Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2372: Human bomb

Chapter 2372 Humanoid Bomb

Whirring whirring!

Nie Yun moved forward in a teleportation, and every occurrence would be hidden in a corner invisible to the naked eye, making it impossible for people to perceive, even if the soul glanced, if not careful, it would be difficult to see. one room.

"His Royal Highness!"

Zhi Zhi, who was already in the room, stood up.

After Xun left Yan Huang Dian, Nie Yun sent him a message asking him to find a quiet place to ask him something.

General Zhizhi Zhi had been loyal to him, obediently, and told the detailed address of his location. Nie Yun immediately teleported without touching any restrictions.

"Did I prepare what you prepared?"

Nie Yun spoke directly.

"it's here!"

General Ji Zhiyi flipped his wrist and a jade card appeared.

过 took the jade card, Nie Yun's fingers lightly on it, a map appeared in front of his eyes.

It is the drawing of Prince Dobo's palace.

The function of each palace room is marked in detail above, and the time, distribution and specific location of the guard patrol are also noted.

General Zhizhi Zhi is responsible for the security of the palace. It is still very simple to get this.

"Lianwu Hall, Dan Yao Hall ... So extravagant!"

Looking at the things marked on the map, Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

Prince Dodobo ’s mansion is not large. If he does n’t look at the map, he only feels normal. After reading this, he knows that this guy is really extravagant.

Many of the courtyards around the palace are on the other side's mansion, but they are actually quietly connected. They all belong to the palace's site. Since then, the original mansion has been opened three or four times as compared with the former palace of the emperor. It ’s not much different.

Jinyunzhou City is heavily classified. According to normal principles, Prince Dobo is considered as powerful as long as he does not reach that position. There shouldn't be such a huge mansion, and he must have been worried about it. Only quietly expanded, no one outside knows except the internal guards.

"Is this treasure trove real or fake?"

I looked at it for a while, and Nie Yun pointed to one place.

The purpose of coming here this time is of course to get some benefits, and the treasure house has become the best choice.

I can't stand the cunning rabbit three caves, such as Prince Dobo. How can there be only one treasure trove, even if it is, I don't know if it is true.

"I don't know. I only responsible for the defense of the mansion, and I haven't entered the palace for a long time. It is true or not, it's not clear!" General Zhi Zhi shook his head.

虽然 Although he has been reused, he is still not his confidant ... Besides, with the devious mind of Prince Dobo. I am afraid that no one can say whether the treasure trove is real or not, I am afraid only he knows it.

"True or false. Just try it!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly: "You go out first, what should you do, don't worry about me!"


I haven't been in contact with the boy for a short time. General Zhi Zhi knew that he had a plan, and he didn't say much any more, and turned and walked out of the room.

刚 As soon as he left, Nie Yun's body disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he had already come to the location of the treasure house just seen.

"This is it!"

I hid in the shadows. After observing for a while, Nie Yun smiled slightly. When the spirit moves, it enters the world of things.

"Don't you want to blow yourself up? I can help you ..."

Entered Yanhuang Hall. Looking at the floating bubbles in front of him, Nie Yun smiled and pointed his finger forward.


浑 A thick force instantly poured into a person in the bubble.

人 This man originally intended to explode, and his body began to swell, but he was suppressed by the power in the Yanhuang Hall and could not burst. At this moment, he was indoctrinated and could no longer bear it.

If it hadn't been maintained by bubbles, I'm afraid it had exploded.

"Just you ..."

Seeing that the self-detonation was no longer under the control of the other party, Nie Yun flicked his finger slightly, and the bubble "嗖" flew out of the Yanhuang Hall and came to the treasure house of the Prince's Palace.


After the suppression of Yan Huang Dian was wiped out, the air bubbles could no longer hold on and exploded directly.

强 How strong should the self-detonation of a successful emperor be? It was much more terrible than a full blow of the powerful emperor. The sudden force suddenly formed a huge cloud of mushrooms on the spot, flying stones, and the guards who had previously guarded the treasure house were killed on the spot.

However, it is worthy of being a royal palace, and the powerful emperor of the imperial continent has exploded and changed outside, and thousands of kilometers have to be razed to the ground. But here, the explosion came together. A huge seal came over. The scope is not large, and the palaces of the treasure house have not collapsed.

This is how Rao Rao alarmed countless people. All the guards flustered for a while.

"What happened?"

"Someone broke into the palace!"

"Come over and see, don't let anyone run away ..."

"So brave, dare to ask for trouble in the palace, isn't this looking for death?"

Uh ...

Countless guards rushed over, and the strong men hiding one by one came to this side.

After Nie Yun threw the "human bomb", he instantly moved to another palace and saw the scene clearly.

"Almost all the guards have moved, and many strong men have also gone there ... But there is another guard, which has not moved!"

The whole palace is in my eyes, and Nie Yun secretly analyzes it.

The purpose of throwing a "human bomb" outside the so-called treasure trove is to see everyone's reaction ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now the guards of the entire yard are almost touched, look carefully here, hoping to find out "the trouble "," Only one guard was motionless.

This is a bit abnormal.

Normal reason, when there is such a big movement in the palace, people who are holding on to their posts will also be brought in to deal with the chaotic situation. They won't even look at it, which will cause people contemplation.

"If you guessed right, this place is the real treasure trove ..."

Nie Yun laughed.

The reason why the eunuchs did not move must be that they obeyed the prince's order, and the place to guard was more important.

最 What is the most important thing in a mansion? Nature is where the treasures are.

He just wanted to expose the purpose of throwing a "human bomb"!

Otherwise, let him search every inch, I am afraid that Prince Dobo could not find him.


Confirm the location of the treasure trove. Nie Yun's body flickered, the teleportation disappeared, and the next moment it appeared in the rockery in front of the guard.

These guards were motionless. They didn't panic because of the previous explosion. Instead, they paid more attention to the surroundings, and each one looked more dignified.

大家 "Everyone be careful, the prince explained that no matter what happens to the mansion, we must stick to our posts to prevent people from touching the fish in muddy water!"

As he watched quietly, a middle-aged man strode over.

人 The strength of this person formed a circle without any disintegration. It seems that Xiu has reached the level of perfect imperial realm.


Hearing his command, the guards nodded at the same time. (To be continued)

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