Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2264: Story told by Miss Wen (Part 2)

An old man did not know when he appeared in their room.

The old man had a white beard, white hair, and a small coffin on his shoulders. The bells he heard before were exactly what he heard when he beat the coffin.

Both of them blocked their hearing, they could n’t hear the bell, and they did n’t get confused. The son of Haogan felt that this old man must have caused him to do such a degrading thing. heart.

What is scary is that the sword entered the body without bleeding a drop of blood and without any painful look.

Instead, the old hair gave a throbbing laughter, as if laughing at their ignorance.

Then the two heard a voice ringing in their heads at the same time: "I will come back ..."

This sound, ignoring their closed hearing, went directly into the heartland, unavoidable.

The old man disappeared after speaking.

At first, the two were still a little worried. No one knew that nothing had happened for several days in a row, so they were relieved and thought that it was finally resolved.

Just when the two were completely relaxed, Miss Wen again found something wrong.

Hao Gan lives with her every night, but goes out every night.

At first, she thought it was going to the toilet or something, and who knew that she would go out every day, and when she went for more than an hour, she could not help but wonder.

Asked him the next day, but he didn't know anything about going out at night, which made Miss Wen feel more and more weird.

Combined with what the other person said when she killed the old man, she was involuntarily afraid.

However, although she was afraid, after all, she was a powerful emperor. She didn't tell anyone, but she made sufficient preparation herself.

That night, after sleeping in the middle of the night, Haogan's son really stood up again, pushed open the door and walked out quietly.

Miss Wen did not call him, but quietly followed. Look at what this guy is going to do in the middle of the night.

Both were powerful men in the imperial realm and were able to fly out of the room. Go all the way.

At this moment, Hao Qian's move was very strange, as if he had consciousness, he actively avoided all the guards of the Hao family, left the mansion smoothly, and flew back to the mountains.

Miss Wen followed closely. Did not alarm anyone.

The two walked forward and behind each other, walking faster and faster, and soon came to the mountain and came to a dark place. Hao Gan stopped, sat on the ground, and kept chopping around.

Seeing him not leaving, Miss Wen also stopped and was afraid to approach at first, waiting for a while. Seeing the other party did not find out, this quietly came to the front, relying on the starlight of the sky, almost did not exclaim at a glance.

I saw the son of Hao Gan sitting in the graveyard, digging up a grave, taking out the corpse inside, and opened his mouth to swallow.

These corpses appeared to be newly dead, with blood inside them, and their mouths were full, teeth biting on the bones, "creak! Creak!" Sounded. People feel involuntarily cold.

Miss Wen almost did not faint directly.

She actually married a monster eating a dead man!

And ... with the help of starlight, she also saw the clothes and appearance of the corpse, who were the ones who died in this time!

Miss Wen heard that since she married Hao's family. Almost every day, people die. I thought it was nonsense. Now I know that ... these people were killed by Hao Gan, the purpose is to ... eat their meat!

Understanding this, Miss Wen was cold all over.

Although horrified, after all, he is a powerful emperor. Not too morbid, holding back the nausea and disgust in my heart, hiding quietly and watching.

She wanted to see what had controlled Hao Gan, and made him do such a terrible thing.

Because she believed that the son of Hao Gan was still very good in essence. The reason for such a weird move must have been something strange.

She watched it quietly for an hour, and the son of Hao Gan had almost eaten the corpse, put the remaining bones on the ground and buried it again, and the blood at the corners of his clothes was cleaned up.

Seeing him come out just to eat a dead body, and no one was seen, and no one else appeared, Miss Wen hesitated, and then went back to the family.

In order not to arouse suspicion from the other party, Miss Wen should first return to the room and lie down. It was not long before the son of Hao Gan walked back and slept in front of him.

The next morning, Miss Wen knocked side by side, trying to ask what was said from the other side. As a result, Hao Gan was the same as before and knew nothing.

This matter made her very scared, and when she was going to report it to the Hao family, or notified them to the Wen family, she suddenly felt that her stomach had changed.

At first she thought she was pregnant, and she was a little happy. She never dreamed that it would be a nightmare.

The belly grows day by day and grows faster than normal pregnancy.

In less than three months, the effort is almost the same as that of others for seven or eight months.

At first she also planned to see a medical master to see what was going on, but then rumors came ~ www.readwn.com ~ to make her dare not go out again.

After all, her relationship is not only the reputation of the Wen family, but also the reputation of the Hao family!

Once people see something, the two families will no longer exist in the world!

During the time when his belly was increasing, Hao Gan left the middle of the night every night and returned after an hour.

Miss Wen knew that her husband was going to eat corpses at night, and her heart became increasingly depressed, until one day she could no longer contain it.

It was the night three days ago.

When she saw her husband getting up again and trying to get out, she no longer pretended to stand up and blocked his way.

The blocked Hao Gan son turned around like crazy, but somehow he didn't dare to move her. He seemed afraid of what was in her belly and didn't dare to rush through.

One stopped, the other couldn't rush out, the two came to a standstill, and just persisted for an hour!

After an hour, Hao Gan's weird behavior seemed to stop, and he went back to bed again. Ms. Wen was relieved. When she lay down on the bed, she immediately found something wrong.

Hao Qiang's son has a fever!

The imperial powerhouse has a fever ... Before it was changed, it was impossible at all, but unfortunately it happened.

After that, the people of the Hao family knew almost all of them. Hao Gan's son had a fever, the Hao family was shocked, and they sent someone to treat them, but it was sad for everyone that the day was not yet bright. Son, cut off his breath.

The son of Hao Gan died, and the people in the mansion were more eager to see Miss Wen. Three days later, this morning, she felt very uncomfortable in her belly, which seemed to be similar to the need to give birth. Appeared on top of the coffin and saw his brother and father. (To be continued.)

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