Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2308: Jianchi

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"We give up!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, after a long struggle, Lu Tao couldn't help nodding.

Lu Zichao's swordsmanship was stolen in the past, and with the tricks they created, even if they were displayed, they would certainly not reach the light blue. Instead of being ashamed, it would be better to admit it!

"Since you confess to losing ... then fulfill your bet!"

Nie Yundao.

He has no sympathy for these people. If he does n’t plan today, he loses, and the other party will certainly not let it go.

"Fulfilling the bet ..."

Lu Tao flicked his eyelids.

The previous bet was to take off his clothes and go around the restaurant three times, and draw ten slaps on his own ... no matter what, it was not acceptable to him!

It's so shameful!

I really want to do this. I can imagine that after a few of them, they will become a joke for the entire Sword Spirit Valley, and they can no longer look up!

"We will definitely fulfill the bet, but ... I have another bet here, I wonder if you dare to take it!"

Lu Tao gritted his teeth.

"Is there a gambling contract? Oh, it is my business to dare to accept it. You will cash in this gambling contract before you say, knowing that you have lost and not fulfilling it. Do you think I am stupid? After fulfilling it, I will tell you later! "

Nie Yun waved his hand, too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party.

This time the bet is not fulfilled, but next time ... Dream!


Originally, I wanted to fool the past with a gambling contract. I did not expect that the young man's words were sharp and pointed at the key points. Lu Taoqi's face turned green, but there was no way to do it.

Who made them lose?

"Wait for others! This time, you won by cheating, using rogue methods, not glorious at all! Let us honor the gambling contract ... Are you really decent?"

Lu Zichao hummed.

"Tolerable!" For his irony, Nie Yun didn't care about it. He has been practicing his skin for many years and is as good as the city wall: "Don't bet you must be prepared to lose. You can also use rogue means. I didn't stop it. With you! "

Hearing such shameless words, Lu Tao and others almost exploded.

"Well, don't stop talking nonsense. We would like to say before you lose. If you feel wronged, don't bet. If you lose, don't want to confess your account ... I don't care. But don't show up again in front of us in the future, we don't like it. Such a wordless person! "

Nie Yun waved his hand and ignored the other side.

Lu Taoqi's long swords were all pulled out, but he gritted his teeth. Put it back again.

The other party is right, no matter what means they used, after all, they won, and they waited for someone to lose. If they do n’t fulfill their bet, they will start working. Once the news spreads out, they will be embarrassed than going naked for three laps.

"We'll pay for the bet now ... But let's run naked for three laps and slap ourselves. It's not good for you either! It's better to replace it with real things! I have a very good set of swordsmanship here, which is worse than just now The super original sword trick must be perfected and can be given directly to you. Use it as a bet, can you agree? "

Lu Tao Road.

Streaking and slapping will definitely not be done. Now I can only cut the blood and bleed, trying to get the other side to agree.

"A set of swordsmanship? Oh, you have fled to underestimate us, only swordsmanship. You can do it or not, it's far better to see you streaking and slap yourself!" Nie Yun shook his head.

Only a set of swordsmanship, is it possible to master Da Yan Tianji Sword in Gaoming?

Since being clever, it is useless to yourself. If you want a set of useless swordsmanship, you might as well make them shameless.

"Two sets of swordsmanship, even the sword of Zhongpin Emperor Realm!" Lu Tao gritted his teeth.

Nie Yun did not nod his head, picked up the wine glass on the table and smiled slightly.

At this point, the dishes had been served. With a table full, just smelling it makes people feel refreshed.

"Four sets of swordsmanship, a peak imperial sword ... plus a thousand pounds of sword rice!"

Lu Tao raised the price again.

Nie Yun continued to shake his head.

"What do you want?" Lu Tao gritted his teeth.

"Ten sets of swordsmanship, two handles to complete the imperial sword ... ten thousand catty meters!"

The wine glass kept spinning in Nie Yun's hands, his eyelids lifted, and he said lightly.

The other party said well, letting them run naked for three laps and slap themselves. For him, it was really no good. After so many things, he has already passed the impulsive age. Instead of looking at them as ugly, he wants something useful thing.

Especially Jianmi, since he came here, he has seen the preciousness, and if he can eat it often in the future, it will also be of great help to improve his kendo.

So, an opening is ten thousand catties!

"Ten sets of swords ... two swords that fulfill the imperial realm, ten thousand pounds of sword rice ... Do you want to rob?" Lu Tao almost passed out when he heard his request.

Just a lion's mouth!

Asking too much!

These things, not to mention him, even if they add up, they can't get them!

"If you can't get it out, go naked, anyway, I don't care!" Nie Yun no longer cares about the other party.

"Okay, okay ..."

Hearing this, Lu Taoqi's face was ugly, but there was no other way, who made them bet they lost! Not acknowledging that they need to do anything will only make them more upset.

"You wait a moment!"

Frustrated, Lu Tao had no choice but to turn around and greet Lu Zichao and others aside.

"Did he really give him so many things?" One said unwillingly.

"Otherwise, we can't really streak, let's slap ourselves! Even if I lose this person, the high priest can't afford it!" Lu Ran hummed.

Coming here to deal with two outsiders is the meaning of the high priest. Today, I really want to streak here. The high priest will also follow the shame.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Crowds clenched their fists.

"Don't be angry, it's a big deal to give him something first, and then bet on them! Not only will they let them spit out everything they just ate, but they will also pay a painful price!"

Lu Zichao hummed.

"Zi Chao is right! These two guys can't be so cheap ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let us be so shameful and not let them pay the bitter price, how can we dispel the hatred of our hearts!"

Lu Tao clenched his fists.

"They even learned Chao Jian's sword tricks so quickly. What bets can they make to lose?"

One wondered.

These two guys are really powerful. Lu Zichao has such a clever swordsmanship that he will be able to understand and demonstrate it once he has seen it. With such talent, what bet can he guarantee to win or lose?

Besides, there really needs to be such a gambling agreement, isn't it a nonsense for others not to participate?

"It's very simple. Their purpose here is to enter Neigu ... Before entering Neigu, there is a place where they can make a bet or not!"

Lu Tao thought of a flash of cold light in his eyes.

"Did you mean ... Jianchi?"

The eyes of the remaining three brightened and they couldn't help it. (To be continued.).

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