possibility ... he didn't come!

Yuanyang Emperor's birthday party didn't come, what did it mean ... Your Majesty has something to do with it!

"So it is!"

Everyone understood at the same time. Nodded.

That makes sense.

"Your Majesty does not know that the prince has arrived in the imperial city, so ... we still have a chance. Once he is known, there is only a dead end!" Prince Dobo's eyes flickered and the murderousness diffused.

Once His Majesty knows that there is such a prince, he will surely hand over the dynasty to him. His so-called first heir, any Prince Liuyu and Prince Ruxia will become a joke!

If not, it will be cleared as an obstacle!

But ... now His Majesty doesn't know, they still have a chance!

"Opportunity ... the prince means ..." A subordinate made a beheading gesture, showing horror.

This matter is no small matter, whether it succeeds or not, once your Majesty knows, they have only one way to go ... that is death! And there is no place to die!

The anger of the Emperor Power cannot be stopped by anyone.

"Yes! As long as he is alive, we only have a dead end, and we will be killed sooner or later. It is better to let go than to sit and wait ..."

Since we are on the road to robberies, there is no retreat. Rather than go back and be killed, it is better to rush forward bravely! Maybe you can find a way to get through.

"But ... the emperor Yuanyang already knows his existence. If something happens, His Majesty must know, and then he will find someone to investigate, and even ... will use the method of" backtracking of time. " , Then ... it would be terrible! "

One subordinate could not help but speak.

The presence of the great emperor, the peak of the **** world, even if the hands are clean, leaving no traces, but the emperor-level strong, can fully show the ability of time backtracking ~ www.readwn.com ~ Rewind the time, check the scene at the time!

Once found, finding the killer is easy!

What if you succeeded to the throne? Putian was furious, let alone an emperor who looked like a land. Even if the eight kings came together, the blood that could be killed would also flow into the river!

"I know, so even if we do, we don't know if we can do it!" Prince Dobo realized this, and rubbed his eyebrows: "It would be best to seduce Liumu and Ruxia!" Wait for the opportunity to enter the heavens of heaven! When you enter there, there is no way for the great emperors to investigate, and no one will realize that we did it when we started there! "

"Entering Wanjiedongtian ... Yes, this is a good opportunity! Wanjiedongtian is in great crisis, as long as it is killed and thrown into the cracks in the space, even if your majesty finds the body in the future, there is no way!"

"Entering Wanjiedongtian is the last resort. After three months, Wanjiedongtian will be opened. If your Majesty comes back during this period, everything will be over!"

Prince Dobo continued.

"Yeah, once your Majesty comes back and knows his identity, it's too late to try again ..." Everyone's faces calmed at the same time.

"So, for the sake of today, we let Liu Mu and Ru Xia know his identity, and then find a scapegoat to do it, so that the emperor will not doubt us!" Prince Dobo said.

"Let ’s not talk about finding a scapegoat. If this Nie Yun does not leave the medical museum, there is no way to do it! The medical museum is within Yunzhou City, and the emperor can see it with one thought ... Seeing the attitude of the emperor Yuanyang, he only has to go wrong , Will rush to the first time ... protected by the Emperor, how to kill? "

One subordinate couldn't help it.

No matter how good the design is, he can't be killed, it's useless! (To be continued ...)

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