Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 234: Not old

‘Single-handed horses forced all the ministers to rebel, Your Majesty Nie Yun was great! "

"I also heard that the next person will also destroy the Massacre and Assassin's Union, it is terrible!"

"That's nature. Your Majesty is the most outstanding genius in the history of the empire. The speed of promotion is very fast.

"Although the evil princes of the Holy Empire are advancing fast, they are far worse than their courage and their majesty" ... "

Nie Yun's achievements are being chanted throughout Shenfeng City. Now he has become the spiritual pillar of the empire. The young people worship idols for a moment.

"I've seen His Majesty Nie Yun with my own eyes, and I have said to him that he has hanged him!"

"Just bragging, and your brother-in-law called your brother, which onion ..."

"Don't believe you ask Miss ..."

Within the iron iron mercenary regiment, there were also many discussions, and everyone's face showed an unstoppable excitement:

"Do n’t hesitate to head Iron Tie. If you hadn't shot back that air-level monster, I'm afraid I'm dead now, and there won't be a Kamikaze firm!"

"Yes, the strength of the head of Tieyan reached its peak at that time. With a sword swinging in Kyushu, 魑 charm 魃 魉 dare not approach!"

In the main hall of the mercenary regiment, several middle-aged people dressed in luxury sitting on the guest seats and congratulated Captain Tieyan with a smile.

"Hehe, I dare not be taken, it has been so many years, let alone mention!" Tielan's father Tieyan said with a smile.

"The head of Iron Tie has a life-saving grace for us. How can we not mention it? If not, wouldn't we become ungrateful? Hehe, it ’s the head of the iron rock. I heard that your daughter Tielan has returned I wonder if you can give me a bow? "

A young man stood up and picked.

This young man is the largest business firm of the Kamikaze Empire, the president of the Kamikaze Merchants, and the top men in the Empire ’s wealth ranks.

"President Nie Dong is polite. You Shenfeng Shangxing ranks in the entire empire. The little girl is just a wild girl with little cultivation. Bow sees that she dare not be a master!" The head of Tieyan smiled, his expression helpless. And, I ’m really sorry, “The girl ’s **** is terrible. I do n’t know where to go now. When she comes back, I must introduce it to everyone!”

The head of Xun Tieyan smiled and held his fist.

"The head of Iron Tieyan is very polite. In this case, a few of us will leave first, and we will visit the other day-..."

Nie Dong walked out with a smile, and the remaining people nodded at the same time, and then went out behind.

"Hum! A group of snobs!"

刚 As soon as these people left, a bamboo sigh of dissatisfaction resounded from the back of the hall, and the girl's slender figure walked forward.

I was Tielan. Seeing Cai, she was always in the back of the hall. It wasn't like the head of Tieyan said, I didn't know where I had gone!

"Lan Er must not be rude!" Tie Yan yelled at her daughter's cold drink, but she showed helplessness on her face.

"I'm telling the truth! These people, what Nie Dong, Cao Dan, Zhang ..." These statuses are higher than their fathers and fathers. Some time ago, when our Tieyan mercenary regiment was being beaten by the Yong army mercenary regiment, I didn't see them coming out. Now, as soon as Nie Yun became emperor, they came. What do you mean? Still hoping to pick up my mouth and give them a good word? "

Tielan mouth 巳 rise, with a look of disdain.

Her and Nie Yun's personally communicated very good news. I don't know who passed it on. For a moment, the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment became the hottest existence in the entire Shenfeng City.

The big men who had never wanted to pick up at this time were all overwhelmed, and anxious to tie up!

"Brother, Nie Yunzhen became emperor? Why can't I believe it? When I first saw him, I thought he was just a covetous Lanzi **** ..." "Tielong on one side couldn't help but ask. .

I remembered that more than a month ago, when I met a teenager in a mountain forest towel, the teenager was shy, and Tielong felt shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Don't say you don't believe it, even I don't believe it! Although the first time I saw him, I knew that his future was unlimited, but I couldn't figure out how long it took him to become an emperor of the empire!" Tieyan He shook his head, his face shocked.

This introduction, the growth of young people is too fast, faster than their imagination and others:

"Emperor emperor, who leads the entire empire. These people know that our Iron Rock Mercenary Regiment has a good relationship with His Majesty. Naturally, they have passed through the knots!" Although I have some dislike for the snob of these people, Tielong I know that my iron rock mercenary regiment can develop quickly with the help of Nie Yun!

"Head of the newspaper, someone asked for a message from outside, saying it was Miss Tielan's friend!"

A few people were negotiating, a cry outside, and a mercenary came in.

"My friend? Huh, I must have walked through the relationship again, I really hate it!" After hearing the words of the mercenaries, Tielan's face grew aversion.

Everyone who comes to talk about these relationships calls himself a friend. In fact, many people do n’t even know themselves!

Because of this, I hid behind the hall and let my father say that he was away.

"All the big people who can come at this time, don't be too angry!" Tie Yan smiled bitterly when she saw her daughter win.

He also knows why his daughter is angry. It may be so quick to know that Her Majesty Nie Yun has a relationship with his mercenary regiment. His status is certainly not low. This can never be offended by the characters!

"I just hate it anyway. I'll go back to the room first, no matter who comes, you tell him I'm not here!" Frown frown ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tielan stood up, turned and walked into the room.

"Oh, tell me you're not there? Am I just annoying you?"

Before Tilan went far, he heard the laughter outside the hall burst into excitement, and then he heard the mercenary who had just stepped out anxiously and scolded, "The leader hasn't let you in yet, you can't rush in -... "

"This voice ..." Nie Yun? "

When I heard this familiar voice, Tielan's body became stiff, and she immediately jumped to her feet and turned to look out:

Sure enough, I saw a familiar figure outside of the hall, smiling with joy.

"You can't go in. This is the rule of our mercenary regiment. If you don't listen to persuasion and then go away to the reward, don't blame me for being unkind ..." Blocked in front, yelling loudly.

"Cao Dan, he is rude, he is the emperor today, His Majesty Nie Yun!"

Seeing his subordinate's "serious" look, Tielong was startled and scolded.

"What? Your Majesty? Under Nie Yuntan?"

I was called Cao Dan's mercenary, who froze for a moment, and almost fainted without fear.

He even stopped His Majesty the Emperor from letting him into the room. "I'm too guts!"

Yi Yi: The fourth volume of Nie Yun's anger is over.

Nie Yun has a secret-level demon pet from this volume, quack, don't be too strong, continue to seek recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and subscription support. The better the book's performance, the more old age erupts, everyone will watch The more you have, sprint, brothers! !!

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