Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2267: Hao Qian resurrection


"hold onto!"

Nie Yun screamed when he saw the fingers of the two homeowners trembling at any time. Please search (品 @ 书 ¥ 网) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel ∽↗,

Once the corpse is released, it will give up all its achievements!

The reason why the two homeowners carried the corpse was because they saw their strength and stability, they could not hold on, and the others didn't even think about it!

"God Bear Tower Arm!"

"Hell Canglong!"

Wen Tao and Hao Long shouted at the same time, showing the most powerful secret techniques.

When the owner of Wen Tao was young, he had been inherited by the Divine Bear. A pair of arms could possess the power of the Divine Bear. At this moment, his arms were doubled, thick and powerful. The previous tendency to fall suddenly stopped.

He exhibited such a powerful force, and the owner of Haolong was not bad. The muscles of the whole body coagulated, hovering and spreading like a big dragon, rotating around his body! Hao's strongest trick, Hell Canglong! It can make a person double the power usually in a short time.

The two held out their hole cards at the same time, and Hao Qian's body was stable again. When they saw the crowd around them, they wiped the cold sweat on their heads, and were horrified.

Before, they still couldn't understand why the teenagers let the two patriarchs get started, and saw that they understood it completely.

Even the two patriarchs could hardly lift it. What happened to the corpse and became so heavy?

"Come out for me!"

Seeing the two men holding their figures, Nie Yun was relieved, his eyebrows were like knives, staring at Haogan's "corpse", his mouth making a sound.

This sound is like a stream splattering, ringing in the heart, but everyone who hears it feels relaxed and happy.

Not only that, the sound seems to have a special fragrance. Let people fall into it, unable to extricate themselves for a long time!

Xianyin Avenue!


While the sound of Xianyin Avenue sounded, the last gold needle came out of his hand and pointed straight at the eyebrow of Haogan's "corpse".


The gold needle penetrated straight in, and the hard skull was like tofu, without any hindrance.


A scream sounded as if stepping on the mouse's tail. Immediately afterwards, the patriarchs of Haolong and Wentao felt that the weight of the corpse in their hands had increased again, and when they were about to be caught, "Boom!"

Immediately, the corpse lightened, again like a Hong Mao, without weight.

"what happened?"

Suddenly increased weight, and then suddenly disappeared, the sudden difference in power caused the main chest of the two people to be upset. Almost blood squirted.

Just a moment, I have suffered a minor internal injury.

"Look, there is a shadow below!"

"This shadow ejected from the body ..."

"What the hell?"

"So weird ..."


As soon as the two masters adjusted their breathing and suppressed the backlash brought by the strength, they heard anxious discussions around them. They couldn't help looking down, and at the same time, their pupils shrank.

I saw them underneath the "corpse". In the same position, a dark shadow lies flat. It seems that it was hidden in this corpse before. At this moment, it was beaten out with great force. It was flat on the ground, like ink spread on the ground, and fell into the ground for dozens of centimeters.

"Master, this ..."

Surprised in my heart. The two looked at Nie Yun not far away at the same time.

At this time, Nie Yun was sweating and his body was weak. Leaning on Nie Tong's body, it seemed that the strength of standing was gone.

"Wait a while, let go, just take a break!"

Not much to say, let Nie Tong help him to a clean place, sit down cross-legged.

A busy turn has nearly exhausted his strength.

"Although the combat effectiveness is comparable to the completion of the imperial realm, it is actually only the completion of the imperial realm. There is too much difference in power ..."

Sitting on the ground, sighing as I regained strength.

Now he is like the body of a child, the wisdom of an adult, and many things that an adult can do easily. This body will be a lot more troublesome to do.

The combat power is comparable to the completion of the imperial realm, but other ... such as strength, endurance, vitality reserves are too far away from the completion of the imperial realm.

In order to perform these stitches in the perfect imperial realm, I could not feel it at all, and I would not be tired, but now he came to finish it, and almost lost his strength and did not hold on!

However, although it was almost, it finally succeeded!

Not long, the previous loss was completely restored, and Nie Yun stood up again.

"Master, Hao Gan ..."

Haolong patriarch glanced at the son who was still in front of the body, and couldn't help asking.

Just now the teenager said that the acupuncture was very dangerous this time. No one knows whether he can succeed except himself. What if he fails?

"Relax, it worked!"

Seeing his worry, Nie Yun smiled: "Now you can put him on the table, you have lost that weight!"

"Successful?" The head of the Haolong tribe looked pleased, looked at the head of the Wentao tribe, and placed the "corpse" on the table.

The weight of this corpse before was as big as several mountains. At the moment, only ordinary people are about the same, without any pressure.

"Don't wake up yet!"

"Body" was placed on the table. Nie Yun stepped forward and smiled slightly. The medical profession moved again and shrouded it, and at the same time, the palm of his body flicked gently.


As soon as the palms left, everyone seemed to hear a series of rapid heartbeats, sounding like a big drum, ringing throughout the room.


The sound slowed down and gradually stabilized. Haogan's stiff fingers moved slightly, his eyes closed tightly, and slowly opened.

"Woke up!"

"It really woke up ..."

"It's amazing! Master Haogan's body was collected by me personally, and I can guarantee that I'm absolutely dead. I didn't expect to be rescued ..."

"This is the true doctor, even the legendary Emperor Shennong, but that's it ..."


Although it was believed that the teenager could activate Hao Qian before, seeing him open his eyes with his own eyes, the shock was still uncontrollable.

"Daddy ... am I dead?"

The crowd was cheering and surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Haogan was OK, looked around in confusion, some were afraid to confirm.

When he died, he remembered clearly, the feeling of the soul being away from the body, still looking, why ... woke up again?

"It was this master who saved your life ..."

The owner of Haolong flushed.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man to make him lose his heart and heart. Now that he saw his son resurrected with his own eyes, the excitement in his heart could not be restrained, and he almost kneeled to the young man in front of him.


Hao Qian looked at Nie Yun in doubt, some didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Since you are awake, it's time to unravel the mystery. What did you experience before you got married with Miss Wen? Now tell me!"

Nie Yun came over, his eyes were like electricity, staring at Hao Gan who was just sober. (To be continued ...)

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