Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2349: Mysterious underground palace


Ten dragon beasts were killed in succession, and the dragon was finally scared. With a roar, he fled without turning around Nie Yun. ¥ ° Fiction. ¥ ℉ Novel

The remaining six-headed dragon beasts, after hearing the order, did not dare to entangle, and followed closely.

In an instant, the battle dragon beast escaped, leaving Nie Yun bare and bare in front of the sword attendant.


Seeing him appear, the swordsman started again, and a sword smashed into the air.

"Hello!" Nie Yun continued to fly backwards, and Huang Sha splashed all over.

"Don't run ..."

I didn't expect that the arrogance was extremely arrogant. The war dragon beasts who were looking for troubles would run faster than the rabbits. Nie Yun was speechless for a while, and got up and chased after him.

This time the dragon beast felt the threat of life, and the speed was much faster than usual. Even if Nie Yunminghuo Nine Transformers exerted their best, they could only see the shadows, and they could not catch up.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The swordsman behind him was still inseparable, followed by constant attacks.

With each attack, Nie Yun speeded up a lot, and the number of attacks increased. He also found out the law, how to use the power of the attack to increase the speed and catch up with the dragon beast faster.

Chasing all the way and escaping all the way, after walking for more than half an hour, I saw that the sky was about to light up.

However, at this moment Nie Yun was not far from the remaining dragon beasts, only tens of meters away.

"Whetstone can turn into a wolf, tiger, and dragon beast, which is a little strange in itself. There are two free killers, sword attendants, just to investigate what is going on!"

While chasing Nie Yun's heart.

The younger brother's whetstone has surpassed Lu Xuan. According to the truth, it is OK to not chase these dragons and beasts. The reason why he is chasing after him is not because he is bored, but ... he wants to understand the secret of whetstone!

It has become a rule for Neigu to look for whetstones, but ... why look for whetstones? What was the purpose of Emperor Lu Xi's design of this?

Why does the sword become a beast at night, attacking the trialer? All these are confusing, if he does not solve these mysteries, I am afraid he will not be at ease.

"Don't run away, if there is any secret. Killing you all, it will definitely appear!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly, speeding up behind the escaped Dragon Beast.


The swordsman stabbed again, and the dragon dragon animal that fled behind with Jianmang was cut into pieces. Become a whetstone.

Flutter! Flutter! Flutter!

A total of seven heads fled just now. It was not long, and only the head dragon was running wild, and the rest were beheaded and killed by the swordsman.

At the moment Nie Yun also had as many as 53 sword stones.

"That's the head dragon ..."

Staring at the running dragon in front, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

This head dragon's wisdom is obviously much higher than other war dragon beasts. Just kill it, and you'll understand Uchiya's secret.


The sole of the foot slammed and rushed to the head of the dragon, and Nie Yun fled and hid under it.

In this half-day, I used this method to kill and kill the dragon beast. Regardless of the resistance in front of the sword attendant, I only knew that the attack was violent. It was precisely this way that the dragon beast suffered no delusion.


As soon as he hid under the head dragon, Jianshou felt empty before he had shot. The yellow sand at the feet of the dragon fell suddenly.


Before Nie Yun had reacted, he felt heavy and light, and a great tearing force pulled himself and the dragon beast down, followed by a roar, and his back fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the dragon beast also fell on him, and he almost vomited blood and died.

After finally regaining his strength and struggling to get up, Nie Yun couldn't help it.

He and the dragon head of the battle dragon beast fell into a long corridor.

The corridor is frescoed all around. The decoration is very beautiful, very different from the previous yellow sand ground, like a huge underground palace.

"This is where?"

Nie Yun froze.

Coming tonight, he ran for hundreds of thousands of miles. There is yellow sand everywhere, why is there such a palace under the sand?

Where did it come from?


Being shocked, the falling head dragon also slowed down, lifted his feet along the corridor and fled, and the blink of an eye disappeared before his eyes.

"What to escape ... I can't kill you again ..."

Seeing this guy running so fast, Nie Yun was a little speechless. He shouted, turned his head, and was taken aback.

I saw the two swordsmen not knowing when they were behind them, standing not far away, the sword in their hands flickering, and they would attack at any time.

"It's really a ghost ..."

Nie Yun's face was ugly.

The two guys thought that they had fallen into the yellow sand with the head dragon. The two guys stopped chasing, and did not expect to be persistent. They did not give up until now.


Being beaten by these two guys all the time was not a comfortable thing, and Nie Yun did not hesitate to rush forward along the corridor.

The corridor was long and it took more than ten breaths to reach the end.

More than a dozen breaths didn't seem to last long, but at the current speed of Nie Yun, he had walked at least dozens of kilometers. It is strange that a corridor is so long.

At the end of the corridor was a wide palace. As soon as Nie Yun entered, he was stunned by the scene inside.

In the middle of the hall stood a tall stone statue. A middle-aged man stood quietly in the place. Although he didn't take any action, he was proud of the world and made him worship.

"This is ... the stone statue of Emperor Lu Xi?"

The thought came up involuntarily.

Although he had never seen Emperor Lu Xi, and did not know what he looked like, only one glance at the stone statue knew that it must be Emperor Lu Xi!

With the exception of him, no one can ever feel that way again.

The body is slender, and the face is indifferent. Everywhere in the body, it gives a sense of kendo volley, as if his person is a sword, a peerless sword!

"Neigu ... Why is there a statue of Emperor Lu Xi?"

Nie Yun is full of doubts.

Three days after coming to Sword Spirit Valley, he never saw the statue of Emperor Lu Xi ~ www.readwn.com ~ posterity didn't worship much, how can there be no inner valley in any life, and such a tall building stands sculpture?

call! call!

It was strange that the two swordsmen also rushed in through the corridor, but when they came to the main hall, the swordsman stopped, as if they were suppressed by some force, and they did not dare to shoot at Nie Yun and stood still. ,not moving at all.

"It seems that the statue of Emperor Lu Xi has a suppressive effect on them ..."

Seeing Jianshi unable to do anything, Nie Yun was relieved.

The swordsman was forged by Emperor Lu Xi himself. Even though Lu Xiling in his own hand had no effect, the statue of Emperor Lu Xi was still very deterrent.

As a puppet, it is impossible to kill someone in front of the master's sculpture.

"Huh? What's that?"

Jianshi didn't chase him down, Nie Yun also relaxed, his eyes peeping around, and he suddenly stopped, and couldn't help walking forward. (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Baidu search "" to see the latest and most complete novel!

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