Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2297: High priest

Here came a group of young people with uniform clothes, with long swords behind them, with a magnificent temperament.

"But the two came from the ninth floor of the sword spirit tower?"

Soon came, stopped, and the young man stared at the two coldly.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded and agreed.

"All right, come with us!"

Seeing his confirmation, the youth with a frown nodded, beckoning with no expression on his face.

Seeing the other side ’s attitude, Nie Yun frowned slightly, but this was Sword Spirit Valley. The other side was from here. It was not easy to attack. He looked at Nie Tong at once, and the two flew up at the same time and followed everyone behind.

Nie Tong successfully advanced to the imperial realm and already has the ability to fly. With the power of the sword world, his speed is not worse than Nie Yundu.

"Brother, these people are all geniuses of Kendo. That Pei Yang is a lot worse than one!"

Following the crowd, Nie Tong whispered quietly.

Needless to say, Nie Yun can also see that each of these young people is flowing with swordsmanship, with a special momentum, especially the feeling of swordsmanship, is extremely powerful. The Pei Yang I have seen before compares with one , It's just like a little witch seeing a big witch, it's not the same!

"It should be ... for the sake of eating these Jianmi!"

Nie Yun passed the sound.

Although Pei Yang's talents are nothing in his eyes, they are truly geniuses in the universe of the universe of gods!

This kind of genius can't match even a few people who just meet casually. It can only explain one situation. These people must have grown up eating sword rice, so they have such talent!

Flying behind the crowd, I saw a town appearing before my eyes.

This town is not big, it only looks like tens of thousands of residents, and it looks a bit dated from the castle and everything.

"Both of you can pass the nine-story sword spirit tower, which shows that there are some kendo talents, but that's the same thing in the sword spirit valley. It's not that great! Wait for the high priest to call and pay attention to your behavior. You should not mention Do not mention the request, otherwise, annoying the high priest, no one can keep you both! "

Before coming to town. The crowd fell to the ground, and the head-browed youth glanced at each other, grunting coldly.

"Oh?" The other person's words were harsh and unpleasant, and Nie Yun frowned again, with a hint of discomfort in her heart: "I don't know what should not be raised? What should be raised?"

"Through the nine-story sword spirit tower. The sword spirit valley will give rewards. This is a request that can be raised. As for the inner valley quota, it is not something you outsiders can think of!" The young man with a frown snorted: "Remember , The high priest will ask you then, if you want to go to the inner valley, you better reject it directly, otherwise ... hehe! "

The voice was threatening, and it was clear that as long as Nie Yun did not agree with him. Will cause trouble.

"What is Uchiya?"

"You don't need to know Neigu! Just remember what I told you, obedient, not only can you leave safely, but also benefit, disobedient ... dead here, I don't think anyone outside can come in!"

The young man hummed.

"Okay!" Nie Yun nodded, his eyelids raised: "I will think about what you say, but ... I do everything depending on my mood. Now I'm not in a good mood. What will I say after a while. Everyone Not sure! "

What he dislikes most is threats from others, and since the other party attaches great importance to Uchiya, there must be something wrong, and he will naturally not agree.

Hearing Nie Yun's words. The youthful brow's face sank, and his face was gloomy, staring coldly, like a poisonous snake.

"Very good, with personality, since I want to die. It means I didn't say!"

After a short while, the frowning young man waved his hand, stopped talking, and turned towards the city.

The youth did not speak, and the atmosphere around them seemed somewhat depressed.

Nie Yun and Nie Tong glanced at each other and followed behind without any pressure in their hearts.

If the other party really dares to do something, it's a big deal.

Although the two of them looked like a perfect imperial realm and an early imperial realm, their real combat power was comparable to the perfect imperial realm. Even if the strong ones are in the clouds, there is nothing terrible.

There are no crowds on the streets or various hawking markets. Only the houses are in order, but after walking for a while, no one is seen.

It seemed that everyone had gone somewhere and the house was empty.

"Brother, did you find it? These houses have no door locks, and the furnishings of each house are similar through the door, every household is the same!"

As he walked forward, Nie Tong's voice sounded in his ear.


Nie Yun nodded.

This is also his strange place.

Since entering the city, he found that the doors of all the houses were unlocked, and even many people's doors were completely open.

Can it be a place where you do n’t close your house at night and make no mistakes?


Even if this city is small, there are at least tens of thousands, tens of thousands of towns, who can ensure that everyone is good?

"I also saw the clothes drying in the yard just now. All the clothes in this city seem to be almost the same ..."

Nie Tong continued.

A lot of clothes were hung outside the houses around, and all the way, these clothes almost looked the same and couldn't see anything special.

The living environment of people in a city is the same ~ www.readwn.com ~ The clothes are the same ... It's too strange.

No matter from which aspect, this sword spirit valley reveals weirdness.

"Can it be a gate?" Nie Yun guessed.

It is normal for the same gate to be awarded the same costume. This city may be the base of the gate, just like the original Xianyin zong.

"It's very possible, not only that, but also the gates based on swordsmanship! I just saw a lot of swords hanging on the wall, different in size and length!" Nie Tong nodded.

On the way, not only the same clothes, but also a lot of long swords, these swords of different lengths and sizes, there are various styles.

"In front is the residence of the high priest, outsider, you go in!"

The two brothers were wondering secretly, and heard the youth's voice in front of the eyebrow sound again, looked up, and saw a grand mansion appear in front of them.

This mansion is right in the center of the city. It looks like a circle. A magnificent palace stands in the middle of the circle.

"What a pure sword!"

Nie Tong glanced and frowned.

In this mansion, he felt a strong sense of sword.

"It seems this high priest is not simple, and this palace is not simple!"

Nie Yun nodded secretly.

He also almost united the sword world, and his sense of sword is no worse than that of Nie Tong. The sword in the mansion is majestic and powerful, even now he can't help feeling a little palpitated.


With an explanation, the frowning young man was about to knock on the door, and the door of the mansion opened suddenly. An old man came out: "The high priest let me take them in!"

After that, he turned and walked inside the mansion. (To be continued.)

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