Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2354: Am I wrong?

In the eyes of the high priest, the reason why his grandson Lu Xuan could get so many swordstones is because of the swordsman. Since Lu Beihuang did not get one, even two outsiders don't even think about it!

By virtue of Lu Beihuang having already beaten the face of the second sacrifice once, if he can beat it again, it will inevitably make the other party completely lose confidence, and Sword Spirit Valley will become his word again.


The second sacrifice Lu Yunzi's face was ugly, and he wanted to refute, but had nothing to say.

Although it is a sacrifice, what happened in Neigu is still unknown. He is optimistic about Lu Beihuang, and he did not get one, and two outsiders did not report much hope. Besides, Lu Xuan has obtained forty-six. This is the highest in history in ten thousand years. I am afraid no one can exceed this number.

"We are descendants of Kendo ’s Emperor Lu Xi. We are born with the ultimate understanding and learning ability of Kendo, and the noblest bloodlines. If the Kendo Emperor reappears in the realm of God, it must be our people. , But has been demonizing and bewildering the crowd, causing us to lose heart in Sword Spirit Valley. Starting today, depriving him of the position of second sacrifice, what is your opinion? "

Seeing that he was speechless, the high priest looked cold and looked around for a week.

After hearing this, Nie Yun could not help nodding secretly.

Being a high priest is really not a softhearted person. This is definitely the best opportunity to move to the second sacrifice.

Lu Xuan received forty-six sword symbols, and his reputation was positive. Lu Beihuang did not get one. The two sacrifice battles. The latter defeated him, and his popularity gathered to the top.

If at this time he does not take the opportunity to remove his second sacrifice position, once he slows down, I am afraid that it will be as anxious as before, and I do n’t know how much time it will take.

"Lu Yunzi ... does have inappropriate words and actions. My opinion is the same as that of the high priest, depriving him of the position of second sacrifice!"

"Our people are destined to return, and we really want to be the emperor and our people. The second sacrifice is nonsense. I have long felt that it is not appropriate to depart from the apostasy and must be deprived of qualifications!"

"This ... isn't great, anyway, the second sacrifice. It's all for the clan's consideration, and it's a direct deprivation ..."

"What ’s not so good? This black horse must be removed immediately, otherwise more and more people in the junior generation will be deceived. Doubt about your kendo, and continue to do so, how to revive the luster of my Lu family, what Can I leave here and fly freely into the realm of God? "


The words of the high priest stirred up thousands of waves, and many elders expressed their opinions and debates.

Many elders who had originally committed to the second sacrifice saw the situation and hesitated one by one.

"As a second sacrifice, even if it is to be abolished. I must complete the sacrifice ceremony! Besides, the high priest, I don't think my point is wrong. This time, Lu Xuan can get forty-six sword symbols, only Can you say that he has better luck, can he inherit the ancestors and succeed the emperor, and I will say it later! If he can really become the emperor, I will automatically step down as the second sacrificer without you. I apologize to you in person! "

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, the second sacrifice knew that his face was ugly and hummed.

If you don't speak again, the stalemate with the other party for so many years will be completely destroyed. It does not matter if he loses the position of the second sacrifice. If so, the people in Sword Spirit Valley will have no chance to leave!

"Looks like you will never give up until the Yellow River!"

The high priest turned to look at Nie Yun and smiled coldly: "Do you think ... these two foreigners can exceed 46?"

"Haha, this joke isn't funny at all! There are about one hundred sword symbols in Neigu, forty-six. It's almost close to half. How can I exceed it?"

"The forty-six pieces are already the longest in ten thousand years. If you want to surpass them, you must collect all the remaining sword signifiers .... Neigu has been for billions of years and has never heard of it. Sword symbols have been found! "

"It's impossible, just don't think about it ..."

"It's just outsiders. It's good to let them enter the Inner Valley. I don't believe it can surpass Lubeihuang ..."


The elders who followed the high priest all laughed.

In their opinion, the second sacrifice was doing the fight for the beast, and it was completely hopeless.

Forty-six swords of Lu Xuan signify the first, and wanting to surpass it has become an impossible task.

"Even if there are no more than forty-six, they must have received the sword sign and the recognition of Neigu ..." said the second sacrifice.

He no longer hopes to be able to beat Lu Xuan. He only hopes that these two outsiders can get some sword meaning symbols, so that his theory can be established. This time, the outsiders are unsuccessful, and there will be future generations.

Once all the people in Sword Spirit Valley heard the words of the high priest, closed the door and locked the country, even if there were foreigners coming in later, they would not be given the opportunity to enter the Inner Valley.

"Since you don't give up and hope, I let you know what despair is!"

He didn't know how the high priest thought, and smiled coldly, looking at Nie Yun: "Come up!"

"it is good!"

Seeing the two arguing, Nie Yun didn't speak, and immediately came to the mirror, enveloped by light.


The pale red light shone.

"Sure enough I didn't get one ..."

"Haha, what else can I say about this second sacrifice ..."

"It is normal to have no land or desert, and it is normal for outsiders not to get it!"

"It seems that the rhetoric of the second sacrifice is incorrect, or it is easier for our people to get the recognition of Neigu ..."


Seeing the light appearing on Nie Yun's body, everyone shouted, shaking their heads one by one.

Many elders who were still loyal to the second sacrifice before, at this moment showed their sadness, and they backed away from the second sacrifice.

None of the outsiders got one, indicating that the view of the second sacrifice was wrong, and the position of the sacrifice had been removed has been nailed down ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is better to stay away from it, so as not to be involved.

"This is impossible……"

Unlike the glee of the high priest, the pupil of the second sacrifice shrank and couldn't believe it.

He dared to argue just now because he believed in this boy named Nie Yun.

This young man is strong, and the elders who have successfully completed the imperial realm will easily defeat them. They will have any courage to do anything. In his opinion, if this young man and Lu Xuan are put together, the two must die, and the latter is definitely not an opponent!

Because of this, he was full of confidence in this Nie Yun, thinking that even if he could not get so many sword symbols, twenty or thirty pieces would surely be obtained ... but none of them were made, which made it difficult for him to accept.

"What the **** is going on? You ..."

Excited, the second sacrifice could not help looking at Nie Yun, wanting to know from his mouth what happened.

Immediately after I finished speaking, I remembered that the things in Neigu would disappear as soon as they came out, and I couldn't remember them, and I felt lonely on my face: "Is it really wrong?" (To be continued.)

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