Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 229: Jail

In the dark and humid prison, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao were stuck together, lying flat on the ground, their original brilliant eyes, like dead fish, seemed to have lost all hope.

It has been closed for several days in this dark and humid place, and even if it is firm, it is almost consumed.

"Where the **** is this? It seems we can't escape!"

Looking at the Supreme Seal placed around the prison, Yang Yan shook his head, indescribable frustration.

When they first arrived, they saw no one guarding them, and they planned to run away. After being severely "learned" by the Supreme Seal for several meals, the two realized that it was impossible to escape!

"Escape? Didn't you see that the soldiers who sent us meals were the top soldiers in the Bingjia Realm? Even without the seal left by the Supreme Strong, we can't escape!"

Feng Xiao showed despair.

Before the two of them were not injured, they were only in the early days of Bingjia Realm, and even those who delivered meals could not be beaten. The thought of going out was undoubtedly a dream!

Under the attack of Li Nanxun, the two thought they would be dead. They woke up only to find that they were being held here, and both of them were seriously injured.

"When I first arrived, like you, I also thought about how to escape, huh, after a few escapes, I realized that it was impossible to succeed!"

A bitter smile sounded not far away.

This prison is also closed to another old man, whose strength is much stronger than the two, with a faint breath, with the demeanor of a generation of masters, he has reached the peak of his ancestors.

The old man's clothes were broken and his face was haggard. At first glance, he thought he was a beggar. Obviously he had been locked up here for a long time.

"Did no one ever run away?" Yang Yan was not convinced.

"Do you know how long I have been held here?" The old man sneered. With his eyes on the roof, Xiaosuo said, "It's been 37 years! It's been 37 years!"

"In the past thirty-seven years, at least more than twenty of them have been brought in to reach the pinnacle of their airs like me, and even two of them have reached the beginning of the Supreme. Unfortunately, none of them escaped, all died!"

"What? Supreme died early?" Yang Yan was startled.

The Supreme has already been called the pinnacle of Qihai. Each is a big brother. When entering the empire, he will be treated by the royal family. It is incredible that he died two here!

"None of the most powerful can escape. Just the two of you? Dream!" The old man waved at will.

"What the **** is this place? Why can't even the Supreme be able to escape?" Feng Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Where? Of course it is the Heavenly Sect! The Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sect of the Great Sect, the Supreme Peak, the first person of the Kamikaze Empire, the invincible strength of the world, want to escape from his place? Unless you have reached the Secret of Heaven and Earth!"

Speaking of supreme Yahong, the old man's eyes showed fear, and his body trembled like a sieve.

"Kamikaze Empire first?"


Yang Yan looked at each other. Each saw a hint of fear in the other's eyes.

"I was still thinking about escaping to a place where I could use the jade of messaging, trying to send a message to Nie Yun and let him rescue us. Now it seems that, fortunately, the message was not passed out, otherwise. Not only will we be arrested, he will also be So implicated! "

Seals were suppressed in the prison, and the message of the Jade brand was not transmitted.

"Do you still expect others to come to the rescue? Oh, dream! This is the Heavenly Sect, they don't know how long they have been in operation. The agencies are layered and the crisis is heavy. It is even harder to save people than to ascend to heaven!" The old man seemed to hear The best jokes in the world.

"But ... this Nie Yun we said is very powerful, and he is also the supreme strong!" Feng Xiao dissatisfied with the other's ridicule, refuted.

"There are more Supremes? When did he reach Supremes? How old?" The old man asked.

"He ... we don't know when he will reach the Supreme. It seemed to be the peak of Bingjia Realm more than two months ago!" Feng Xiao thought for a moment and said.

"The peak of Bingjia Realm more than two months ago?" The old man looked strange. "Are you sure you didn't play with me?"

The old man is the peak of air sect. Naturally knowing that the promotion of air sect is difficult. Only two months ago, the peak of the armored state reached the supreme level. Two months later, he reached the supreme level ... who is it?

"Just playing? Of course not, he did reach the Supreme!" Yang Yan interjected.

"Two months to reach the Supreme from the peak of Bingjia Realm? Is this impossible?" The old man's words were firm.

"Whether you believe it or not, the two of us saw him flying!"

Yang Yan nodded in confirmation.

To tell the truth, he told others that if they didn't believe it, even the two of them felt incredible! More than three months ago, Nie Yun's strength was not much different from theirs, and even the two were stronger. Now, he has reached the supreme level and become the superpower of the Kamikaze Empire.

"Flight? That's really great!"

Only the most powerful can fly. This is known to everyone. The old man no longer doubts when he sees the flight with his own eyes. He shook his head helplessly. "Yes, there will be a lot of geniuses at any time! I heard some time ago. It is said that there is a young man named Mo Yanqing in the empire, and he will reach the supreme level in his thirties, and it will be the same evil! However, even if the Nie Yun you said is a genius, he has just reached the supreme level. It's been decades since it has entered the realm of supremacy, compared to hundreds of years old? "

"Nie Yun has a lot of means, maybe ... maybe he will have a way!" Speaking of this, Feng Xiao and Yang Yan themselves were a little disbelieving.

It is not that they do not believe in Nie Yun's strength, but the Mitian Sovereign is too horrible, and the name of "Kingdom of the Empire of the Wind" is prohibitive for countless people.

"Is there a way? Strength is the highest, and there is no way to use it! I urge you not to count on it, lest the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! The horror of the Heavenly Lord, you will never know if you have never seen it!"

The old man fell into memories, as if thinking of something, his face became extremely pale.

"We'll be told by the Assassin's Union against water, sooner or later, according to Nie Yun's temper, I will definitely be able to find out after I know it ... I hope he won't come ..." Yang Yan's face changed slightly.

It hasn't been too long to spend time with Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ He knows his temper well, and it's not trivial for him to disappear. Once he finds it out, why not find trouble here?

"Yeah, I hope Nie Yun doesn't come here. If he really wants to rescue us, it will hurt him!" Feng Xiao also realized this, his face pale.

"It's good to understand these, just stay here with peace of mind. The Nie Yun you said is definitely not good. If he doesn't come, it's okay. If he comes, I'm afraid there is only a dead end!" The old man shook his head.

I have been locked up here for 37 years, and my companions who have been killed have seen more, and there are not a few who want to save people. The old man knows the defense ability here very well, knowing that once someone rushes in, it is tantamount to self-death.

"A dead end? Oh, so you have no confidence in me?"

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the front of the prison, a young man strode into the sight of the three, and a light smile appeared on the handsome face.

ps: for recommendations and monthly tickets. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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