Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2305: Bizarre Gamble

"How can there be a restaurant without an inn?"

Seeing the restaurant's colorful flags waving in the wind, Nie Tong blinked, wondering.

Since there is only one family in this place, it is the same as the closed family. Who sees a restaurant in the family?

"Everyone's residence is here. It is difficult to survive in the inn, but restaurants are different. There are always people who don't want to eat at home! There are always poor cooking skills, or people who don't have time to cook!"

Nie Yun smiled. The two of them had already reached the restaurant door and talked in.

There were not many people in the restaurant, only sitting in the corner in twos and threes, looking very deserted.

The two brothers randomly found a table and sat down: "Little two, how do you sell drinks and food here?"

Vulcan coins are circulated in the Vulcan realm, red river spar is circulated in the Red River Valley, and imperial stones are circulated in the imperial city ... Here is isolated from the world, and the currency in circulation must be different.

"You are the two outsiders?"

Dian Xiaoer is a ten-year-old young man, looking at the two with his eyes down, with a strong disdain in his eyes: "Our restaurant, no money, no items, only swordsmanship, novel swordsmanship! What kind of swordsmanship! What kind of wine and food to change! "

"Oh? What are your standards? What kind of swordsmanship is good?" Nie Yundao.

For the first time, he heard that restaurants do not accept silver and trade swordsmanship with swordsmanship.

However, it is normal to think about it. This is Sword Spirit Valley. Everyone is good at kendo. Even women can do a few tricks! Swordplay is naturally hard currency.

"Well, did you see that? There is a sword sword in the middle of the hall. Your swordsmanship will be displayed in front of you. It is divided into seven levels according to different colors. Red orange yellow green blue blue purple. Red is the lowest. , Only get half a jug of wine, a plate of peanut rice! The highest purple, you can enjoy the best wine here. The best dishes! The most delicious food! "Shop Xiao Er snorted, and then his face was proud:" And What you need is your own swordsmanship. You ca n’t use swords that others have used. You ca n’t get anything! Because of this, everyone is proud to have good wine and food here! ”

Nie Yun nodded.

Use homemade swordsmanship in exchange for wine and dishes. The better the wine dishes, the more powerful the swordsmanship, and the more honor you will naturally feel.

No wonder there are restaurants here. I am afraid this place is also where all practitioners test their own kendo.

Turning his head to look at the few diners in the hall, Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

I saw only a wine gourd and a plate of peanuts on their table. It seemed that they had created the lowest level of swordsmanship.

"Then how do you distinguish between your own and learned ancestor swordsmanship?" Nie Yun asked.

The test sword stone can only assess the level of swordsmanship.

If he does not use his own creations, but uses his predecessor swordsmanship, the sword is strong, and the light level will be high. Have you always used the swordsmanship of your predecessors, should n’t you eat and drink here every day?

"Our test sword stone can automatically store the tested swordsmanship. Over the years, almost all swordsmanship in the sword spirit valley has been printed on it. As long as you cast one of them, no light will be released on it! Only since Only when you create a sword, can you sparkle! "

Shop small second.

Nie Yunzhang was surprised.

Although the Sword Spirit Valley is small and not large in number, when it comes to the number of kendo geniuses, I am afraid that there are more than the entire divine world!

So many kendo geniuses. After hundreds of millions of years of precipitation, this test sword stone can print all the swordsmanship in it, which is equivalent to covering all mature swordsmanship between heaven and earth, and will not create its own ... it is indeed difficult to draw color.

"Everything to say. Hurry up if you want to try, leave the restaurant if you don't!"

Xiaodian glanced over.

He still looks down on outsiders.

How can two foreigners, so young, create swordsmanship? Even if it is created. I will eat peanut rice too, want to have a big meal ... No way!

"If you want to eat, you have to test your sword ..." Nie Yun shook her head, trying to go over to get something to eat, and heard the restaurant's door "squeak!" Opened, and several people came in.

The first one is his old acquaintance, who undressed on the street and made a beautiful appearance.

At this moment, Lu Tao has changed his clean clothes again. There is no wolverine before, and his eyes are as fierce as a hungry wolf.

Although he did not know why he did that, he also knew that it must be Nie Yun's method!

Let the genius of his dignified genius be so ugly that he can have a good complexion.

The three people behind him were almost the same as him. They were all in the middle of the imperial realm. They were also about the same age. They looked like twenty years old, and their eyes were different from those of him. Disdain.

It seems to them that Nie Yun is nothing but the indigenous people of the **** world. How can Kendo Xiu be comparable to their descendants?

"Meeting here, it seems to be a coincidence!" Lu Tao said coldly, staring at the two brothers.

"What a coincidence? I think you came here specifically!" Nie Yun lifted his eyelids and was too lazy to be kind to him.

I have torn my face before, so there is no need to be implicit ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes, you know it! I came here to make a bet with you! Dare or dare not! "Unveiled in disguise, Lu Tao didn't hide, he sneered.

"Bet?" Nie Yunrao looked at it with interest.

I thought the other party was here to get revenge. I didn't expect to open a bet. What bet?

"It's very simple, I bet with you ... who can eat good wine and food here! What you can't eat ... take off your clothes and go around the restaurant three times ... dare you?"

Lu Tao hummed.

When the street took off his clothes and exposed those ugliness, he now felt collapsed when he remembered it. The purpose of the bet was very simple, so that these two outsiders were shameful, so shameless, they would no longer go to the inner valley!

Although he also wanted to kill by hand, but ... entering the Neigu through the nine-story sword spirit tower was a rule left by the ancestors. Outsiders did not even enter Neigu, and they killed directly ... Violating the clan rules!

Even if he was bold, he didn't dare to do it!

Can't kill, naturally they can only find a way to make them shameful.

"Take off your clothes and walk around the restaurant three times ... the bet is a little too low!" Knowing his thoughts, Nie Yun smiled, and did not refuse.

"Too low? What else do you want?"

I thought the other party didn't dare to agree, and only used the radical method. I never thought that the other party still thought that the bet was low, and Lu Tao couldn't help but hesitate.

"You guys are in a group, our brothers are in a group of two ... If you lose, you will not only take off your clothes and run a lap, but also take ten slaps, and say‘ I am a waste! ’In public, dare you?”

Nie Yun tapped his finger gently on the table and looked over with a playful smile in his eyes.

"Slap yourself? Say‘ I am a waste ’?”

Lu Tao's complexion suddenly became deep and ugly, his fist clenched sharply. (To be continued.)

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