Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2345: The collapse of Nie Yun


"These dragon beasts seem to be restricted, they can't kill us!"

"Everyone tries their best, even if they can't kill them, they must take back the whetstones they took away!"


Lu Beihuang and others also quickly discovered that the dragon beasts did not dare to kill them, knew this diǎn, and at the same time, they were brave. Www.vodtw.com

I still had the determination to die before, knowing that the other party didn't dare to kill them, the motivation was even better.

It's been a while since dawn, so I'll spend it with you! Don't take away the whetstone you took away, don't even think about leaving today ...

The motivation of Lu Beihuang and others increased, and the strength of the sword move increased a lot.

"Regardless of them, I still find a chance to steal things ..."

Nie Yun watched for a while, knowing that the fighting between the two sides could not be achieved in a short time, and immediately stopped looking at him, glanced at Lu Xuan, and his mind moved again.

This guy was afraid of being discovered by Lu Beihuang and others, and did not go far, but he was more than ten meters away, and now all his mind was attracted by the battle in the field. As long as he was careful and stole the sword, it was not impossible!

"Just take this opportunity ..."

Just do what you say, Nie Yun walks along the underground, again ⑤√dǐng⑤√diǎn⑤√ 小 ⑤√, said. ※ .≮o slowly moved closer to Lubeihuang.

Ten meters! Eight meters! Six meters!

Although he knew that Lu Xuan's mind was attracted by the battle, he was still cautious and did not dare to take the slightest care.

No matter how to deal with people who are weaker than strength, we must exert 100% of our energy. Without this state of mind, I don't know how many times I have died!

Lu Xuan realized that the real sword world was also the peak of the imperial realm. In terms of combat effectiveness, it was no worse than that of Nie Tong. Even if all the means are out, it is difficult to beat the other party!

Plus this guy has four swordsmen. Once the stolen opportunity is lost, it can no longer be successful.

Step by step closer. Soon came a distance of two meters.

At such a short distance, Lu Xuan's breathing and heartbeat could be heard clearly.

Nie Yun's working force closed the breath of the whole body, his heartbeat stopped, and he stepped forward again.

one meter!

"Success or failure again ..."

Coming to him again, Nie Yun calmed down his mind, and the talent of Stealth Master operated, and his palm slammed forward.


Seeing that the palm of his hand was about to come to Lu Xuan, a swordmang howled stabbed over, and the ground was roaring.

Lu Xuan hurried back suddenly. Out of reach of what he could steal.


Nie Yuncha diǎn did not pass out.

Looking up, Jian Mang just blasted out a big pit not far away, and sent Diǎn to Lu Xuan. No wonder he escaped.

In the field, Lu Beihuang and others no longer care about it. They exhausted all their strength and did not control their strength. The sword awns scattered around. The area around them with a radius of ten miles became the scope of the power. .

See these clearly. Nie Yun wanted to cry without tears.

Today's luck is too bad.

Are these guys Lu Beihuang really sent by God to amuse him?

To be honest, this Jianmang just now is unconscious. I didn't know that Lu Xuan was here, not to mention that I was going to steal the sword stone, but that's why. That makes him even more depressed.

Unconsciously destroy yourself twice in a row. Good things, really conscious. Still alive tortured to death ...

It seems I can only find a chance to steal another one ...

Secretly muttered in his heart, Nie Yun was planning to take another shot. Suddenly his face changed and he scolded again: "Fuck!"

I saw another Jianmang shot, straight at his location.

Jianmang's power is not great, he can easily resist, the key is ... really want to be hit, the sand splashes everywhere, the hiding place must be exposed!


In a hurry, he rushed out to one side, and at the moment, he couldn't control whether he would discover it or not, and it was the most important thing not to directly expose it to others.


Immediately after escaping more than ten meters, the ground was blown up by a sword pit with a large pit measuring six or seven meters in diameter.

Nie Yun exhaled and kept rubbing the cold sweat on his head.

I ran hard, or else so much sand would have been found.

"Lu Xuan ... didn't seem to notice ..."

I thought this time the action was so big, it would be harder to hide his figure. Turning his head to look at Lu Xuan, Nie Yun couldn't help it.

Unexpectedly, the other party still did not find out.

If you think about it, it's astonishing. It's not that he's not alert enough. The battle in front of him is so attractive. He didn't expect anyone to hide in the ground.

In Lu Xuan's view, this Lu Beihuang and others fight fiercely with the dragon beast, the better, anyway, he is the biggest winner, and he doesn't care about others' lives.

"Steal again!"

Seeing that he didn't find himself, Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, bite his teeth, and walked towards the other party again.

Today it is on the bar, the more you ca n’t steal it, the more you have to steal it!

You ca n’t succeed if you do n’t believe it!

It's impossible to be unlucky twice in a row, and a third time!

Step by step towards Lu Xuan.

I have to say that Lu Xuan's vigilance is really bad. Although his strength is not weak, but with this vigilance, I have no idea how many times I will die.

Maybe this is also the defect of Sword Spirit Valley.

Sword Spirit Valley is just a family anyway, there are almost no sneak attacks, and there are contradictions and head-to-head confrontations. Because of this, people living here are far less vigilant than the gods.

This is deficient for them, but it is a great benefit to Nie Yun.

If it weren't for this reason, he would have missed it for the first time, this guy must have noticed!

After all, in the realm of God, if you do n’t even have this vigilance, you wo n’t be wronged many times.

Ten meters! Eight meters! Six meters!

Nie Yun started a long journey again.

With the first two failures, the third time he was significantly faster.

"Don't be in trouble this time ..."

Seeing Lu Xuan was in front of her, the distance was getting closer and closer, and Nie Yun prayed secretly.

Failed twice in a row, he has some psychological shadow.

I don't know if Lu Xuan's luck is good or his luck is really bad. Such continuous thefts have not been successful. Since floating heaven, it has never been encountered before.

Three meters! Two meters!

Praying in my heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't stop at my feet, and blinked to the place less than two meters away from Lu Xuan.

Seeing to come to you.

"Lu Xuan, I didn't expect you to be here, did you just watch it lively? Without the sharpening stone, I see how you go back to explain to the high priest! Rest assured, as long as you defeat these war dragon beasts, take your sharpened sword Shi Qiang returned, I promise everyone will be divided equally! Never exclusive ... "

A shout sounded right in front of me at a distance of one meter.

Hiding on the side to see the lively Lu Xuan, was discovered by Lu Beihuang in battle!

"Hehe, Beihuang is right, everyone is doing it, and I can't stand idly by!"


Lu Beihuang rushed forward and rushed into the battlefield.

"I rely on ... not to play like this ..."

Nie Yun is going crazy. (To be continued.)

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