Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2317: Jianchi Heart


"In the past, I regret it, but I do n’t care about it. Today, I abandon it, but I am sorry for it!

Walking towards the hut, a singing voice was heard.

The singing is bold and straightforward, but with bad luck, secretly feeling sad.

Looking for the song, I saw an old man sitting in front of the hut and hitting stones while singing. Although there was sadness and indignation in his tone, the hero's uneasy spirit was revealed in his eyes.

"Good song, the predecessor seems to have stagnation, I wonder if I can tell you?"

Nie Yun came over with a smile.


When he saw the old man stunned, he laughed: "Okay, I didn't expect that for so many years, someone can find here! Come, sit down and drink!"

After talking about the old man, he took out a jug and poured a glass of wine as if he had done a trick. Before he came, he smelled the wine.

"Then I'll disturb!"

Nie Yun sat at the stone table, raised his glass, smelled it, and closed his eyes, admiring sincerely, "Good wine!"

Praise in the mouth, but did not drink.

"Of course it is good wine, but I have kept it for many years. I drank it to ensure a good look! Why not try it?" The old man came over.

"Good wine, wait for a while. I pass by here, and I want to ask my predecessors, what is this place? Wasn't it in Jianchi just now? Why did you come here suddenly?"

Nie Yun lowered the glass and asked.

"Where is this? Don't you know?" The old man froze, obviously a little strange to him, but the next moment he seemed to see something suddenly stood up and turned around Nie Yun: "You ... … Not from Sword Spirit Valley? Outsiders? "

"The predecessors have good eyesight. I just arrived here through the nine-story sword spirit!" Nie Yun nodded and admitted.

"It's okay for outsiders! Being able to watch the world outside is much better than being locked in a small sword spirit valley! Come, drink!"

With emotion, the old man filled the glass in front of himself and drank his head.

"Drink quickly, don't you look down on my old man and think I will hurt you?"

After drinking, I saw that the glass in front of Nie Yun was still full. The old man showed displeasure.

Toasting and not drinking, obviously do not give face.

"Of course not, I just feel weird, just forget it!" Nie Yun smiled, raised his glass, and drank his head.

"It's almost ... come, have another drink!"

The old man filled Nie Yun with wine again. He stunned his beard and said, "This is Jianchixin, not outside Jianchi. Entering here, you can't go out anymore. I have been alone, lonely, and now you can stay with me. Keep drinking! "

"Heart of Jianchi?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yeah, that is, the core of Jianchi. Although I don't know how you came. But I can tell you that it is impossible to go out after entering, unless Jianchi is destroyed!" The old man said.


Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and he stood up and looked at the road just now. At a glance, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

The road just traveled. It has disappeared at this moment, and the dense swords that can be seen by the naked eye just now seem to have disappeared out of thin air, and can no longer be found.

As soon as his body shook, Nie Yun rushed out, and a moment later. Walk back again.

Sure enough, as the old man said, there is no way to come, and the endless sword intentions of the past have disappeared, as if he suddenly fell into another world, just like the two concepts of Jianchi before.

"Don't look for it, you can't find a way out. Now that you're here, it's considered a destiny. Come and drink quickly, otherwise the endless time, I don't know how to pass!"

The old man chuckled, raised the glass again, and handed it over.

Nie Yun didn't expect that there was such a place deep in Jianchi. He couldn't go back when he came in. His face didn't look good, but he took the wine glass and drank his drink.

"Senior, how did you get here? Why are you stuck here?"

After drinking, Nie Yun's face recovered, and he seemed to have no anxiety and looked at the other side.

"I? When did I come in and how did I get in? I still can't remember it now ... Anyway, here I am walking ... don't say these useless things, keep drinking!"

The old man poured another glass.

Nie Yun smiled and seemed to drink without any doubt.

The old man's mouth moved slightly as he watched his third glass of wine.

"Well, don't need to install it. If you guessed it well, you made this place! You want me to stay here forever ...% depends on you, maybe it can be done!"

Seeing his expression change, Nie Yun suddenly smiled slightly, no more nervous on his face, but smiled slightly.

"Hey, you see it ... But what if you see it? You drank three glasses of wine in a row, and your internal strength has been banned. Even if you have strength, you can't show it here!"

When he heard what he said, the old man looked like a person and stood up with a sneer.

Just now, she looked kind, and became sneer in sneer.

"Oh? I was imprisoned after drinking three glasses of wine? Is there something wrong with your wine?"

Nie Yun didn't have any nervousness. On the other hand, his language was ridiculous.

"It's too late to know now!" The old man swayed in the palm of his hand, looking at Nie Yun as if looking at the fish on the chopping board: "Being able to come here through Jianchi shows that your strength has at least surpassed the perfect imperial realm, and combined with the outside Coming to ... is enough to show that you have reached that level! The strongest of that level, come here ... Don't think about me and understand what you are doing! However, I will not be willing to kill, the wine you just drank In my mind, I ca n’t refine it with my mind. As long as my heart moves, it will form a sword energy, stir in your body, restrain your whole body strength, and make you unable to move! ”

"Beyond the perfect imperial realm? What kind of level? What level is it?" Nie Yun looked over in confusion.

Beyond the Perfect Realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ Isn't it Emperor Realm? Could it be that there are levels above?

"Less the delay here, my tricks, the delay is useless!"

Thinking that he was delaying time, the old man smiled coldly and did not answer.

"Since I don't talk, I don't want to know!"

Although he was interested, the other side didn't say that he couldn't help it. He suddenly stood up, his physical strength turned, the fusion realm suddenly released, and a sweeping momentum emerged: "Procrastination ... you see, I need to procrastinate now. Time? "

"You ... didn't you win?"

Feeling the breath of his body, without any discomfort, the old man's pupils shrank and he was about to speak. Then he saw the young boy smiled slightly and his fingers clicked forward.


A stream of water shot down his fingers, like an arrow, bursting out of the air, and rushed straight towards the door. (To be continued.)

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