Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2347: Swordsman appears

Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty-seven swordsman appeared


Panic appeared in Lu Xuan's eyes.

Naturally, he could not take out the cling ring, because he did have forty-six whetstones, and more than half of them were snatched from the dragon beast!

"Why, dare you? Neigu pays attention to fair competition. You use these war beasts to sneak attack on us and steal our sharpening stones. It is your own ... It is simply the scum of Sword Spirit Valley!" Nie Yun wouldn't let it go, roaring again.

"Lu Xuan, I didn't expect you to be so despicable, quickly return our whetstone, otherwise, out of the inner valley, I must tell the Presbyterian Church to let everyone know your bad deeds!"

"Yes, everyone enters the inner valley to compete fairly. It is simply unforgivable for you to use such despicable means to snatch!"

"Give away the whetstone that was taken away, we can still discuss it, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude ..."


Seeing that he was speechless, Lu Beihuang and others had already believed in Nie Yun's words for seven or eight minutes, one by one yelling wow.

The whetstone they managed to find was taken away by Lu Xuan ... which made them unacceptable.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you ..."

Seeing everyone's eyes and anger, Lu Xuan knew that it was useless to explain any more. His face was ugly, his sword trembled in his hand, and he stabbed at Nie Yun again.

The reason for this is the ghost of this young boy! If you do n’t kill him, you can hardly hate it!

"Unmasked, want to kill someone? Dream!"

Nie Yun sneered, the sword in his hand greeted him, and Jian Mang collided in the air, sparks splashing.

"Lu Xuan, stop!"

Seeing Lu Xuan's anger and shame, Lu Beihuang and others were not in doubt, blinking around him in the middle, and stabbing them with swordsmanship.

In a blink of an eye, attacking the dragon beast situation turned into a siege of Lu Xuan.

"Don't force me ..."

The sacrifice of magical weapons blocked the siege of everyone. Lu Xuan's face became extremely gloomy.

Although it is not allowed to kill the same tribe in his clan, he really has to rush him and dare to send out the sword sacrifice to give everyone a painful lesson.

"Forcing you? When you controlled the dragon beast to **** our whetstone. Didn't you force us? We don't have any whetstone now ... aren't you forcing it?"

Nie Yun cried.


Lu Xuan's eyes stared at Nie Yun, his heart boiled.

"I don't need you or me, I'll ask you a word, if you don't hand in the sword ... If you don't, don't blame us for being rude!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Brother Nie is right. We are using this despicable method to **** our whetstone, so you don't have to talk to him ..."

Lu Beihuang followed suit.

The other four also knew this, and the swords were erected one after another.

"Huh, yes, I took the sword, but ... I don't want to pay it, just because you want to **** it? You can't do it!"

It is useless to know the explanation, and Lu Xuan simply does not explain. With a cold smile, his wrists flipped, and the sword servant appeared again in the palm.


"I have given you the sword servant?"

"Abominable ... this is a violation of Uchiya's rules ..."


Seeing the token, Lu Beihuang and others involuntarily stepped back.

They are different from Nie Yun. They have known this sword servant for a long time, and only have a glance to know the power.

"That's right, it's the sword waiter. I don't want to give up ... I want to kill this outsider today, who dare stop me. Don't blame me!

When the sword waiter was taken out, Lu Xuan's spirit moved, and four figures appeared in front of him.

All four were of uniform height, all in white. With no expression on his face, he stood still, exuding a strong sword.

If you don't know the swordsman, you will think that it is four living kendo masters.


Lu Beihuang and others retreated.

The strength of the swordsman, as the soul of the sword spirit valley, knows very well.

This is a symbol of the high priesthood. It has reached the realm of stealing the sky and borrowing lives, and it is not at all that their strength can counteract.

"You ... it turns out that this is the hospitality of the sword spirit valley! It turns out that this is the style of the sword spirit valley! It's an experience!"

Seeing everyone back, Nie Yun's heart jumped.

"No more nonsense here, you must die today ... kill him ..."

Lu Xuan's face was low, and his palm was a trick.


Hearing his order, he was the first swordsman to stab Nie Yun.

Jian Qi, like heaven, cuts through the distance in space and comes to the front.


Nie Yun and others all shrinked their pupils.

The speed and power of Jian Qi has exceeded their current understanding of Kendo.

In particular, Nie Yun thought that his current strength should not be too far away from stealing the sky and borrowing his life. Seeing this sword, I realized how ridiculous this idea is!

The two are completely different concepts and cannot be compared!


Before he had time to resist, Jian Qi hit him, and the exquisite pearl tower emerged to block the attack. Even so, the powerful anti-vibration force made him stagnation and blood, almost did not come up, and the whole person was also Jian Qi Under the impact, he flew out and crashed into the desert.

At this time, the battle dragon beasts disappeared from the siege, and the fleeing had nowhere to go ~ www.readwn.com ~ the ground was empty.


Backed by a sword, there was no resistance at all. Nie Yun knew that he would stay here, but he was beaten all the time. There was no hesitation immediately, the surface flames burned, and the body rushed out.

The Nine Fire Nine Change was run to the extreme by him, and the whole person turned into a firelight and disappeared before his eyes.

"Want to run away? Run away? The two of you chase me and kill him ..."

Lu Xuan's face was sullen, the sword servant in his hand held up again, and yelled!


The two swordsmen rushed straight out, chasing after Nie Yun's disappearing direction.

There are a total of four swordsmen. The reason why he only sent two, but not all of them, is to avoid Lu Beihuang and others.

Now they already knew that he had a sharpening stone on him, and if the swordsman left, these people took the opportunity to sneak in and they were out of luck.

Besides, he also saw the strength of Nie Yun with his own eyes. One swordsman could easily kill, let alone two.

"Lu Xuan, you used a swordsman and violated the ancestral teachings. I will report this in detail when I go out!"

Jian Shi chased Nie Yun away, the others were silent, and after a while, Lu Beihuang hummed.

I have to say that the strength this time is aggrieved.

The high priest faked public aid, and even took out the swordsman. How did they win?

"Lu Beihuang, it seems that you don't want to leave, and you want to stay here ..."

Lu Xuan turned to look at Lu Beihuang with a sneer in his eyes.

He has competed with Lu Beihuang for many years and has never won the upper hand. If he can take the opportunity to kill him this time, it will also be a great benefit to him!

Thinking of this, killings appeared in the eyes. (To be continued.)

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