Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2325: To steal a life


"Sure enough!"

The second sacrifice to Lu Yunzi was relieved.

The other party is in the disguise of a strong player in other realms, and it makes sense to possess this strength. If he really has this kind of combat power, he feels that he will go crazy.

"Senior said just now ... that kind of state? I don't know what it means? Emperor state? Or ..."

Before Lu Xi's blood transfigured the strength of the old man, Nie Yun was skeptical. At this moment, Lu Yunzi raised his mouth again, so he couldn't help asking.

According to the news he knew before, the highest level of the imperial realm is the perfect imperial realm, and the top is the imperial realm. Is there a new level above it? Or stronger?

"You do not know?"

This time Lu Yunzi's turn was strange.

Nie Yun shook his head.

"This is the title of your deity ..." Lu Yunzi gave a strange glance, saying: "Since you have reached the imperial realm, you should know that the life of the imperial realm is also limited!"

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Limited by the space law of the Divine Realm, even if the imperial realm is strong and strong, the life expectancy is certain, and it will not exceed 100,000 years at most. Generally, the weak imperial realm is 30,000 to 50,000 years.

Because of this, all people want to transcend that realm, just like the Emperor Realm, never die.

"The perfect imperial realm has a life span of only 100,000 years, but beyond this realm, you can live longer! Legend has it that there are no problems in living for millions of years!" Lu Yunzi said.

"Millions, millions of years?"

Nie Yun froze.

Is there a real imperial realm for millions of years?

At least in Divine Realm, he hasn't seen it!

Even the grandfather of Yefu has a life span of only tens of thousands of years.

"Yeah, this kind of strongman is called stealing the sky to borrow life, and the legend is that the life stolen from the sky!" Lu Yunzi said.

"Steal the sky and borrow life?" Nie Yun blinked.

Can life be stolen from the sky? To borrow? If so, what level of strength should be reached?

"Yeah, it is said that such a strong man has surpassed the perfect imperial realm. Although his strength is not as good as that of Heaven, it is not far behind. Because of this, he can secretly borrow his life under Heaven! Only this kind of borrowed Life is also troublesome, that is, you cannot use the power beyond the perfect imperial realm in the **** world! Once used, it is discovered by heaven. It will be forcibly wiped out! Unless it breaks through again! "

Lu Yunzi said: "These were all I heard when I was traveling in the Divine Realm. I thought you came from the Divine Realm. Can be clear ..."

"Steal the sky and borrow life ... you can't use more fighting power than the perfect imperial realm, no wonder I haven't heard of it ..."

Nie Yun suddenly realized.

No wonder I haven't heard before, who has reached this level of strength, so it is!

It seems that even if it is actually reached, it will change its name and surname, and hide it secretly, for fear that others will know, otherwise, it will be forcibly wiped out once discovered by Heaven. The life span that was finally stolen is gone.

The higher the cultivation, the more afraid of death. This is a theorem.

"Have you heard of the godless boundless guard?"

Lu Yunzi knows a lot about Divine Realm. When he saw he didn't know, he smiled helplessly and asked.

"heard about it!"

Nie Yun nodded.

As soon as the Borderless Guards came to the Divine Realm, he heard that it was a thing that appeared after the ascension of the boundless sea and the indigenous protoss to sign a strike agreement, representing the ascendent's legal identity. Need to be assessed.

Originally, he wanted to evaluate and get a legal identity, but after being inherited by Shennong, he was respected everywhere. In addition, with the increase of strength, generally small troubles can be solved easily. No need for assessment, so I was too lazy to continue to pay attention.

"Boundless guards are divided into six levels, from one star to six stars ... Many people think that six-star boundless guards are the highest level, in fact not the case! There is also a seven-star boundless guard, also known as the boundless leader! This This kind of person is the one who steals the sky! "

Lu Yunzi said.

"Seven Stars Borderless? Borderless Leader? Didn't you just say that people of this strength. Do you want to hide? Since these people have such strength, they don't need to be anonymous, but let people know?"

Nie Yun looked strangely.

Even he knows that the Seven-Star Boundless Guard is a strong man who steals the sky and borrows his life. There must be many people in the realm of the gods knowing that Tiandao will also understand. In this case, why not kill it directly?

"This is the source of the contradiction between the ascendant and the divine realm!" Lu Yunzi shook his head with a bitter smile, and then said, "Boundless guards are assessed by the ascendants. The ascendants come from a chaotic world outside the divine realm, and the soul is not in the divine realm. Up, so ... as long as they don't use the breath that exceeds the perfect imperial realm, they will not be chased by heaven! Even ... revealed for a period of time, as long as it does not exceed the limit, there will not be too much! Therefore, the ascendants in More freedom under heaven! "


Nie Yun was surprised.

There is such a thing.

However, if you think about it, you can understand.

According to normal circumstances, he succeeded in Wang Jingxiu's life. The life should not be too long, and he should be able to clearly feel the passage of life, but now he can't notice anything. Speaking carefully, it should be related to the identity of the ascendant.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the indigenous people of the gods hate the Ascendants!

Under heaven, they are more free and talented than them. As time goes by, more and more people have achieved the emperor. At that time, their status will definitely be overthrown. Maybe it was based on this consideration in ancient times that the two sides broke out. Irreparable battle.

"Of course, these are my hearsay. I do n’t know if this is the case. After all, those who have reached the strength of stealing the sky and borrowed life are restricted by the Tao and they have not easily shot it. I have never seen it! You just relaxed Bo and others defeated, I thought that this state had been reached ... "

Lu Yunzi said finally.

"If I reached that state, I would have known it ..."

Nie Yun shook his head, suddenly remembered something, and looked at it in wonder: "You haven't seen ... Soul of Jianling Valley for so many years ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one has reached this level?"

As a second sacrifice, Lu Yunzi has n’t known how long he has lived. Since he said he has n’t seen it, he keeps talking about the divine realm. Is n’t there such a realm in sword spirit valley?

It should n’t be, there are geniuses everywhere in Sword Spirit Valley, and there are countless other people in the perfect imperial realm. There should be many people of this strength!

"No!" Lu Yunzi shook his head.

"No? How is this possible?"

Nie Yunman was strange.

Sword Spirit Valley has not reached the realm of stealing the sky to live? Over the years, so many successful imperial realms have not even broken one.


"I do n’t know why. After so many years, I think it is probably because it is the inside of the **** soldiers, not the **** world! Because the **** world can steal life from heaven, there is no heaven here, how to steal it?" Lu Yunzi sighed, will His own judgment came out. (To be continued.)

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