Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2299: High Priest's Discouragement

"Selecting Kendo Genius?"

The high priest nodded: "You mentioned the Emperor Lu Xi just now, we have nothing to hide. We are actually descendants of the Emperor Lu Xi! The mission is to protect the sword spirit mountain, find the most suitable inheritor, and restore the glory of Kendo again!"

"The descendants of Emperor Lu Xi?"

Although he had guessed it before coming, when he heard the other person acknowledged it, Nie Yun was filled with emotion.

Emperor Lu Xi was a great friend of the Emperor Shennong. After so many years of falling, his descendants are still alive.

"You must have seen it when you came. The sword spirit valley is different from the outside world. It has enough sword meaning and the help of sword rice. It has a great advantage for practicing kendo! Therefore, we have a lot of kendo geniuses in the valley. , And there are not a few who can pass the nine-story sword spirit tower! "

High Priest Tao: "The ancestors have regulations that no matter whether they are in the valley or outside the valley, as long as they pass the nine-story sword spirit tower, they are eligible to enter the valley and have the opportunity to accept the inheritance of the emperor!"

"Inner Valley is where the emperor's legacy is left. To get the opportunity, you need to pass a lot of tests. Unfortunately, ... for so many years, our sword spirit valley passed the nine-story sword spirit tower and condensed the sword world alone. There are also thousands, but none of them can be truly inherited! "

The high priest shook his head.

"So difficult?" Nie Yun frowned.

He had no doubt at all about his words.

There is a strong sword here, with the help of Jianmi. The number of kendo geniuses is endless. Since he and Nie Tong can condense the sword world, it is not surprising that such geniuses appear here!

Thousands of geniuses who converge the sword world have not been inherited. How difficult is this inheritance?

"Yeah!" Speaking of this high priest, he looked up to Nie Yun: "How can the inheritance of the emperor be easy! The chance to enter Neigu is only once. I want to give you a choice. First, enter Neigu. Emperor Lu Xi inherited, but the greater possibility is failure. Nothing! Second, my sword spirit valley gave you two thousand pounds of sword rice and ten sets of swordsmanship to ensure that you successfully break through to the imperial kingdom. The conditions are ... Give up your chance! "

"Choose one of the two, and I hope you think about it!"

"Don't think about it!" Nie Yun laughed and said directly: "I choose the first one and enter Neigu!"

The conditions given by the other party, although it seems that the first one has no hope. Rather than holding such hopeless things, let's get some benefits first.

But for the two brothers, the purpose of coming here this time is for the inheritance of Emperor Lu Xi. I really want some benefits. Where can I not find it, why bother.

Besides, since the high priest can offer so many benefits in exchange, it is obvious that he does not want to let the opportunity to enter the Inner Valley fall into their hands. In this case, how can he give up.

"Don't answer me in such a hurry. You can think about it carefully!" The high priest frowned.

"No plans to change it!" Nie Yundao.

"Entering the Inner Valley is not only dangerous, it is impossible to get nothing!" The high priest asked unwillingly.

"I know, you can't get it if you don't get it. What we are looking for is Jianshu Avenue, even if you die in it!" Interrupted the other party, Nie Yun said.

"Now that you have made your choice, Neigu will open in three days, so wait here for news!"

Seeing him confirm, the high priest waved his hand. No more talking.

"Thank you for your guidance, our brother is waiting for Uchiya to open!"

Seeing the other party didn't want to say more, Nie Yun was too lazy to stay here and hold a punch with Nie Tong. Go outside the mansion.

As soon as they left, the figure flickered, and a young man appeared behind the high priest.

"Grandpa, I think these two outsiders are toasting and not eating and drinking!" The young man flashed coldly in the direction of Nie Yun and others.

"Neigu was passed down by our ancestors of the Lu family. It ’s so easy for outsiders to enter. These days you can give them some trouble to let them know the dangers of entering Neigu and retreat from difficulties! But do n’t kill yourself. Otherwise, it will greatly damage the reputation of our sword spirit valley! "

The high priest said with his hands behind his back.

"Relax, grandpa, I have a sense of size! Two outsiders also want to try to mess with the inheritance of our Lu family, dream!"

The young man hummed.

"Also, let Xuaner prepare well. This time he will also enter the Inner Valley and strive to obtain more [Sword Meaning Rune]. Even if he still cannot inherit the ancestor's inheritance, it is best to get the position of sacrifice, so that we can get it Geniuses are born forever and status is guaranteed forever! "

The high priest confessed cautiously.

"Grandpa is assured. Brother Xuan has always been stable. This time he prepared for this time again. No accident. The sacrifice position can definitely be obtained, but ... I'm afraid that Lu Yunzi will make troubles, especially the Lubeihuang, successfully opened up the sword world. , The strength is not under the mysterious brother, if the two players compete fairly, it is unknown who wins or loses! "

The youth was a little worried.

"Lu Yunzi ... Huh, this guy failed to compete with me for the High Priest's time ~ www.readwn.com ~ I haven't been disheartened for so many years ... But you don't have to worry too much, as long as these two outsiders don't enter the interior Gu, you will be able to vacate two places, and then you and Xianer will make up! With your talent and strength, defeating a desolate land is easy! "

High Priesthood.

"If I go with Brother Xian, Lu Beihuang is nothing! It seems that the key is to get these two outsiders first!"

The youth nodded.

"Well, go for three days, you can do a lot of things, don't let me down!"

The high priest waved his hand and stopped talking.

"Grandpa, rest assured!"

The young man grinned, turned around and walked outside the mansion.


"Brother, do you think this high priest's attitude is a bit weird? It doesn't seem like we want to let us enter the inner valley!"

Out of the high priest's residence, Nie Tong quietly transmitted a voice.

"Maybe there is something weird in this inner valley! However, the more we are not allowed to enter, the more we have to enter!" Nie Yundao.

He also saw the eccentricity of the high priest. From the beginning, the Taoist thoughts destroyed his Taoism, and he felt that this man was not good intentions.

However, there are no soldiers to cover the water and soil, the more they don't let themselves enter the inner valley, they have to go in.

"Two people from the Divine Realm who came here through the nine-story sword spirit tower?"

Talking, suddenly a laughter sounded not far away.

Nie Yun and Nie Tong turned their heads and saw that they were talking about a young man in his twenties, with a gentle smile on his face, looking polite.

"It's us!" Nie Yun nodded.

"My father is pleased!" The young man smiled when he nodded and admitted. (To be continued.)

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