Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2336: Day is coming

The wolves walked longer this time, approaching four hours before stopping.

It's been five hours since it was dark, and it's hazy and bright.

Nie Yun rubbed his legs, resisted the impulse to breathe, and hid behind a bare tree, shaking his head helplessly.

Due to various suppressions by Uchigani, many methods cannot be used. In this case, it is too difficult to track a group of wolves that have completed the imperial realm.

I almost missed it a few times. If I could not hear the noisy sound of the wolves, I'm afraid I couldn't catch up.

"I don't know who I found this time, I hope it is Nie Tong!"

After breathing evenly, Nie Yun's power to control the world space of the objects spread to the wolves, and his heart was full of expectations.

He was afraid that Nie Tong would run into the wolves before, but after seeing two sieges, this thought was gone.

The wolves only snatched the whetstone, which did not hurt anyone. If they could meet Nie Tong best, they would have found him, and the brothers could join forces.


When I was expecting in my heart, the roar of the head wolf sounded again, and the whining sound spread far in the dark night.

Soon a sword-mang blasted out, and the sword-qi was drawn on the ground, just like an iron cow plowing the ground, and a deep ditch appeared on the broken ground.

"Not Nie Tong ..."

Seeing the power of Jianmang, Nie Yun's original expectation fell down, and he finally saw the appearance of the besieged by the wolves. Sure enough, it was not Nie Tong, but he was the last one who did not know the four youths.

The wolves had experience in snatching the first three youths, and they also snatched away the whetstones this youth received.

This young man's luck seemed good, and he got five full by himself.

In other words, the wolves now have thirteen sharpened sword stones.

"If you can grab these thirteen, you will save a lot of trouble ..."

When seeing the sword in the wolf pack, Nie Yun felt impulsive.

However, although I know that as long as you grab it, you can save a lot of trouble, but I also understand that it is not an opponent of the wolves.

You can't beat them all. It's not easy to grab Mo Jianshi. I have to get in myself.


After grabbing the youth's five swords, the head wolf shouted again. Just when Nie Yun thought they were going to the next goal, the wolves dispersed. Channeled in all directions.


Nie Yun froze.

The wolves were all together before, but now they are scattered. Is it necessary to act alone?

"No matter how much, there must be no problem behind the head wolf!"

The wolves were scattered, and Nie Yun could not catch up with him alone. Hesitated for a moment and locked the target on the head wolf.

The wolf pack is commanded by the roar of the head wolf. Although Mo Jianshi is not on it, he can certainly get unexpected results by following him.

When the body moved, it turned into a breeze and quietly followed.

The head wolf didn't seem to notice anyone behind, and slowly walked along the ruins.

At this moment, the sky is about to end the darkness, the rising sun is about to rise, and the air is warm. The temperature gradually rose from the previous severe cold.


The head wolf seemed to see the scene, stopped, sat on a stone and screamed, and flew up in the air.


Nie Yun was startled.

Uchiya restricted his flight, and he could not fly away. The wolf was able to fly, which was unexpected.


The shock was not over yet, the figure of the head wolf turned into a flash of lightning, disappeared from the place, and I did not know where to go. No trace found.

"So fast!"

The head wolf was so fast that he didn't even see that direction.


While trying to continue to search, the ground fell into the thickest darkness before dawn, reaching out with no fingers. The power of holding things in the world space has been suppressed, and you can't see too far.

This situation lasted for less than ten breaths, a ray of sunlight shone from the east, and the light returned to the ground.

Rub your eyes, just adjust to the sudden light, and see the sight in front of you. Nie Yun stumbled again.

I saw the ruins of the night turned into a lush forest again, with countless trees standing in the air, with a strong fragrance of flowers and plants.

If it weren't for dozens of breaths before seeing the ruins in the ground, I can't believe it, this is true.

Too weird!

The day and night scenes are completely different.

"Did ... the wolves only appeared at night?"

Moved in my heart.

Since the terrain is different during the day and night, will the appearance of wolves be related?

You should know that for a whole day yesterday, he had never seen a beast before, but at night, such a large group of wolves appeared, and it is not surprising that it was false.

Confused, he jumped up the tree trunk and turned around.

This lap took a full hour and walked for thousands of miles.

"Sure enough, there are no beasts, and the traces of the wolves passed last night disappeared ... it means that there are no wolves during the day, but only at night!"

Determined his guess.

"We look for whetstones during the day, and wolves come to **** at night ... so weird!"

Nie Yun rubbed his brows.

The whetstone that was hard to find during the day, the wolves came to grab it at night. If you go on like this, you won't get a few in three days!

"Leave it alone. Anyway, the wolves don't notice the whetstone hidden in the world of the things, so I will continue to look for it!"

After tangling for a while, Nie Yun shook his head and no longer thought about it.

The Whispering Stone is hidden in the Retaining Ring and will be found, but in the Retaining World, the wolf pack will not notice it.

In other words, to others, the nightmare wolf pack does not have much effect on him.

Knowing this, Nie Yun once again sacrificed Jiandao Changhe, looking for the trace of the sword.

The efficiency this time is not as fast as yesterday. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not bad. One day, I found a total of nine palaces with sharpened stones, three of which were too short. Difficult to crack and lost arms.

However, it is equivalent to getting a total of six sharpening stones in a day, plus eight yesterday, and already have fourteen.

This result is not ranked among the testers of all ages, but it is not weak, and it is considered to be at the middle level.

"Today's whetstone is significantly more difficult to find than yesterday ... Could it be difficult, as time goes by, it will be more difficult to find whetstone?"

Seeing that the sun was falling and the sky was getting dark, Nie Yun summed up the gains and losses of the day.

Obtaining the assessment of Mo Jianshi today is obviously much more difficult than yesterday. If one is difficult, it may be an example. The nine palaces I saw today have become more difficult. !!

Is it not only that there are wolves coming to **** at night, but also the difficulty during the day?

If this is the case, the whetstone is not so easy to obtain. The original two sacrifice Lu Yunzi could get more than thirty ... How did he do it? (To be continued.)

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