Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 227: Rebellion

Hearing the minister said that it was Nie Yun who led the demon, and the emperor almost didn't have his back, and after struggling for a long time, he sat up again and stared at the minister in front of him.

"Dear everyone, this time when the Empire of Divine Wind enters life and death, please invite me to fight with you. As long as you can kill Nie Yun, a treason, I will open the palace treasure house for three days and let everyone choose the treasures!"

"Open the palace treasure house and pick up treasures?"

When the minister heard this, he immediately exploded the pot.

The Feng family has ruled the empire for many years, and all the accumulated wealth is concentrated in the treasure house of the palace. Royal weapons, royal secrets ... There are countless good things. In the past, even if the generals of the Empire won the battle, they would only choose The same as a reward, now open the treasure house for three days, and choose as much as possible, this gift is too great!

The minister in the room was short of breath.

"How? You and I killed this cricket together. He has just reached the Supreme. So many of us, with martial arts, it is not difficult to kill them as long as the tactics are used properly!"

Said the imperial emperor gritted his teeth.

"Well, it is incumbent on me to defend the empire!"

A minister stepped out of the crowd, pretentious.

"I swear to follow Your Majesty!"

Another minister came forward.

Two ministers came out in a row, the atmosphere of the whole hall was depressed and uncomfortable. The remaining ministers look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

You can be a minister, not in a low position, and not stupid one by one, knowing that this situation must stand in line. Standing right, everyone was happy. Standing wrong, without telling myself, the whole family will probably die!

"Hurry up and say, I have been operating the Divine Empire for many years. Even if Nie Yun is strong, he is just one person. I hope you make the right choice. Otherwise, don't blame the emperor's cruelty!"

Seeing only two statements, the others waited and see, the emperor emperor held back the anger in his heart and said with a cold hum.

"It's just a little Nie Yun. Even if the Supreme is strong, how can he stop thousands of troops? I followed His Majesty and killed the rebels!" Another minister stood up.

"The Supreme Strong can't stop thousands of troops and horses. But taking the first rank of the thousands of troops is like a child's play! We are only ministers of Lulu. There is no need to put all their lives on ..."

An unyielding voice sounded, and finally a minister chose another way.

"At present, you dare to betray me, then die!"

It had long been known that someone would choose this way, and the imperial emperor suddenly grabbed his palm forward. He pinched the minister over.


The minister's throat was crushed.

The peak strength of the Emperor Emperor Qizong, although this minister is not weak, but in the early days of Qizong, he was not an opponent at all.

"Who else wants to surrender? Not planning to serve the Empire?"

With one stroke to kill the minister, the emperor stood up from the throne. The momentum on his body was like a wolf, showing sharp fangs.

Don't look at him in the presence of Nie Yun. But after all, he was an emperor of the empire. When he was angry, the spirit of the king pervaded his body, making everyone in the hall dare not show up.

"We pledge our allegiance to the Emperor!"

Knowing that they would dare to talk nonsense at this time, they would definitely be killed by the second one, and everyone answered.

"Okay, it's good to be loyal to me. Now let's all go out of town to fight together. Once I find that someone flees halfway, wipe out the nine!

The emperor finally released the majesty of the emperor's killing.

"Yes!" The ministers answered at the same time.


As soon as their guarantees had ended, they suddenly heard a loud voice sounding like a thunder, as if a thunder rang through their ears.

"I counted three times, and the emperor's emperor immediately rolled me out. I can just kill you, otherwise, the entire palace chicken and dog will not stay!"

"What? King Yun ... Nie Yun has come to the palace?"

"What did the outside City Guard do?"

"This is bad. The Supreme Strong enters the Imperial City. Who is the opponent?"

After hearing this shout, all the ministers were dumbfounded. Just now they vowed swearing and they looked at each other in an instant. I don't know what to do.

If Nie Yun was blocked by the army, he and others might dare to step forward and scream for a while. Now that everyone has killed the palace, who dares to go up?

The Air Challenge Challenge Extreme? As long as your brain is not bad, no one dares to do it!

"How to do?"

Ministers, look at me, I look at you, all want to see how to choose from the other side's eyes.

"Do it!"

Just when everyone was hesitant, the two big ministers who first expressed their loyalty suddenly shot. The spirit was permeated and rippling throughout the hall. The shot was not aimed at other ministers, it turned out to be the emperor!

"You dare to do it to me!"

The emperor apparently did not expect that the first two who showed loyalty first shot at themselves, their lungs almost exploded.

"Your Majesty, as long as you die, Nie Yun is better than you die alone!"

The minister in action snorted, followed by Chang Xiao. "Let ’s do it together. If your Majesty has a way, we will not ask us to take a shot. We really want to listen to him, and we will surely be killed by Lord Yunwang. It's better for an adult to die than to die! "

"Yes, have you forgotten the Zhao family? What's the use of an ancestor with the supreme level? In the eyes of the supreme power, nothing can be said. Let's do it together if you don't want to die!"

Another minister shouted loudly.

The other ministers had held a wait-and-see attitude, and when they heard the words of the two men, they all moved.

Yeah, no matter how strong the army is, you can't kill the Supreme, people will fly, but they will fly, but if they offend the Supreme, they will remember you, even if they have three heads and six arms, they are not enough to kill!

"Do it!"

Wanting to understand the gains and losses, everyone shot at the same time against the emperor.

Before Nie Yun rushed in, there was a rebellion inside!


Outside the imperial city, Nie Yunhong Liang's voice shocked the entire imperial city. He originally thought that forcibly breaking the city and breaking the imperial palace would cause panic in the entire city of Shenfeng, but he did not expect to cause more fanaticism and worship. .

"Too arrogant!"

"It's not arrogant, it's called strength. Only with strength can you have this ability!"

"This is what the strong should do! I am afraid that it will become a corpse for another person, and now the imperial royal family dare not even let it fart!"

In the era of the evil race, everyone wants their leader to have super strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ This way to protect one side, now the emperor emperor is not forced to speak even under the pressure of Nie Yun, Let the people completely lose confidence!

Even your old nest has been given to others, and you are a turtle with a shrinking head.

ps: Do you really have no monthly pass? Is it really gone? Is it really gone? (Qiong Yao style ticket)

One ticket is from the west. His hands were cold and his heart was cold. He lightly clicked on the monthly vote without leaving any traces. (Gulong style ticket)

That ticket was very beautiful, and it would be great to be able to vote over it, as long as everyone gave it, the palace would also be very happy.

There are wooden passes! !! !! There are recommended tickets! !! !! There are wooden subscriptions! !! !! (Growling ticket)

Rob, leave your monthly pass, recommendation ticket, and subscription all, otherwise, hehe ... (Laoyati asks for a ticket)

Five more twelve thousand, for monthly tickets, recommended! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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