Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2360: Nie Tong appeared

Chapter two thousand three hundred and sixty Nie Tong appeared

The wind was not strong, but it was like blowing over a calm lake, causing waves, and everyone couldn't help raising their heads.

Sword Spirit Valley is inside the magic soldier. All wind and rain are formed by three sacrificial control forces.

At this moment, the three major sacrifices are in full swing, how can there be wind?

Not only did the tribe find the anomaly, even the high priest froze, couldn't help stopping the attack, and raised his head.


The moment he looked up, a roaring sound sounded, and the whole ground was shaking violently. The sky that was still clear before the blink of an eye became dark, and countless clouds burst out from nowhere, shining colorful lights.

"How is this going?"

"The world is changing color? Colorful light? Is it ... is it ..."

"Did someone get the inheritance of the emperor? Activated the sleeping sword spirit and valley spirit?"

"The legend is true?"


Seeing the sudden changes in the sky, everyone first held his breath, and then one by one his eyes showed enthusiasm.

Trapped in Sword Spirit Valley for countless years, like a beast in a cage, what they want most is someone who has received the approval of the emperor, and has been fully inherited by him. Arrived, why not get excited?

"Impossible ... that foreigner cannot be approved by the emperor!"

Unlike the excitement of the crowd, the high priest's face changed and he couldn't believe it.

The second sacrifice just sent that foreigner to the place of inheritance. In his opinion, it was impossible to succeed, so it was not taken seriously ... but the scene in front of him made him afraid!

The outsider really wants to be inherited. Imagine that he was the first to die!

"I want to kill you all ..."

His face was pale, and the high priest's eyes became red again.

Seeing to be successful, but this kind of thing happened, has made him crazy several times in a row.

The long sword in the air once again split down to the second and third sacrifice, and the violent forces crushed the space. A huge crack appeared over the Sword Spirit Valley.

"You can see the success of the inheritance before dying. Someone is recognized by the emperor and it is worth ..."

Seeing the long sword split again, the second sacrifice and others were not afraid. Instead, he was relieved for a while.

Especially the second sacrifice, Haha smiled, his voice was full of relief.

He has been working hard for the future of the clan. At this moment, he has seen the hope that the clan can go out. How can he be unhappy?

Just when the second sacrifice waited for people to close their eyes and wait for death. The wind stopped, the falling sword stopped, and the rolling clouds also stopped, as if time had stopped for a moment.


A figure suddenly appeared, and **** were gently clipped.

The great priest's fallen sword was pinched at his fingertips.


Everyone was standing still.

The power of the high priest's sword was just seen by everyone. The power was endless. Even if the strong man who stole the sky and borrowed his life came over, he would be easily beheaded and killed, and at this moment he was gently pinched by his fingers. Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible……"

Especially the high priest, the whole person was going crazy, and tried to control the force to take back the sword, but found that the long sword sticks to the opponent's fingertips as if it took root, no matter how much strength it can't be recovered.

"Nie Tong ..."

Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the figure holding the giant sword.

It was Nie Tong who suddenly appeared to save the second and third sacrifices.


Nie Tong in the air looked coldly at the high priest ahead. Nothing happens, just a touch of mouth.


With a roar, the high priest felt only that his whole body was weak, and he was still powerful. The tide receded immediately.

"It's impossible ... without sacrifices, how could you take away my power ... I don't believe ..."

The high priest's pupils shrank, and he was completely afraid.

This is his high priest's control of the sword spirit valley was deprived!

Can it be deprived only by tribe sacrifices? Why is the young man saying nothing in front of him?

This is impossible……

Now the reason why God blocks and kills people, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, relies on this power. Once deprived ... it means nothing!

"Haha, he has been recognized by the emperor, and has been inherited by the ancestors, which is equivalent to completely refining the Sword Spirit Valley. It is not easy to take away your power ...

The second sacrifice figured out something and laughed wildly.

If you had doubts before, whether this boy was really approved by the emperor, now I know, it must be true!

Only then can he abolish 60% of his control at a glance!

People in the Refined Sword Spirit Valley seemed to be emperors, and their sacrifices were only generals. Although they could also use their power, they could be abolished by the emperor.

Zizi Zizi!

In the roar of the high priest, the tall body was like a discouraged ball, which kept shrinking. After a while, only his own strength, the strength that could be mobilized, disappeared completely.

"Do not……"

Feeling the power disappeared, the high priest panicked completely, hissing, and took out a sword to stab Nie Tong.

Although he did not have the power to control Sword Spirit Valley, his strength was still a perfect imperial realm, and he should not be underestimated.

The long sword stabbed straight with a ferocious breath, but before he came to Nie Tong, he saw that the latter slowly extended a finger ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wow!

I didn't see the power fluctuations, nor felt the energy flowing out. The high priest freezes directly in the air, like a bug frozen in ice, no matter how struggling, it can't move.

"Second offering!"

After doing this, Nie Tong turned his head to look at the seriously injured second sacrifice.

However, it was completely different from the experience of the high priest. The wounds on the second sacrifice were immediately visible to the naked eye, and the originally apathetic atmosphere became stronger.

"Control? I have 60% of the High Priest's control?"

Feeling the change of the body, the face of the second sacrifice changed, and the excitement turned red.

With the finger of the other party, he already knew that the Nie Tong had just taken 60% of the control from the high sacrifice and injected it into his body, that is, from now on, he had control over Sword Spirit Valley. Already have eighty-five percent control!

Of course, this kind of power is given by this boy and can still be abandoned.

"The high priest has gone backwards and destroyed the Soul Valley, and I will leave it to you now!"

After doing this, Nie Tong said a little, with a flick of his fingers, the high priest imprisoned in the air flew towards him.

"Thank you!"

Seeing that Nie Tong did not kill the high priest, but gave it to him. The second sacrifice knew that he had deliberately done this, so that the tribe punished the high priest with clan rules.


Ignoring his gratitude, Nie Tong turned to look at Nie Yun. (To be continued.)

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