Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2362: Back to Yunzhou City

Text Chapter 2362 Return to Yunzhou City


High Priest Stops

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew he was right.

If the ancestors only wanted their descendants to receive the inheritance, and not to make the sword spirit tower, unfortunately, he did not do so, but only explained one thing-all this was expected by the 6 Greek Emperor.

"In my heart, I only care about power, do not want to be a tribe, violate the ethics, and kill a killer ... many crimes together, have already committed the crime of death, can you have a complaint?"

Seeing that he no longer spoke, the second sacrifice slowly said.

"I ... no complaints!" The high priest closed his eyes.


His words were over, and his body suddenly swelled. Before everyone noticed, they exploded and disappeared in front of everyone.



Seeing this scene, Nie Yun sighed.

Although he wanted to kill the high priest, he also knew that this guy still had the Sword Spirit Valley tribe in his heart, but he had a narrow mind.

The high priest committed suicide and died, and the rest is simple.

Many of his accomplices received their due punishment under the control of the Second Sacrifice.

The second sacrifice controlled 85 percent of the power of the Soul of the Soul, and became the new high priest, ordering nothing but daring to refute.

Nie Yun stayed in Jianling Valley for a few more days. The younger brother didn't move at all. He knew that he would continue to wait, but he didn't know what year and month he wanted to move. He gave birth to leaving.

The purpose of this visit to Sword Spirit Valley is to help my brother get the inheritance of the 6th Greek Emperor. The purpose has been achieved and it is time to go back.

Knowing his thoughts, 6 Yunzi tried his best to stay. Under his kindness, Nie Yun stayed for about ten days.

These ten days seem a bit wasteful, but in fact he has made great progress.

Sword Spirit Valley was inherited by the 6th Greek Emperor, and after numerous genius reproduction, understanding of Kendo. Has reached the realm of miniaturization, the strength of Kendo is divided into countless parts, each with different opinions and infinite power.

More than ten days of study and 6 Yunzi discussions. Let him have a deeper understanding of kendo, and even extend outwards, and have a new understanding and understanding of martial arts.

Kendo and martial arts have similarities. Kendo has realized a certain realm, and the understanding of martial arts has increased a lot. Although there is not much improvement in combat effectiveness, it has greatly helped future exhibitions.

It's like building a house to lay the foundation. The foundation is not strong enough. The building on top of it is also an aerial pavilion.


Ten days later, Nie Yun and 6 Yunzi said goodbye to see the younger brother still not showing up.

Sword Spirit Valley's life is very difficult to leave, but the life of the **** world is very simple, standing on the teleportation array. Nie Yun felt only a force lingering around his body, and appeared next to the sword spirit tower the next moment.

"Master, you are finally out!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, I heard an anxious voice, looked up, and saw the patriarch Wen Tao came over, with the turtle spirit behind him.

Brothers Nie Yun and Nie Tong entered the Soul Tower for more than twenty days and said that they were not nervous. It was false.

In the meantime, I renewed my fee twice in order to stay here, and finally waited.

"What about Master Nie Tong?"

See him out. Patriarch Wen Tao asked in doubt.

"He left somewhere else, let's go!"

Nie Yundao.

His brother accepted the inheritance, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't want to tell too many people. That can only be said.


Knowing that he didn't want to say more, the patriarch Wen Tao also did not ask more questions. The three men took a few steps and saw a figure rushing over and kneeling on the ground.

"Master, please accept the disciples!"

Nie Yun looked. I saw a young man kneeling in front of him, with enthusiasm and hope in his eyes.

It was the leisure of passing the first three floors with them.

Through the five-layer sword spirit tower, his potential and strength have increased significantly. I did n’t know how much time it would take to get the **** stone spent here for a day. Many people are willing to pay for the experience at the moment After listening to his explanations, after one or two visits, I was stunned a lot, enough to wait here for more than twenty days.

Although he made a lot of money, he knew that all of this was given by Nie Yun, and that the brothers ’understanding of Kendo had reached an unthinkable level, and they wanted to worship him without leaving here. division.

"You are not my disciple, and you will not take disciples, let's go!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.

He currently has no intention of accepting an apprentice. Besides, this mediocrity is not weak in the eyes of others, but for him, it can only be regarded as ordinary and not up to the standard of accepting an apprentice.

"Master ..."

"Okay, you practice well. Kendo requires constant awareness and practice, not the worship of the teacher! Of course, if you can really understand Kendo and open up your own sword world, you can come to me again ... My name is Nie cloud!"

Nie Yun waved his hand and walked down the mountain with the turtle spirit and Wen Tao's owner.

Although this mediocrity seems to him with ordinary talents, but if you persist and work hard, you may not have a bright future in the future, so you give the other party a promise, as long as you open up the sword world, go to him.

But in the end, like Nie Yun guessed, this modest hard work practice finally opened up his own sword world thousands of years later, but at that time, Nie Yun also became an existence that everyone in the whole **** world admired.

Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's all for the future.


"It's already in the ancient city of Langyan, and the patriarch Wentao has given us his way. We're leaving now!"

After leaving Jianling Mountain, he flew for five or six days, returned to the ancient city of Langyan, and spent a day in the ancient city. Nie Yun and Guiling left.

The patriarch Wen Tao insisted on sending him away, but he refused.

It was unpleasant to go back, and after more than ten days, I saw the huge city of Yunzhou again.

Once and again, after walking for more than two months, it was less than a month from the opening of the Wanjie Cave, said by Emperor Yuanyang.

Back at the medical hall, he found Liu Zhu.

"Nothing happened during this time, that is, the emperor Yuanyang sent someone to look for it once, Prince Ruxia sent someone to look for five times, and Prince Dobo also sent someone ... I just pushed you out because of your absence! "

Liu Zhu respectfully said.


Nie Yun nodded.

Prince Ruxia was deceived by him before leaving, and it was normal for him to find him. Prince Dobo knew his "identity" and wanted to use his tricks, naturally he had to come to inquire about reality. As soon as Emperor Yuanyang found himself ... In the past, it was really not very good.

"Go get ready for the carriage, while guarding it outside, don't let anyone come over and bother!"

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun explained that his body moved into the world of receiving things.

After leaving for so long this time, to meet the emperor Yuanyang, how can he not go over empty-handed. With so many medicinal materials and refining some medicines, Yan Huang Dian can still do it. (To be continued.)

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