Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2339: Sword waiter

"why you……"

When he saw Nie Tong, Nie Yun was shocked and happy.

It was startling that when my brother came behind him, he didn't realize that he was pleased that it wasn't him who was under siege.

"I found that there was something wrong with this tiger group, so I followed it ..."

Nie Tong said quietly.

"There is indeed a problem, this group of tigers are robbing the whetstone of the trialer!"

Nie Yun nodded and told what he knew.

"Yeah! I want to see what's going on!" Nie Tong's face was solemn.

"I suspect that tiger swarms are the means of the high priest ..." Nie Yundao.

"No ..." Before he finished, Nie Tong shook his head and pointed forward: "Brother, look forward!"

Seeing that he was so sure, Nie Yun looked forward and couldn't help but hesitated, only to understand why his brother said so.

Because it is not others who are surrounded by the tiger, it is the grandson of the high priest, Lu Xuan!

"I am the grandson of the high priest. What do you want to do and dare to do something to me?"

Surrounded by several big tigers, Lu Xuan's face also showed panic and shouted loudly.

It seems that he did not know about these tigers. If he knew, it would be impossible.


Ignoring his roar, the head tiger roared, and several swords shot at him.

Lu Xuan seems to be richer than Lu Beihuang. Fabao blocked the attack and fled after turning around.

It seems that he also knows that he is not an opponent of this group of tigers, and he does not intend to fight hard.

However, he did not fight hard, and the tiger could not let him go. Before he escaped a few steps, he was surrounded by several tigers again.

For a while, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, not long. His storage ring was also snatched by the tiger.


The storage ring shattered, a pile of items fell to the ground, and the sharpening stone fell out.

"Fifteen! Great ... more than I get!"

Look at the number of sharpening stones. Nie Yun was somewhat surprised.

He hardly rested during the day and found fourteen. This Lu Xuan actually got fifteen pieces. It seems that he really can't underestimate the people in Sword Spirit Valley. The sum of various means is not much worse than himself.


A tiger saw so many whetstones with bright eyes, and the thick claws grabbed it. As soon as the stone was picked up, the tiger's roar rang.

Hearing this roar, the tiger hesitated. Finally could not help putting the stone monument, raised his head in doubt.

"You put a sword sign, otherwise, I will let you all die here!"

Lu Xuan's face yelled loudly, and a slap-sized wand in her hand stood in the air, exuding powerful coercion.

With the help of the space power of the world of things, Nie Yun clearly saw a big "waiter" written on the token.

"Is it ... a swordsman?"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank, and the second sacrifice to Lu Yunzi and the news he said appeared in his mind.

He said that the first thing that the high priest makes people fear is the control of the sword spirit valley, and the second is the swordsman!

Four swordsmen. Each one has the strength of stealing a lifetime, and the four alliances are even more powerful! Do not reach the imperial realm. Impossible to beat.

In Sword Spirit Valley, he has never been out of the second sacrifice mansion, and has never seen this thing. Is it possible that it has been given to Lu Xuan? This command is to control the swordsman?

If so, wouldn't it be invincible here?


Seems to recognize the sword aide, the head tiger voice with fear.

Hearing this shout, a tiger reluctantly came up and bowed his head, throwing a dozen whetstones.

It was the twelve that had just been seized from Lu Beihuang.


Throwing the twelve sharpening stones obtained from Lu Beihuang, the head tiger shouted. The other tigers turned around and walked away, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


Seeing his whetstone not only was not snatched away. Twelve more for no reason, Lu Xuan almost jumped up without excitement.

This is definitely a surprise.

"It still seems to be well-thought-out by Grandpa. Knowing what dangers may arise in Uchiya ..."

Holding the sword servant in the palm of his hand, Lu Xuan grabbed the palm of his hand in the air and took away all the sharpening stones and the items that just fell to the ground. Reads () ;.

"Lu Xuan's twelve sharpened stones were obtained by Lu Xuan, plus the fifteen he originally had, already twenty-seven ..." Nie Yun's face was low.

The more swords you have, the greater your chance of being inherited by Emperor Lu Xi.

This Lu Xuan now has twenty-seven whetstones, and he has only fourteen. The difference is not a little bit.

At other times, knowing that this guy has so much, he must have snatched it long ago, but knows that he has a sword servant who is afraid of the tigers in his hand, and rushes over the thing without grabbing it. Killed on the spot!

Lu Xuan is the grandson of the high priest. He was so stiff with the high priest that he didn't believe in such an opportunity and would not take action.

"Brother, what shall we do?"

Nie Tong also realized this and frowned, unable to help asking.

"Don't worry, Lu Xuan has a swordsman. We must not be able to **** it. We can only think of other ways to get more sword swords ... By the way, how many have you found these two days?" Nie Yun came over.

Just thinking about his own whetstone, my brother must not rest for the past two days. There should be a lot of it!

"I found eleven!"

Nie Tongdao.


Nie Yun froze.

The younger brother reached the peak of the imperial realm with Kendo. In his opinion, it should be more than he was looking for. Why is there only eleven?

"I didn't figure out what happened on the first day, I only got two ..."

Seeing his brother's doubts, Nie Tong scratched his head.

Nie Yun suddenly realized.

If it hadn't been known in advance, he really had no idea how to find the sword, even he would have spent half a day.

You must know that on the first day ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sword is very easy to obtain. As time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult. He only got two on the first day. I only received six the next day to count, which is a lot.

As for why Lu Xuan, Lu Beihuang got so much, they as sword spirit valley know more about the inner valley than the two of them, can understand the rules earlier, and thus create an advantage on the first day.

"I have fourteen, you eleven, twenty-five together ... it's still not as good as Lu Xuan ..."

Nie Yundao.

"Yeah, not only that, the tiger group is terrible, and no one can resist it. If ... Lu Xuan wants to understand this, he will take the sword stone from the tiger group with the sword attendant. It's almost impossible! "

Nie Tong said with some concern.

The tiger group can **** other people's whetstones, and Lu Xuan can **** the tiger group. He stands at the top of the food. Once he wants to understand what's going on, the only one who can steal the tiger group can determine the final victory or defeat!

This is the most terrible! (To be continued.)

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