Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2323: Battle Lu Bo


"Sword Spirit Valley was created by Emperor Lu Xi. I admire it too late. How can I laugh at it?"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Emperor Lu Xi, who was able to achieve the Emperor with kendo, was regarded as the top in ancient times, regardless of strength or status. He was very impressed and did not look down on the sword spirit valley.

"It's too late to admire it? Good slick mouth! If it's not laughing at our sword spirit valley nobody, or if we don't put our old guys in the eyes and know each other, we will apologize immediately, and then we will break the meridians and abolish the cultivation, we can not blame Otherwise, even today, even if there are two sacrifices and sacrifices, we will let you survive or die! "

Elder Lu Bo shouted.

"Abolition of cultivation is considered trivial! An outsider who is so arrogant when arriving at Sword Spirit Valley does not give you any lessons, I'm afraid I don't know that Sword Spirit Valley is not something you outsiders can rampant!"

Another old man followed suit.

"Anyway, Zi Chao is my grandson. Even if there is a mistake, I should take a lesson. What do you count and hurt them?"

"I don't know what's thick and thick, kneeling down and confessing mistakes, let's abolish repairs to save you from death, otherwise, today is your death!"

The remaining two old men also yelled at the same time.

There are four in total. Don't think about it and know that it must be the backing of Lu Tao, Lu Zichao and others.

Four people were completely abolished by Nie Yun. Others took it for granted that the four were definitely unwilling.

"Oh? Do you want to abolish my cultivation?" After hearing the scolding of the four, Nie Yun looked at each other.

"That's right! This is Sword Spirit Valley, not your divine realm. Even if you are in the divine realm and respected status, there is still nothing to be considered here!" Lu Bo sneered.

"Elder Lu Bo, I have already said that Lu Tao and others have made mistakes first, and this happens. It is also the fault ... What do you want to do? Do you want to violate the ancestral teachings and do something to the guests who pass the Soul Tower?"

Interrupting the words of Lu Bo and others, the second sacrifice was full of displeasure.

Anyway, this is his mansion, and the other four are ramming and wanting to attack his guests and the majesty of his second sacrifice is also a provocation.

"Second sacrifice. You do n’t need to press me as a sacrifice, I am a grandson like Lu Tao. He has now become a wasteman, and I do n’t care about anything! It ’s not good today to punish this foreigner to take revenge for my grandchildren, even if the King of Heaven comes And don't even think about letting me go! "

Lu Bo growled, full of ruthlessness.

"Presumptuous! As a clan elder, regardless of the rules of the sword spirit valley, regard the clan rules as nothing, believe it or not I will suppress you now?"

The second sacrificial eyes narrowed.

"Suppression? The second sacrifice a great tone!"

As soon as the words of the second sacrifice fell, a mocking voice sounded. Nie Yun turned his head and saw another old man come over.

This old man, with dark brown clothes, showed a mockery between his eyebrows, and did not seem to put Lu Yunzi, the second sacrifice, in his eyes.

"Butler Lu Meng, why are you here?"

Lu Bo's eyes brightened when he saw the old man. Quickly turned.

"The high priest was afraid that some people would seek power for personal gain and use the power of the Sword Spirit Valley for unspeakable purposes. Let me take over his warrant. As long as this warrant is in place, even if someone wants to conspiracy, he can't treat you! "

The steward smiled slightly. With a flick of his wrist, a token flew over to Lu Bo and others.

"Thank you High Priest!"

After receiving the warrant, Lu Bo's eyes glowed with excitement.

As a sacrifice, you can use special powers to fight against others with the help of Sword Spirit Valley. Although Lu Bo and others just said the arrogance, they knew it. Once the second sacrifice really started, the four of them could not resist it.

But now it's different!

With the warrant given by the high priest, even using the power of Sword Spirit Valley, they can't be hurt!

"Lu Meng, what do you mean?"

The second sacrificed face sank.

It is obvious that the other party did something against him.

"It's very simple. This outsider wounded Lu Tao and others. Their family came to look for it. It was a personal grudge. The high priest didn't want the second sacrifice to intervene, so as not to hurt the harmony!"

The housekeeper Lu Meng smiled slightly.

"Personal grudges?" The second sacrifice was about to speak, and saw a palm in front of it. Nie Yun came over with a smile: "What do you mean ... the high priest said that I and them are personal grudges, and you It's okay, you can do it yourself? "

"Yes, there is a personal grudge between you! Although we follow the ancestral teachings of Sword Spirit Valley, it is not difficult for outsiders to pass the sword spirit tower, but we do not care about the grudges between the outsiders personally!

Lu Meng raised his mouth.

He said no matter what, it was actually asking Lu Bo and others to trouble the little guy in front of him.

Lu Bo and others are strong imperial powers, and their strength is far from being comparable to Lu Tao and others. In his opinion, only the trouble of this kid is to be found. Even if this kid is not dead, he has to pick up a layer of skin!

"Since it's a personal grudge, it's simple ..."

Nie Yun smiled lightly, his eyebrows raised on his innocuous face, and his body suddenly disappeared from the place.


The next moment appeared behind Lu Bo, a Jianmang shot from his palm and stabbed straight.


The fusion realm can spread a hundred meters, within this distance of 100 meters, he can freely teleport!

Lu Bo and others are in the yard, only a few meters away, within range.

"Do you dare to do it to me ..."

Unexpectedly, this outsider dared to do something to him, and at such a fast speed, Lu Bo's pupils shrank, and he had no time to turn around, and shot Nie Yun with his backhand.

His skill is not high, but with a sword-like surge, he screams and rushes.

It seems that if Nie Yun changed his sword moves, the long sword would be directly hit and he would also be seriously injured.

Even if this Lu Bo is the perfect imperial realm of the false sword world, it is also very scary, far more than Nanhua Lao Xian and others.


No danger seemed to be seen ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yunjianzhao did not change at all and did not dodge. The other palm grabbed the head of Elder Lu Bo.

"court death!"

Seeing that he did not dodge but attacked, Lu Bo sneered again and again, his palm strength spit out madly and landed directly on Nie Yun's chest.


When he thought that the outsider was dead before him, a huge roar sounded, and a protective cover resembling a pagoda appeared on the young man's body, blocking all his power.

"Half-step Emperor Realm? Not good ..."

The power was blocked, and Lu Bo understood what was going on. His pupils shrank and he wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The juvenile courageous pressure suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and at the same time, a thick and extreme power came from the sky. While falling.


Lu Bo had not responded yet, and he fell to the ground with a soft knee. (To be continued.)

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