Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2401: The Shocked Emperors (1)

Spirit world.

Putian Palace.

Potian the Great sat side by side.

"I'm not here at this time, and I will report everything that happened!" The emperor looked at the minister in front of him, with no joy or sorrow in his eyes, without any expression.


The minister did not dare to make nonsense, and hastened to explain in detail what happened in Yunzhou City and the entire Putian Dynasty.

"You said that you have cleared up the detailed investigation of Nie Yun, and talk carefully!"

Putian looked over.

When the minister reported just now, he mentioned Nie Yun and said that he had investigated this person and found many secrets.

"This Nie Yun first appeared in the Vulcan realm, less than a year ago. He was in contact with General Zhibo under Prince Dobo ..." The minister said slowly, showing shocking News Network and Panic Means.

The world of God is so large that there are hundreds of millions of people who want to investigate how difficult it is, but he is able to find out these clearly.

"He claims to be an indigenous man who grew up in the mountains and never came outside. His strength at that time had just reached the early days of the kingdom!" The minister continued.

"Early in the kingdom of Kings?" Putian frowned.

"Yes!" The Minister nodded.

"Do you mean ... in less than a year, he has reached the current state of complete kingship from the beginning of the king state?"

Putian asked.

"According to the news ... that's it!" The Minister nodded.

"This ..." The Emperor Putian was shocked.

Others only know that this boy is a perfect kingdom, not to worry, but he knows the value of the other party's perfect kingdom, which is comparable to the ordinary perfect kingdom!

In other words, in less than a year, this young man of unknown origin has the combat power to complete the imperial realm from the beginning of the royal realm!

This promotion speed ... is it still human?

Even super beasts, even emperor beasts, are not so fast!

"I have preliminary doubts ... this Nie Yun may be the ascendant!" The minister continued.


"Yes, generally ascended people are in their own world. It takes too long to accumulate long-term accumulation and rapid promotion!" The Minister analyzed.

"Keep talking about your judgment!"

Potevio nodded and motioned. Let him continue to speak, but the minister had not spoken, and suddenly Emperor Putian's eyes flickered sharply, and he stood up directly from the throne.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing that the emperor was so gaffe, the minister held back. Can't help asking.

Before the words fell, I saw the emperor waving his hand, his body flickered, disappeared from the place, and he moved away.

"What happened? Your Majesty will be so morbid?"

Seeing His Majesty's disappearance, the Minister's mind "sucked!"

Putian's strength can be counted in the **** world, coupled with the perennial battle, his mentality has been sharpened as smooth as a mirror, at least he has not been a minister for years. Never seen His Majesty's dysfunction.

No matter how big it is, there is no change in expression!

But just now, his expression changed, and he even left without saying a word ... what happened? Can an emperor do this?


Yuanyang Emperor's Mansion.

"Shuanger, rest assured, I will find a way to make the emperor soldiers, as your body, our father and daughter will not be separated in the future!"

Yuanyang Emperor looked at the figure in the real spirit lamp in front of him, his eyes were full of doting, and he chatted with the figure in the lamp for a while. Out of the room

"Master, the emperor is waiting in the hall!"

Seeing him come out, the old man greeted him.

"Here's the tower? Okay, I'll check it out!"

Yuan Yang's body flew to the hall. Sure enough, I saw the tall **** Emperor sitting quietly drinking tea on a stool on one side.

"Are you coming for me? Is there any news on that thing?"

Seeing his figure, Emperor Yuanyang couldn't help asking, with excitement in his voice.

"That's nature. My **** tower shot, naturally it's extraordinary!" God tower emperor is narcissistic.

"Well, where is it? When are we going?"

Interrupted his narcissism. Yuanyang Emperor Road.

"Uh ... let's leave tomorrow, this time it must be successful!"

God Emperor smiled.

"That's good, it shouldn't be too late, get ready soon!" Emperor Yuanyang nodded his face excitedly, just wanting to continue to say something, suddenly raised an eyebrow and froze in place.

"this is……"

Turning his head to the Emperor God Tower, he looked at him with disbelief at the moment.

"Go, look over!"

The two nodded at the same time, their bodies flashed and disappeared from the same place.

Already teleported away.


Divine Realm, Boundless Sea.

As the base camp of the ascended people, the strong ones here are almost all ascended people. As long as they have the qualifications of borderless guards, they can receive materials and practice here.

Ascendants are born with better patience and resilience, as well as better experience. When they practice, they can do more with less and progress quickly.

Because of this, although the boundless sea is only one of the nine major forces in the Divine Realm, the strong ones gathered there are far better than the other eight major forces. The Putian dynasty is worse than that! Especially the Emperor Realm has a dozen or so!

Not only the number, but also the masters, the most powerful of which is the Xuanyuan Emperor!

The first strong in the realm of the gods, realized the super character who merged the realm and broke through!

Emperor Xuanyuan at this moment is standing on a mountain peak, watching the raging ocean in front of him, as quiet as a picture.


There was a profile behind him, a young man.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

The youth said.

If Nie Yun were here, he would definitely recognize that this young man is his acquaintance, Yao Shuang's "", Yao Xuan!

At this moment, Yao Xuan looked at the Xuanyuan Emperor in front of him and worshiped.

Whether the Emperor Realm is strong or the ordinary people in the boundless sea, they will worship this person in front of them.

At that time, the indigenous peoples of the Divine Realm and the Ascendants were in full swing. If this person was not born, and they will turn the tide, all ascendants would have been destroyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xuanyuan Emperor forced himself to fight back dozens of siege The Emperor Realm even slaughtered several of them, which calmed down the fighting.

It can be said that his fighting power is the first in the world of God, not blown out, but obtained through real combat!

Powerful, against the sky! Even the heavens are in awe of three points!

"I heard you say that Shennong descendants appear again, is it true?"

Xuanyuan the Great asked.

Emperor Xuanyuan is a middle-aged person. There is no legendary fierceness, and some are only amiable and charitable. If he does not know his identity and looks at him, he will think that he is a good uncle next door without any danger.

"Yes, he has already appeared, just in Yunzhou City. Yao Shuang was the one who he treated!"

Yao Xuandao.

When referring to Yao Shuang, his face was full of happiness, and he couldn't help laughing.

(To be continued.)

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